A few weeks passed as I went back and forth, trying to mediate between the provisional government and the revolutionaries. Neither side seemed remotely interested in compromise, but I persevered in my attempts to convince them. Rei too did all that she could to support me. She didn’t just take care of her usual duties, but also discussed possible ways we could convince either side, helped me form my plan of attack, and much more. I was truly thankful toward her devotion and diligence.

However, that day had finally come.

November the 10th, Kingdom Era. The protests had fully devolved into an armed revolution. Half or so of the provisional government’s army had defected to the side of the revolutionaries, leading to civil war. As per reports from various newspapers, the state of the war favored the revolutionaries.

“… We didn’t make it.”

As we watched the conflict between the revolutionaries and the army from the academy window, I was tormented by my own powerlessness. While I clenched my teeth, frustrated at just how useless I had been, there was nothing that I could do to reverse what had already happened.

“Claire-sama, you’ve really done all that you can. Now that things have gone this far, I think it was inevitable…”

“But… If I had just tried harder…”

“Claire-sama, you tried really hard. That’s more than enough.”

Rei tried to comfort me, but all that I felt was regret. Perhaps if I had taken action sooner, or perhaps if I had managed to find a better point of compromise for both sides… Even now, a commoner, who I have an obligation to protect, could be in pain, in suffering. When I thought about that, I felt as though my heart was about to burst.

Even so, I would not allow myself to just wallow as a tragic heroine. I am a noble. If the times have chosen to move in this direction, then that left one choice for me to make.

“Now that it’s come to this, there’s nothing more that I can do. As a noble bearing responsibility for the old era, I will honorably accept my end.”

The commoners have chosen to reject the nobility. In that case, it was only right that nobles properly respond. House François stood at the very fore of this Kingdom’s nobility. So, to the very least, while the losses remained small on each side, I needed to represent the nobles and declare the end of this era.

The fury of the commoners was tremendous. In all likelihood, like what had happened in Reims, us nobles would all be killed. If I said that I wasn’t afraid of death, that would be a lie. However, it wasn’t something that I intended to cling to if it meant hurting the commoners.

I resolved myself to accept the commoner’s choice, and yet―

“No. Claire-sama’, I’ll have you stand on the side denouncing the old era.”

“… Eh?”

Rei’s sudden statement made me doubt my ears. I… Myself, would denounce the old era…? With the doubts that ran through my head apparently clear to her, Rei corrected her posture.

“Rei, just what are you saying?”

“Claire-sama, you’ll stand with the people, ushering in the new era, and seeing through the end of the old one.”

“W-What, that’s ridiculous… I am a proud descendent of the François lineage. My very existence serves as a symbol of the old era.”

What Rei was saying didn’t make any sense. If this was some sort of joke, I didn’t find it funny. However, her expression remained entirely serious, so it was difficult to think that she spoke in jest.

“Claire-sama, the symbol of our old era is not you, it’s Dor-sama.”

“Isn’t that one and the same?”

“No, it isn’t. Claire-sama, I want you to stand on that side that condemns Dor-sama’s current provisional government, the current ruling class―I want you to condemn the nobles.”

“Wha… What do you think you’re saying!”

FInally picking up on what Rei intended to say, I raised my voice. In essence, this was what she was saying,

Simply put―she wanted me to turn my back on nobles, no, on nobility itself.

“You mean to say that I should betray the very people who bore the old era alongside me and brazenly live on!? I would never allow myself to do something like that!”

Of course I had no intention to meaninglessly throw my life away either, but I am a noble, a proud noble. Even should I live on, just what meaning could such a life have? I was trying to explain that to Rei.

However, her next words were something that I never would have expected.

“These are… Dor-sama’s wishes.”

Just why would she mention my father’s name here? Wasn’t my father corrupted by his own greed and as a result simply chasing his own self interests?

“I mean… My father is… Just what do you mean in saying that…? Rei!”

“The one who started this movement, this revolution, is none other than Dor-sama himself.”

Rei’s words only confused me further. My father manipulated things… So that the commoners would revolt?

“I can’t understand a single thing that you’re saying!”

“I’ll explain things in order. This will be rather long, so please, sit down.”

I had all but entirely lost my composure. In comparison, Rei remained calm. After she sat me down, she took her time as she began her explanation.

“As you’re well aware, the kingdom’s politics had long shown signs of corruption. Almost all of the nobles only served their own self interests, and they constantly fought for more power and influence.”

“.. Yes, but just how is any of that related to―”

“Even within that, there was just one noble who sincerely considered our kingdom’s future―Dor-sama.”

“My father? But he ignored the wishes of the royal palace and claimed the kingdom’s politics for his own…”

After having tried to mediate between the two conflicting parties for the past couple of days, I was the one who best understood that. The stance my father had taken was one that didn’t even seem to consider tomorrow, much less the distant future.

“Dor-sama’s intention is to surround himself with all of the corrupted nobles and sacrifice himself. Everything he’s done so far has been for this day, the day where it would all be razed down at the hand of the commoners.”

“… No, that’s preposterous.”

Rei was telling me that my father’s horrible conduct had all been a facade.

Rei continued.

“In the past, not even Dor-sama himself held any doubts about the state of nobility. However, Claire-sama, it was your mother, Milia-sama’s, death that changed him.”

“When my mother… died…?”

On that day, when I was deeply scarred… Just what was it that my father had thought?

“Milia-sama’s accident was actually staged by another influential noble. She was murdered.”


“Dor-sama changed because after that day, he realized that there was no way he could allow things to remain the same.”

I finally understood. My father, who I deeply loved and respected, actually hadn’t changed at all. He was the one who truly loved and served this kingdom.

“Even as he acted out the role of a corrupt noble, he offered support to the revolutionaries behind the scenes. Do you remember, Claire-sama? The day that I became your maid.”

“… Yes. If I recall, at that time, you said something strange, and my father began acting very differently.”

“Yes, this is what I said. 『Irvine Manuel, March 3rd, five hundred thousand gold.』That was… The amount that Dor-sama had secretly given to the revolutionaries.”

According to Rei, that should have been a number that only my father and Arla’s little brother, Irvine should have known. In hinting that she knew of my father’s plans, she gained a shield that she could use to convince my father.

“After your father cleared the room, this is what I said. Dor-sama, I truly believe that your goals are admirable, but do you really plan to get Claire-sama involved too?”

“Why would you…”

“For the sake of this kingdom, Dor-sama planned to not only sacrifice himself, but you as well, Claire-sama. He of course loves you from the bottom of his heart, but part of him had given up, saying that it was for the sake of the future.”

As a noble, the choice was obvious. Even after hearing that he intended to sacrifice me for his cause, I felt no resentment toward him. In fact, I felt that was the way things should be.

“I offered Dor-sama another option. A way where, even should nobility itself be overthrown, Claire-sama… You could live on. When Dor-sama heard there was a possible way that his daughter could survive, he agreed to go along with my idea.”

Rei presented an alternate scenario to my father. A scenario where I cast away the nobility of the old era, and stood on the side that persecuted it.

“Everything that I’ve done until now has been for this. I worked to better your reputation among the commoners and distance you from the nobles, all so that you could live in the new era.”

“Then… Then you! You knew that it would come to this from the start!”

Then everything, the way she supported me by my side… Is she saying all of that was a lie? I trusted her! Even though I trusted her to the point where I thought that a life without her would be unthinkable!

“That’s right. That a revolution would occur, and that Dor-sama and the rest of the nobles would perish as a result of it. No matter what we did, I knew that this outcome was unavoidable.

“But… No… I… I trusted you…!”

“My deepest apologies, Claire-sama. I am ready to accept any punishment.”

When Rei said that and closed her eyes, she seemed so indifferent that I realized that I was long past my boiling point. Unwittingly, I raised my hand to slap her cheek with all my anger―

But, I couldn’t do that.

“My father… And you… You’re both far too self-centered…”

Both Rei and my father had been lying to me. That lie was not something that I could forgive. However, I was not so foolish that I didn’t know why they had been lying to me.

―Everything was… They had done it all for me.

So that my life would continue, even should nobility come to an end.

They lied out of love. A father’s love, and a spouse’s love. It was unmistakable. I could no longer contain my emotions as they overflowed onto my cheeks.

“Claire-sama, soon you’ll join up with the revolutionaries. I’ve already talked to Arla.”


Rei spoke of my next steps. Having known that it would come to this for a long time, she had likely made a vast number of preparations.

“Before long, the Royal Palace will declare their backing for the revolutionaries. When they do that, the nobles will be the insurgents. At that time, Claire-sama, I want you to condemn them.”


But Rei. Haven’t you forgotten something rather important?

That fact made me very sad.


With my back turned, I approached the window. Just outside, the sounds of conflict between the two factions raged on.

“So, Rei, if I were to become a commoner, what lifestyle do you think I would lead?”

It was an impossible supposition, an impossible scenario. Even so, considering all things, I thought that I’d ask Rei.

“Well… I think there would be a lot to adjust to at first. Just like when you stayed over at my place during our vacation.”

“I’m sure there would be.”

Without turning to face Rei, I gave a nod. Even though not a lot of time had passed since I visited her parent’s home, it somehow felt like a distant memory.

“But I’m sure you’ll get used to it! I mean, I’ll always be by your side to take care of you too.”

“I see… So we’d be able to live together then.”

The lifestyle that Rei spoke of surely wasn’t a bad one. I was confident that if she was there to support me, any way of life would be fun.

“We could raise a dog.”

“I’d rather a cat.”

Just Rei and I, living a modest life.

“Would you like to keep a garden?”

“Yes, I think I’d like a flower garden.”

A peaceful life, very different from that of a noble’s.

“How many children would you like?”

“We can’t have children, you know that.”

“Well then, we could adopt.”

“I think I’d like two cute little girls.”

After replying to Rei’s frivolous questions, I left a momentary pause before I said,

“If it’s you, I’m sure that you wouldn’t do anything that would make me unhappy.”

Yes, that’s right, but that lifestyle is one that remains out of my reach.


“What was that?”

As I voiced my resolve, perhaps my voice had been too shaky. Unable to hear, Rei asked me to repeat myself.


“I said, I must refuse.”

I turned to face Rei and looked her in the eye. This time I managed to say it clearly. Her face as she looked at me in shock was oddly comical.

“What are you saying, Claire-sama! There’s no other choice for you to make.”

“No, there is. I can make the choice to perish as a noble, along with the old era.”

Rei, I understand what you and my father wanted. However, that is not how I’ve lived my life until now.

“No… But that’s pointless! I mean, no one will be happy if you do something like that!”

“Yes, I believe I’m aware.”

“Dor-sama… and I… We’ve tried so hard, all this time, so that you could―”

“Yes, and I appreciate that sentiment.”

As my heart, my feelings, became words, I could tell that my emotions were settling. That’s right… I’ve always…

“Wait… Please wait! Are you angry because Dor-sama and I did all this in secret? I’m sorry, I really am, but if I told you openly, Claire-sama, you’d―”

“I would have been unable to accept it, and refused the idea, I know.”

I’ve always… Loved you this much.

“Rei, both you and my father did all of this for me. I understand that, and I’m not angry.”

“In that case, why!”


Rei, I’m sorry.

“Because I am a noble.”

I could see that she was at a complete loss for words.

“As a noble, I’ve been allowed to live in luxury in order to fulfill my obligations should the need arise. The only reason that my countless selfish acts were allowed until now, was so that I could fulfill my duties here.”

“That’s why I’m trying to tell you that you don’t need to!”

“No, this is my final duty―as a noble, I must accept the choice that the commoners made.”

Rei. Now I know, this is not simply adoration or yearning. You are my first and my last love.

“Claire-sama… Please, let’s think this over… Let’s live together, in the new era… Please…?”

“I’m sorry Rei. This is the one plea that I cannot grant for you.”

“Please, I beg of you… Didn’t you promise…? That you’d never give up… Not until the very end.”

The days that I was able to spend with you have truly become an irreplaceable treasure to me.

“Oh, now that you mention it, something like that did happen. It feels so nostalgic.”


“No… No, not like this… Claire-sama, don’t go…!”

“I’m sorry Rei.”

Untypical of her, she whined like a little baby. As she did, I gently placed my hand on her cheeks and―

I stole a kiss from her soft lips.

“In exchange for breaking my promise, I’ll offer you my first kiss.”

WIth that, I have no regrets.

“Goodbye Rei. I wish you the best.”

Leaving Rei there as she stood still in dumb shock, I left the room.



My beloved.

But unfortunately, I am unable to devote myself to love as openly as you are. I cannot live my life like you do. I won’t ask that you forgive me.

But, please, if nothing else―

“You must live on, in the new era.”