Chapter 1607

Qingu can't help technically at all. Fortunately, there is still a "brute force" available.

With the absolute field, the combat effectiveness has been upgraded to another level.

Just need to control the time and scope of absolute field, and the strength of the other side. For example, the last time she intercepted the impact of flying shuttle was the acme of her mental power and meta power.

But it's OK to deal with ordinary dark creatures and trainers. Be careful, it should be able to delay for a while.

However, Kerry also made a request: let Qingu take one or two team members to the ring world to collect materials.

Now the materials of the whole base are brought back by Qingu last time, even if it is very economical, it also uses most of them.

At that time, even if they successfully leave the ruins of the planet, they will have to fly in space for a long time, and these materials will not be enough to support them to return to the parent star, and the result will not escape death.

Qingu is nothing. With her last exploration experience, she believes that she can reach the ring world in a shorter time. What she worries about is what to do after she leaves the base?

Now the position of the base has been completely exposed in front of those God trainers. If you use that kind of suicide attack, even if the base's defense is very strong, you can't carry it.

Seeing that Qingu hesitated a little, Kerry explained: "we have transferred the core instrument that generates magnetic resonance to a depth of several thousand meters, and the rest of us will disperse to other parts of the planet, so we just need someone to stay in the base and temporarily contain those people."

At this point, he slightly pause, clearly very resolute, his face flashed a trace of sadness, even the tone also slightly choked. It soon returned to its previous solemn decision.

"So, the matter of materials is for Kumu. You are our forever partner and friend of the cloud state alliance!"

Qin Gu's eyes swept the people around her, and her face was full of sadness. Suddenly, she thought of something.

Want to say something, but finally to the mouth into a "good" word.

Before Qin Gu went to explore with Zhen Yu and others, the other side mentioned the responsibility and mission of being the person in charge of the base.

Irene, the last person in charge, died to save the base, and so did Kerry this time.

But if no one stays at the base to contain those people and confuse their vision, then their plans are easy to find out and all previous achievements are wasted.

In the civilization of the cloud state alliance, when someone must be sacrificed, this person is not an ordinary player, but the person in charge.

When the current person in charge falls, a new person in charge will emerge

Therefore, in the cloud state alliance, the person in charge does not mean to command and control the team members, who have the right to abandon a team member and save themselves and others when the dangerous death comes; but the person who is responsible for other people's lives, who guards the power and responsibility of the team members with his own life when the dangerous death comes.

Qingu has been able to foresee the final outcome of Kerry, but what can he do? You can't do anything, so don't say those meaningless and sensational words.

Everything was arranged and everyone began to act according to the plan.

This time, Qingu only brought one person. It's really raining. After all, we have cooperated once. After the last base siege, we have more trust and tacit understanding. It's not easy to protect them when there are too many people.

Qingu looks at Zhenyu, and his whole body is wrapped in a layer of luggage. At a glance, there are at least 20 or 30 luggage. His feeling is that he has tied the luggage of the rest of the team members to himself, and completely regards himself as a mobile warehouse.

These carry on bags look flat, but in fact they have a certain weight. Even if they are still empty, she is still a little out of breath.

Of course, it's impossible for Qingu to tie these backpacks to herself. After all, her most important task is to guard against dark creatures and humans who don't know whether they are enemies or friends.

If we want to reduce the burden of our companions and ignore the safety of their lives, it is false compassion and stupid.

However, Qin Gu thought of a way. After killing a Minotaur, she chose a piece of skin, and then directly used its blood charm light body charm.

Qingu has not had a pictograph for a long time. Even though he has strong mental power, he failed several times before he regained that feeling.

Four or five pictures were drawn in a row. According to the aura above, each one can manage for at least two or three days. It should last until the end of the operation.

According to Qin Gu, Zhenyu pasted the roughly processed animal skin on her calf, and felt a force gently lifting her body, and her weight suddenly relaxed.

Great joy, "..." Oh, my God, is this the legend of immortal? I remember when I was very young, my grandfather told me that they had been to a world of Xiuzhen civilization in a star trek, where people could live without genetic drugs and soar for nine days without aircraft. That's where you come from, isn't it? "

In fact, what Qingu made up before was from another civilization galaxy. Zhenyu first asked to explore with Qingu because she had heard about practitioners when she was very young.

Qingu is noncommittal. She has experienced too many worlds.Now Qingu doesn't need to go thousands of miles away to find the exit, just need the signal tower.

With absolute field, they were invincible and soon found a signal tower more than 500 miles away.

Just as he was preparing to go forward, he saw a light column shining from the tower, and vaguely saw someone slowly descending from the passage of the light column.

Oh, there are God's practitioners coming.

Since he knew the truth behind the world, Qin Gu knew that he was completely hostile to these people.

Qingu Zhenyu hides on the spot, but he sneaks in.

While those people have just passed through the light column of the signal tower and have not yet separated, they are all caught!

Absolute field -

Qingu rushed up and propped up his own field. A total of 11 people were all trapped in a transparent jelly No, when she saw it just now, it was clearly twelve. Why was there only eleven?

At this time, Qin Gu felt a fierce murderous attack from behind.

Oh, how dare you sneak attack in the absolute field?

Not surprisingly, the attacker was also embedded in the jelly.

Qin Gu saw that one of the eleven men, a woman with a scar on her face in silver armor, was very anxious with her mouth open, but this was Qin Gu's territory. Even if they want to blink, it's very difficult to say a word.

Qin Gu followed scar face woman's line of sight to see past, the eye falls on the person who stealthily attacks oneself.

A woman in the same silver armor didn't expect that this hateful guy had domain control behind him. At the moment, his face was full of shock and anger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!