“Rei Taylor. Do you have any interest in becoming my princess?”

In response to the ridiculous development, both Rei and Lily, and even I momentarily froze from shock. A proposal… And beyond that, from the first Prince, to Rei, a mere commoner? I barely managed to organize my thoughts before asking to confirm Rodd-sama’s intentions.

“Rodd-sama, have you gone mad!?”

And yet, despite my efforts my question sounded more like a scream.

“Y-You mean to say that you’ll welcome a commoner into the royal family!?”

“Yeah, what of it?”

Rodd-sama gave a very flat response to both of our questions. When I checked to see what Rei’s reaction to all this was, she looked uncharacteristically serious, like she was deep in thought. It only made sense. I mean, it was a very sudden proposal, and from royalty. There was no way that she wouldn’t be confused.

After thinking for a while, Rei finally opened her mouth.

“I’d like to ask to confirm, but you aren’t just teasing me, are you?”

“No, I’m serious.”

“Sigh… So? Just what about me do you like?”

“Your personality and… Ability. I had always thought that you were quite impressive.

Rodd-sama appeared happy as he spoke. In contrast, Rei had a complicated expression that I could not parse.

“Uhm, what exactly did I do?”

“You prevented a raid against the academy, healed Sein of that poison, prevented the demise of the Orso family, sent Manaria packing, and resolved Euclid’s ghost ship incident.”

Rodd-sama had a very accurate understanding of Rei’s past accomplishments. When they were listed like this, it became rather clear that Rei’s abilities were extraordinary. As Rodd-sama valued one’s merits and interesting personalities over status, perhaps it made sense that he would choose someone like Rei.

Perhaps it made sense, but Rei was mi―

“No, you misunderstand, most of those are Claire-sama’s…”

“Is that true? Claire?”

Hearing my name called, I snapped back to reality. Being aware of my inner turmoil only brought about further unrest, but I desperately held myself together to answer.

“No, those accomplishments were a result of Rei’s efforts.”

It was true that most of those accomplishments could not have been achieved by Rei alone, but at the same time, none of it would have been possible without her either. While it frustrated and scared me to admit, her accomplishments should receive recognition.

―Even if in doing so, she would be taken away from my side.

“But what really solidified my decision was what happened with Yuu-sama. You were able to find a wonderful solution to a dilemma the palace had been facing for a long time.”

“That wasn’t something that I did alone either, though…”

“There’s no need for humility. I already know you were at the heart of the plan.”

It was just as Rodd-sama said. If Rei hadn’t been here, Yuu-sama would still inevitably be in a situation where she would have to live as the other gender.

“Much more than some boring sheltered lady, I’d say that a girl with a backbone, like you, is fit to be my spouse.”

I tried picturing the two of them standing together. Rodd-sama, who had taken the throne to become king, and Rei, his queen. As strange as it may sound, it wasn’t difficult for me to imagine.

“So, what do you say?”

Though Rodd-sama spoke in a playful way, his countenance betrayed his tone. He was serious.

“What do I say? I mean, naturally, I will politely decline.”

“Wait a minute, Rei!?”

I felt absolutely astonished. The thought hadn’t even come to mind that Rei might decline. While a commoner joining the ranks of royalty was practically unprecedented, from the commoner’s perspective, it should have been the greatest possible honor. I was sure that Rei’s parents, who had resigned themselves to a life of poverty would be overjoyed at the opportunity as well. To think she’d decline!

“You… Do you really understand what you just said!?”

“What? I was proposed to, so I declined―”

“Even though you could become the queen!?”

“Yup. Never wanted to be a queen anyway.”

Rei’s refusal came off as though it was nothing special. She made it sound like she was just refusing to help with someone’s homework and remained aloof. Just what does this girl think she’s saying!?

“This is an honor that most could never obtain even if they wanted to, don’t you understand!?”

No. Why doesn’t she understand? That’s not the problem at hand here. I understood that her affections were directed toward me. But marriage is different! Marriage exists to form a bond between two families. There should be no place for an individual’s feelings to get in the way of that.

“Pft! Hahaha! That’s right! I knew that’s what you’d say!”

Rodd-sama slammed the desk, laughing from the bottom of his heart.

“Claire. Apparently to Rei, there’s more value in remaining by your side than marrying into royalty.”

Even though he had just been rejected, Rodd-sama seemed to be having fun. My face turned pale blue as I desperately tried to mediate between the two so that this precious opportunity would not be lost.

“I ask that you please overlook her insolence. This girl, she’s just confused at the very sudden turn of events. Once she’s had a moment to calm down, I’m sure she’ll give you a proper response.”

“No, I’m quite calm―”

“Please. You just be quiet for a little.”

While shutting Rei up, I continued to try to smooth things over. Rei simply didn’t understand the magnitude of the situation. This was in an entirely different dimension from the love that commoners normally experienced. If it came out that a mere commoner had made light of a proposal from a prince, the countless nobles who yearned for that chance for their own daughter would certainly not keep quiet about it. They would use that information to target Rei. Even if Rodd-sama had no intent to do so, others would without a doubt claim that Rei had committed lèse-majesté​. While Rodd-sama was very sensible and could hold that in check at a surface level, it’s not as though he could prevent sneak attacks or assassinations. I held no doubts that it was best for Rei to accept Rodd-sama’s proposal and come under his official protection.

“Rodd-sama, I ask that you please not limit these discussions to here and now.”

“Of course. Regardless of how Rei feels, my feelings aren’t going to change.”

“Thank you so much. Alright, we’ll revisit this another day.”


“We’re going, Rei, Cardinal Lily.”

With that, I left Rodd-sama’s room dragging Rei and Cardinal Lily out with me.

“W-Wait, Claire-sama.”


Rei seemed to send some sort of glare my way, but I glared right back and silenced her. The next time we spoke was after we had split ways with Cardinal Lily and were on the carriage home.

“Rei… You should be careful not to take your jokes too far.”

I spoke to Rei in a serious tone.

“My jokes? What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it obvious!? Refusing Rodd-sama’s proposal!”

When she continued to make light of the situation even after all that, I found myself unable to hold myself back and spoke harshly.

“No, I wasn’t joking, I mean I can’t just marry someone that I don’t love.”

“Marriage isn’t something that just affects you. Don’t you understand!? Just how happy do you think your parents would be if you were to marry into royalty…”

If Rei were to become part of the royal family, her family would without a doubt receive financial support from the royal treasury under various pretenses. No, even putting the monetary benefits aside it would be a huge honor. For a parent, was there any greater joy than having your daughter marry into royalty?

“But… I’m pretty sure that my parents would support my decision.”

Rei said that seemingly without a care. That’s not what I was talking about. Rei really didn’t understand anything.

“I don’t doubt that. Your parents are both wonderful, but is it really okay that you take advantage of that? Don’t you have any desire to make your father or your mother happy?”


Rei was being far too individualistic in how she thought of marriage. Had she never considered finding a nice partner to marry to bring her parents joy? In a sense, rejecting a proposal from a royal prince was one of the worst things a child could do to their parents.

“But Claire-sama, the only one who I want to marry is you.”

Rei was serious. Hearing that Rei would choose me over royalty did make my heart flutter, but I did all that I could to maintain my self control.

“Rei, listen carefully.”

I took an even firmer tone than before in hopes of convincing Rei.

“I understand that your affections are directed at me, I really do. I will be honest and tell you that knowing that makes me happy. However, marriage is an entirely different matter.”

“It’s not.”

“No. I do think that people should be free to love who they wish. However, marriage is not something that should be done solely on an individual’s will.”

Rei firmly interrupted me, and I unwittingly stopped. This very well could have been the first time… The first time that she had interrupted me like that.

“To me, marriage is just about as personal, no, even more personal than love.”


“No matter what you say, Claire-sama, I have no intention to marry anyone other than you.”

When she looked me in the eye and said that, for just a moment, I was assaulted by a happy fantasy. A life where Rei and I loved one another and lived together. Every now and then we’d be visited by Catherine and Misha, perhaps Lene could come to visit us too. We could go shopping with Pipi and Loretta, and perhaps Cardinal Lily would occasionally come to make a pass at Rei. It couldn’t be helped so maybe she could be Rei’s mistress… No, just what was I thinking.

There’s no way such a convenient world could be reality. I must not avert my gaze.

I was made aware of just how alien Rei’s values were from my own. Was marriage really such a personal thing to commoners? Even so, I knew that I was correct when considering matters in the long term.

“Rei, please listen. Our kingdom doesn’t even allow same-sex marriage.”

“Then I simply won’t marry, that’s all there is to it.”

“Even if I were to marry someone?”

“… Yes.”

I was the sole daughter of House François. Regardless of how I felt about Rei, there was surely a political marriage with a high ranking noble in my future. I did not consider that fact unreasonable. After all, that’s simply what marriage was. Rei said that she was okay with that. To the point where she’d refuse the opportunity to marry into royalty.

“… Recently… I thought that I was beginning to understand you, even if just a little.”

“Thank you.”


I continued,

“I’m not sure that I do anymore.”

Seeing Rei’s face twist in pain at my words… Was very difficult for me too.