※Told from the perspective of Lene Orso

Exiled from Bauer, the reality that awaited my Onii-sama and I in Appalachia was a difficult one. Making use of one of the connections that the Orso family had traded with before its collapse, our family was able to make a living through trade, but my Onii-sama and I had been disowned. We weren’t allowed to rely on them any longer.

『Lene, just a little more, let’s keep doing our best.』


Considering what we had done, our punishment was only appropriate… But we still needed to make a living. Through our earnest appeals, Onii-sama and I found a tavern that allowed us to stay as live-in staff. The owner was a stern man that was at times difficult to please, but also kind at heart. I doubt that Onii-sama or I would ever forget the kindness he showed taking us in when we had nowhere else to go.

At the tavern, Onii-sama worked as wait staff and took care of clerical work while I took my place in the kitchen. He always had a gentle disposition, meaning that he was a good fit as wait staff. He quickly adjusted to his new job, and I too earnestly focused on my own duties.

『… I’ll write you a letter of introduction.』

Before long, the tavern’s owner connected us to our next job. Our original agreement was only to stay and work with him until we managed to save up a decent sum and live independently, so the fact that he connected us to our next workplace was a huge blessing. On top of that, the place he introduced us to was one of Appalachia’s most renowned high class restaurants. I felt that how we performed at this next job would likely decide our lot here in Appalachia.

When we first began, we both quietly carried out the various tasks we were assigned. First, we needed to understand how the restaurant functioned and how its staff ran it. However, that was just the bare minimum, our starting point. I felt a sense of ambition.

This restaurant ran a monthly competition where any of the staff could submit their own recipes to be considered for the menu. That was my aim. I decided that this would be my chance to make use of the recipes I received from Rei-chan.

『What marvelous flavors…!』

『I’ve never eaten anything like this before!』

The dish I had prepared for the competition was stir-fried shrimp and broccoli, with a mayonnaise based sauce.

This dish that used mayonnaise, which still had only ever seen use in Blume, one of Bauer’s finest establishments, received high praise. The recipe was accepted for use in the restaurant’s menu, and I was tasked to take care of the most important steps in preparing it.

After that, our unbelievable streak of luck continued.

My dish, stir-fried shrimp and broccoli with mayonnaise was an instant hit. Various people came to the restaurant just to eat it. Among those people was one particularly wealthy man. His name was Edgar-san, he was well known as a gourmet and had plans to one day open his own restaurant that would live up to his ideals. Edgar-san approached me with an offer, saying that he would be willing to sponsor us should we choose to open our own restaurant.

It all sounded too good to be true. In fact, at first I thought that may be a scam. As part of his clerical work, Onii-sama had been studying Appalachian law, so I had him look into Edgar-san for us. We quickly found that Edgar-san was a famous gourmet, and that he hadn’t just made this offer to us, but had a track record of investing in chefs, many of which had gone on to run famous restaurants. Onii-sama and I decided to accept Edgar-san’s offer.

『Lene. It looks like this is where it really begins.』

『Yes, Onii-sama.』

We decided to name the restaurant Frater. It was an ancient word in the Bauan language that meant, “siblings”. We thought of using the word that meant, “lovers”, as well, but we both prudently decided against it. We would not forget our sins, but instead work to overcome them―those were the feelings we put into our restaurant’s name.

Making use of the recipes Rei-chan entrusted to me, Frater very quickly rose in popularity and became a famous restaurant. Within that, the recipe that gained the most popularity was one that served as a dessert, crème brûlée. This recipe was one packed with fond memories shared with Rei-chan and Claire-sama. The fact that it was the primary recipe that launched our restaurant to success felt like nothing less than destiny to me.

Another huge contributor to our profits was a magic artifact that Onii-sama had invented for cooking. This too was an idea that was born after talking to Rei-chan when we were still in Bauer. By using this artifact, it was possible to create large quantities of food without the need for large amounts of staff. Using this artifact, we mass produced crème brûlée that were then consigned and sold at other shops. This also served as advertising for our restaurant. At the same time, we further developed the idea of magic cookware for general use and sold those artifacts as well. Onii-sama was making great contributions to our success.

And then, just one month after Frater had gotten on track, Onii-sama and I both returned to Bauer. We returned because we heard of Mount Sassal’s eruption, as well as some unpleasant rumors that circulated in the aftermath.

Having been exiled from the kingdom, we normally wouldn’t be allowed re-entry. However, we received a notice from a group within Bauer that called themselves Revolutionaries, requesting financial aid. Something strange was happening in Bauer. Unable to hold myself back, we agreed to offer financial aid so that we could return to Bauer under the pretense of signing the contract.

『This is just…』


Returning to the royal capital for the first time in a long time, the sight we saw was far gone from the beautiful city that we had once known. There was of course, a lot of damage that had likely been caused by the eruption itself, but what pained me the most was how lifeless all of the people were. Seeing the damages first hand, I offered much more than the revolutionaries originally requested. I felt that I simply could not leave things the way they were.

At first, I planned to contribute out of my own savings. Onii-sama however, asked me to wait.

『The reason that we’re both alive now is thanks to King Rousseau’s kindness. The King has passed, but I would like to help in repaying that kindness now.』

So, it was decided that Frater as a whole would offer financial aid.

This decision led to a rather unexpected result. First, appreciative of our large contributions, the revolutionaries extended their warm welcomes. That, in and of itself, was to be expected. What came as a surprise was that they offered us detailed reports of their operations. A certain detail in one of those reports caught my attention.

―The capture of Duke François, and his daughter.

When I saw that, I felt as though I was about to faint. The revolutionaries were trying to overthrow the aristocracy. If things were left as is, Claire-sama’s life would be in danger.

It would be simple to rescind our contributions, but at this stage of things, even without Frater’s financial aid, the revolutionaries had secured enough funds to operate without any trouble. In that case, it may be best to remain within the revolutionaries and monitor their activities.

An impatient frustration continued as the days went by. Even though Claire-sama may lose her life, there was nothing that I could do. I could only watch as time passed and the situation developed.

And then, just this morning, I received a letter from Manaria-sama.


“It’s been a while, Lene. And… I’m sorry.”

The moment we reunited, Rei gave a deep bow and apologized. She explained how she had always been hiding the truth, and apologized for being unable to stop Claire-sama.

“Rei-chan, if you couldn’t do it, I doubt anyone else could.”


“Besides, it’s not like you’ve given up, right?”

“… Yeah.”

As Rei-chan gave a silent nod, her expression was brimming with determination. She was determined―to take Claire-sama back no matter what it took.

“Then, let me help too, please? Let’s take Claire-sama back together.”

“Thank you, Lene.”

Just like this, even as Onii-sama and I cooperated with the revolutionaries as Frater, we personally helped Rei in her plan to save Claire-sama.


The one who will forever be my master, who I deeply love and respect. I was easily able to understand just what she wanted to achieve by perishing in this revolution.


“I… Want her to live.”

Considering that I had once betrayed her, I knew that I had no right to say something like this. But even so, this wish came from the bottom of my heart.

“Let’s do whatever we can. You’re with me, right Lene?”

“Of course!”

I wasn’t alone. Rei-chan and Manaria-sama were with me―and of course Onii-sama too.

“Please just wait, Claire-sama.”

Silently igniting the same determination that Rei held within my own heart, I awaited “that day”.

Translator Note: It sounds like it was pretty rough at first, but they really did hit a lucky break! And now they’re back to help Rei and Claire when they need it the most ;~;