“And so, our plan is to arrest Clément-sama tomorrow during the music festival.”

“… I see~ It’s finally time my father pays his dues huh~”

It was the day before the music festival that was being held in our kingdom. Catherine and I were discussing it for what could be the last time.

It appeared that Clément-sama was already aware we visited the Barlier residence and spoke to Baron Barlier, so he had gone into hiding. He was likely making every effort to destroy any evidence that he could and get away clean, but where he was doing that was something that not even his own son, Christophe-sama knew.

However, Clément-sama was responsible for organizing the music festival. There was no doubt that he would have to make an appearance tomorrow. Our plan was to prepare ourselves for that moment, and indict him then and there.

“Please make sure to be careful. I think you know, but my father is really stubborn and doesn’t know when to give up~”

“I know, I will.”

“Good, then you’ll be fine~”

Catherine smiled at me, seemingly calm. That just didn’t sit well with me. If I were to apprehend Clément-sama tomorrow, that would spell the end for House Achard. This inevitably meant that Catherine would be without a home and left to fend for herself.

―Somehow, even knowing all that, she smiled.

“Catherine, you don’t need to force yourself, okay?”

“What am I forcing~?”

“My resolve won’t waver, no matter what face you show me. That’s why, I want you to know you don’t have to force that smile.”

“Tahaha… You got me~ I guess I can’t get it past you…”

Even as she said that, her expression remained the same.

“Catherine, what do you think of taking on the François name?”

“Claire-chan, what are you saying~? You know that’s not possible~”

Catherine laughed it off as though it were a joke, however, I was completely serious.

“Adoption is a possibility. As a daughter of House Achard, your social standing should be more than enough, don’t you think so?”

“There’s no way Dor-sama would allow something like that~ It’s well known that he shows no mercy to those that stand against him~”

That was true, father never showed mercy to someone he deemed an enemy. This was one of the reasons that my father was feared. However, that wasn’t enough for me to give up. I couldn’t allow myself to give up.

“I’ll convince him.”


“However, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“You can’t, Claire-chan. I mean, if rumors spread that he showed mercy to the daughter of his political enemy and criminal, the François name would suffer…”

“Or, it’s possible he’ll be seen as magnanimous―”


In a fervor, I tried to pile my arguments. Just as I was about to say more, Catherine gently, but also flatly, interrupted me.

“Don’t think about anything unnecessary. You must make sure that you put my father in checkmate tomorrow, that’s all you should be thinking about, okay?”

“… You’re right.”

Even as I said that, I still hadn’t given up, not even a little. Wasn’t there something that I could do to save Catherine? Even if she could no longer be a noble, perhaps she could live as a commoner, or as a nun. My mind raced, searching for possibilities.

“Hey, Claire-chan.”

“What is it?”

“How long has it been since we met now~?”

“It’s been ten years.”

“That so~ That sounds like such a long time, but, you know, it didn’t feel that way…”

I’d rather she not make it sound like our friendship was already a thing of the past.

“And we’ll have a lot more time together from now on too. There’s no way I could possibly allow someone as troublesome as you to go off on her own.”

After our playful bout, a sudden silence came over the room. Catherine and I were close so it’s not as though I felt uncomfortable, but this time, somehow, I felt that it would be bad to let this silence linger. Just as I rushed myself to find something to say,

“Claire-chan, could you pass me my candy?”

Catherine was the one to break the silence.

“This late at night, again? I’m surprised you don’t get cavities.”


“Candy, right? Just a moment then.”

“Claire-chan, I’ll give you one too~”

“I don’t want any.”

“Come on, please. Enjoy it with me. It could be the last time you know~?”

“… Catherine…”

I wanted nothing more than to refute her, but I forced myself to endure. Taking two candies from the pot that sat on her desk, I handed one to Catherine and tossed the other into my mouth. The distinct flavor of licorice filled my mouth.

“There’s just one left now.”


“If you’re a good girl and behave tomorrow, I’ll buy you a new pot of candy after.”

“And if I’m a bad girl~?”

“I’ll eat the last one myself.”

“That would be terrible~ I’ll make sure to behave~”

I couldn’t say that I liked the flavor, but the banter between the two of us as I continued to eat the candy felt comfortable.

At that time, I heard a knock.

“It’s me.”

“Emma? Is something the matter? Why are you here so late at night?”

“Ah, I called her here. To prepare for tomorrow~”

“Tomorrow? Just what do y―”

“Emma, come on in~”

“Pardon my intrusion.”

Emma was still in uniform as she entered the room.

“Claire-chan, you don’t have to worry about me, but please, please, take care of Emma for me, ‘kay~?”

“You’re still going on ab―”


Catherine’s expression shifted from her normal, relaxed expression, to a serious one. I always found it difficult to refuse her requests. It appeared that she, too, was well aware of that.

“Sigh… Alright, I understand. I’ll make sure to find her a new posi―”

“I will politely refuse, my ladies.”

Interrupting me as I sighed and was about to accept, Emma sternly objected to Catherine’s request.


“The only one in this world that I serve is you, my lady, Catherine, you and no other.”

With her usual earnest and serious expression, Emma declared her loyalty to Catherine.

“Emma… That makes me really happy, but after tomorrow I won’t be able to employ you any longer~”

“I don’t mind. So long as I can be of service to my lady, I do not need any pay.”

“You know there’s no way that’s possible, don’t you~? Hey, Emma, can’t you understand?”

“I refuse.”

Catherine, troubled that Emma would not compromise at all, turned to me for help.

“Emma, why are you so fixated on serving Catherine?”

“If my lady had not taken me in, I would have died a dog’s death, long, long ago. My life is hers.”

According to Emma, she had once lived in the slums. While she had held rank and status in another country, she lost everything due to political strife. Fleeing, she lived, but eventually found herself in our kingdom where she was caught for theft. It appeared that Catherine found, and saved her, as people were assaulting her. After that, Emma became Catherine’s personal maid. My first impression of her was that she was simply following Clément-sama’s every order, but it appeared that she truly adored Catherine from the bottom of her heart.

“Hehe… How troublesome, hm? Catherine?”

“Claire-chan, stop laughing and help me convince her~!”

“There is no convincing me.”

“Come on, Emmaー”

I just couldn’t stop laughing at Catherine who was at a complete loss for what to do.

“See Catherine? Just give up and start thinking about how you plan to live on after tomorrow… No, in fact, please let me think about that with you.”


“You have a friend, and a servant that will serve by your side. Don’t betray our trust now, alright?”

“… Sigh… Everyone’s just so stubborn.”

Catherine averted her gaze up as though in surrender, but even then, she somehow seemed happy. There were a lot of problems we still needed to address, but I just had a hunch that everything would go well.

―Without realizing… That it was all but an illusion.