The damages caused by Mount Sassal’s eruption were massive. A third of the members of the House of Lords had died leaving it on the verge of collapse. However, because the chairperson themselves had survived as well as my father’s tact in handling the situation, the House of Lords continued to serve its function for the Kingdom.

Once the House had managed to fill the vacant positions with relatives of the deceased members, the first matter they discussed was King Rousseau’s successor. Of course, it was previously expected that the first prince, Rodd-sama, who was first in line to the throne would succeed him, but he had gone missing just before the eruption. According to reports from within the palace, Rodd-sama was last known to be on his way to a small village at the base of Mount Sassal. He was hoping to personally convince them to evacuate before a possible eruption. When Rei had previously mentioned this village to Rodd-sama in the past, he had more or less told her to give up on them, but it seems that it had been weighing on his mind after all.

(But to think that it would happen now of all times―!)

This is just a prediction, but it seemed likely that Rodd-sama got caught up in the eruption. We hadn’t found anything conclusive, but considering that it had been five days since the eruption and we still hadn’t heard anything from him, we could only assume the worst. This threw the House into disarray, but as we were on borrowed time, the conversation shifted to having Sein-sama inherit the throne. For our kingdom, a monarchy, it would be impossible for us to overcome our current crisis without a king.

And yet―

“Really… Just what is my father thinking…!”

As I read the newspaper, I couldn’t help but click my tongue. I had returned to my room at the dorms in the Royal Academy. Rei was with me, and she turned my way as though to inquire what was wrong.

My intent was to continue our pursuit of my father and his crimes, but Rei recommended against it. She said that my father’s political influence was necessary to overcome our current predicament. While it was clear now that he had been participating in some sort of illegal activity, my father truly did excel as a politician. Rei insisted that it would be for the best that my father continue to contribute to the kingdom’s politics for now.

However, that very father of mine seemed to be doing something absolutely absurd.

“What does it say?”

Perhaps acutely aware I was reaching my boiling point, Rei came and asked me that.

“It says that Sein-sama’s coronation has been canceled.”

As I spit out those words, I threw the newspaper in Rei’s direction. According to the article, talks of Sein-sama’s coronation were put to an end, and instead, the faction of nobles supporting Rodd-sama, led by my father, would come together to form a governing body.

“The only one who has the right to rule a monarchy should be its monarch. What the House of Lords should prioritize, first and foremost, is the coronation of our next king but this…”

The tone of the article of the newspaper was more or less in line with my thinking as well. Some newspapers were even calling this a coup d’etat by the nobles.

Of course, it wasn’t as though all of the nobles were in support of this movement. Just… It hurt that many of the casualties within the House of Lords were a part of Sein-sama’s and Yuu-sama’s factions. In addition, Yuu-sama had lost her rights to the throne causing many of her supporters to align with Rodd-sama’s faction instead. The fact that Sein-sama’s supporters had always been in the minority did not help either. And most importantly, as Rodd-sama had gone missing, Bauer’s largest political faction was missing its very leader. That was the political climate that Bauer’s nobles found themselves in.

“And all when the kingdom needs to come together to overcome its greatest peril yet… The people are fraught with nothing but worries.”

As a result of the volcanic ashes and debris from the eruption, the kingdom’s agriculture was in a dire state. Heartless merchants had become scalpers, foreseeing the shortage and buying out everything that they could. As a result, prices were increasing for goods all across the kingdom. My father’s―self proclaimed―provisional government was offering rations, but just how long would their supplies last?

It’s not as though I was simply here twiddling my thumbs either. If my father were to stray from the correct path, it was my duty as his daughter to correct him. That said, even were I to be forthright with my objections, it was hard to imagine that my father would listen to me in earnest.

If there was someone who could affect change on my father and the nobles behind him―

“Rei, make the necessary arrangements. I will see Sein-sama.”

I wanted to request that Sein-sama take action. As a result of what my father’s done, his coronation had been set aside for now, but under other circumstances, he was next in line to be king. If our kingdom’s royalty were more resolute, perhaps father would change his mind as well.


“… I think that might be difficult.”


Faced with Rei’s reluctance, I unwittingly raised my voice. While I knew that self-restraint was important, after the eruption, I had constantly been here and there doing so many different things that I was unable to contain myself.

“That’s because you’re Dor-sama’s daughter. As Dor-sama’s faction is the one who’s put Sein-sama under house arrest, Sein-sama’s faction sees you as his sworn enemy.”

“… Krh…”

Rei certainly did have a point. It wouldn’t make sense for the royal palace to lend its ear to the daughter of the very man who was undermining them. I hadn’t even considered something so simple until it was pointed out to me.

“Claire-sama, I think it would be best if you gave yourself some distance for now. Ever since the eruption, you’ve been working far too hard.”

Rei spoke to comfort me, but I certainly did not feel that way.

“I’ve only done what the situation called for me to do. And yet, my father doesn’t seem to want to do the same.”

I simply couldn’t bring myself to understand my father’s current course of action. My father had constantly spoken of the ideals of what it meant to be a Bauan noble. His current actions had strayed so far from that, that I simply couldn’t believe that they were one and the same. The papers had even gone to say that my father was taking advantage of the crisis to take the throne for himself. The fact that such a thing had been written about my father, my role model, made it difficult for me to sit still.

Truly, just what has happened to you, father…

“Claire-sama, I already think that you’re doing all that you can. I believe that right now, you should get a little rest. I mean, you’ve barely slept at all for the past couple of days.”

After she said that, I briefly touched my face and felt that it was dry. Rei had been very thorough with her care of my skin, but it was true that I hadn’t had the chance to take a proper bath for a while now. As Rei said, I also hadn’t been getting enough sleep. Another couple of days like this would be no matter, but there was no way that this was sustainable long term.

“I am fine. Just fine, but―”

As I said that, I stood from my chair and approached Rei.

“… But I am perhaps, just a little, tired. Could I ask we remain like this for just a little?”


I softly leaned onto her.

“I’m really glad that you’re here with me Rei. If I had been alone, I would’ve long crumbled.”

In response to my sudden display of affection, Rei was clearly flustered.

“Even I at times need to depend on others in this way. Before, I’d often have Lene support me in this way.”

“… Ah, I see.”

That Lene was now no longer by my side. When I thought of what things might look like if Rei hadn’t been by my side either, it sent shivers down my spine.

“Being nobility is one of my greatest prides, but sometimes… Really just sometimes, I dream of what it might be like were I free of my obligations, a little like this.”

“Isn’t that just fine? Just quit being a noble, leave it all behind.”

“I can’t allow myself to do that. The only reason I was allowed to live in luxury until now was because, as a noble, it is my duty to take proper action in these dire times.”

“You really are rather stiff, aren’t you, Claire-sama.”

Rei wore a strained smile.

“In that case, even if it’s nothing more than nonsense, I want you to tell me. If you were no longer a noble, is there anything that you’d want to do?”

Rei laughed a little as she asked that. If I were no longer a noble…?

“… Well…”

It was really difficult for me to imagine such a scenario. To me, being a noble was the very same as breathing, just natural. I hadn’t even even tried to imagine myself as something other than a noble… No, now that I think about it, I do seem to remember that someone once said something similar.

“I’d like to try to learn how to cook and how to sew.”

After taking a lot of time to think about it, that was the answer that I had come to.

“How surprising. You’d want to do something so common among commoners?”

“You’ve taken very great care of me up until now. If I were no longer a noble, that’s about all that I could do to return the favor.”

Rei appeared perplexed at my response.

“What, just what is your expression meant to be? Ah, I haven’t bathed in a couple of days… Could it be that I smell?”

“No, not at all, actually I think you smell great.”

Just what does she think she’s saying.

“Liar. This is a good opportunity, so let’s take a bath now.”


Rei and I both made our way to the bath, but we found out that the temperature of the water had yet to stabilize after the eruption, so use of the dorm’s hot spring was prohibited.

“Argh, geez…!”

“Calm down, Claire-sama, there, there.”

In the end, I had to settle with having Rei wipe my body as she normally did. Even while a contented sigh escaped me as Rei’s warm towel did its work, I continued to think about my next steps.

(I must do something about all this… I simply must…)

But unfortunately, under all that pressure my mind only spun in circles and I was unable to come up with any specific countermeasures.