“I want a starship.” Lin Xiaotang said bluntly.

Today’s pirates, like the Black Crow, are eager to loot and kill for a living.

Even those pirates who are similar to mercenaries, when they are unable to find work, their first reaction is to kill and loot.

Lin Xiaotang has no interest in burning, killing, or looting and has no plans to join them.

However, she enjoys the unrestrained and free lifestyle of pirates.

As a result, she requires a qualified pirate starship.

——Where did the starship come from?

Of course, looking for ready-made people to ask is a good idea.

“What? You want a starship?!”

Vincent’s face changed and he couldn’t sit still after hearing this.

He initially assumed that a request from someone like Lin Xiaotang would be for them to release the detained passengers.

Vincent was ready to nod, agree, and sell her a favour for this.

Who would have thought she’d open her mouth and ask for a starship?

A starship…..

One cost alone is more than a billion Empire Coins!

“Impossible!” Vincent’s flesh was so painful that he refused, saying, “It’s too much, I can’t give it to you!”

Even if the individual in front of him is a double S genius, he will never pay such a high price for it!

“I believe you have made a mistake.”

Lin Xiaotang tilted her head and said slowly after hearing his words.

Her voice was light, calm, and devoid of any emotional fluctuations, but it made people shudder.

“I’m not discussing with you; I’m informing you.”

Lin Xiaotang’s gun had already touched Vincent’s forehead at some point.

Her deep black eyes were as cold as a snake in the dim light.

“And you only have two choices—”

“Either you give me the starship obediently, or you die and I take the starship for myself.”

Vicent: “……”

Feeling the terrifying aura of the woman in front of her and the cold touch of the gun on his forehead.

Who the fuck is the pirate?!

He wanted to refuse cheerfully, so he summoned all of his subordinates outside to besiege Lin Xiaotang together.

But he knew deep down that Lin Xiaotang had the strength to kill him under their group attack and flee completely.

“…Excuse me, which one did you like?” Vincent asked after swallowing, pulling the corner of his mouth with difficulty.

Being a pirate requires the ability to bend and stretch.

Vincent compromised without regard for principle in the face of a significant power disparity.

Lin Xiaotang was able to obtain her own starship in this manner.

Naturally, before she boarded the starship and left, Vincent considered their friendship and “voluntarily” sent her a large amount of resources and fuel.

Looking at this full load, Lin Xiaotang was very satisfied.

With these supplies, she can travel in the cosmos star sea for a long time.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t wait.

Before Lin Xiaotang boarded the starship, Vincent turned to her and asked, “Ms. Lin, what exactly do you want this starship for?”

So far, Vincent can confirm that his impressions of Lin Xiaotang and the imperial soldiers were completely different.

She wasn’t afraid of the pirates, but she also didn’t seem to care about the Empire.

At the very least, he didn’t see her as a patriotic hero.

She didn’t appear to care about anything; she did whatever she wanted and was unscrupulous.

“For what?”

Lin Xiaotang was taken aback when she heard this.

Then she paused and casually stated, “Just think it’s to conquer the sea of stars.”

Her journey was not in the empire, but in this vast sea of ​​stars.

After speaking, Lin Xiaotang did not wait for Vincent’s reply.

Soon, she boarded the starship and left the place.

Following her departure, a pirate approached and inquired, “Boss, what should I do with the passengers on the spaceship?”

Following the devil’s intimidation, the pirates on the Black Crow did not dare to attack the passengers casually in order not to enrage Lin Xiaotang.

There will be no police officers or judges to avenge them if she didn’t like them and killed them at will!

“What about those passengers?” Let them go, forget about it.”

Vincent’s face darkened after Lin Xiaotang left.

When he realised he’d lost a starship and a slew of supplies, his mood plummeted.

He had no intention of extracting oil from the starship’s dozen or so passengers.

Anyway, the ransom that these people can provide was not much.

“Oh good.”

After listening to his instructions, the pirate nodded again and again.

As crew members, they all obey the captain.

Everyone will obey the captain’s orders as long as they are issued by him. They will not object because this is already a habit of theirs.

However, just as the pirate was about to leave, Vincent had another thought and stopped him.

“When you get to the ‘port,’ go to Old Tony and place a 100 million bounty on Lin Xiaotang.”

Vincent, despite bullying the week and being meek to the strong, was still a pirate at heart.

To survive in front of Lin Xiaotang, he could only keep flattering her.

But he wouldn’t be willing to suffer this loss after she left!

“What stars and seas… Women are born for literature and art.”

Thinking of Lin Xiaotang’s answer just now, Vincent sneered: “You want to have fun? Then I’ll add some more trouble to you.”

“Doesn’t she have a family?” Lin Yuan, if I recall correctly, should be her father, right?” He casually flicked the cigarette ashes and said, “You go and contact those people in the military and let them find a way to general Lin Yuan and let him have an accident.”

He was curious to see how Lin Xiaotang would conquer her sea of stars after her father was involved in an accident!

A few days later, word of Lin Xiaotang’s bounty and successful robbery of the Black Crow spread quietly among the black market ports.

Many people were vaguely aware that the legend’s double-S genius might not be as righteous as outsiders imagined.

However, because the pirates’ “port” was too far away from the empire’s capital, most of the army had missed the news.

All they knew was that after Lin Xiaotang was released from the hospital, no one knew where she had gone, which enraged General Lin Yuan.

And Lin Xiaotang’s actions caused many senior officers in the army who were sorry for her to frown.

Lin Xiaotang was about to disobey her father, a senior officer, over a trivial matter.

Her temperament is still a problem.

Lan Yue, the most recent double-S+ genius, is better.

His future achievements will undoubtedly be notable as long as he is patiently cultivated.

With this in mind, Lan Yue’s superiors arranged plenty of courses for him, as well as intentionally or unintentionally increasing his training volume.

Lan Yue, on the other hand, was not pleased with their key cultivation.

He discovered that his genetic level had actually decreased!

“What’s going on, system? How come I’m getting weaker?”

Lan Yue was anxious and afraid, and he asked quickly, sensing that his physical strength was deteriorating.

Lan Yue discovered his physical condition was very unstable after leaving the genetic data testing centre that day.

Most of the time, his combat and mental power will remain at S+ levels.

But every now and then, he would revert to his original appearance, which was ugly and weak, and he couldn’t even hold his weapon.

Lan Yue was only in this situation when his body couldn’t take it any longer.

But as time passed, he discovered that his strength was gradually fading!

Lan Yue, who had been a double S+ powerhouse for a few days, was completely shocked.

He did not dare to go to the superior and explain the situation because of the glory and envious eyes of those around him.

So he had to grit his teeth and endure the special training that was far beyond what his body could bear these days.

After a few days, Lan Yue only felt that his eyes were black, and he could not even stand.

[Host, please rest assured, this is probably another accident on Lin Xiaotang’s side. ]

The Luck Plundering System’s mentality is much more stable than that of the panic-stricken Lan Yue: [She has been carefully trained by the army, and even if her body is destroyed, her ability is far beyond that of ordinary people.]

One thing has always been luck.

Lin Xiaotang’s luck has improved, while Lan Yue’s luck will naturally deteriorate.

“Then what should I do?” “She has already run away, I can’t find her at all, and there is absolutely no way to continue stealing her luck!” Lan Yue expressed concern.

Several of his instructors have noticed something wrong with him in the last few days.

If this continues, it won’t be long before these people discover that his genetic level has dropped!

[Because you can’t find Lin Xiaotang, why not begin with others, host?] After hearing Lan Yue’s words, the system calmly stated, [“Aren’t there many people in the army? You can temporarily improve your physical condition if you steal their luck.]

“I think so, too,” Lan Yue scratched his hair impatiently, his voice tense. “It’s just, how can it be so easy?”

During the week, those conceited sons are either training or killing enemies on the battlefield.

Even if he wanted to get close, he couldn’t for the time being.

Not to mention Lan Yue’s own training schedule.

Because of his good relationship with Lin Yuan at the time, he was able to fool Lin Xiaotang.

It’s a pity that now the time is too tight, and he has no chance to start at all.

[Don’t worry, we’ll look into it.] [Perhaps there will be a chance to run into him soon,] the system said meaningfully.

Will there be an opportunity soon?

Lan Yue’s face went blank when he heard what the system said.

He had no idea why the system was so determined, but the system’s indifferent attitude made his anxious mood much better.

But, the next morning, Lan Yue heard something exciting from his instructor’s mouth—

Lin Xiaotang’s father, Lin Yuan, was injured on the battlefield.