When he came to Miyasi Restaurant, Lin Fan was already late.

He parked the car, and then sent a message to Zhang Lili to confirm the location.

Entering the western restaurant, Lin Fan saw Zhang Lili at a window seat.

Zhang Lili is about 1.7 meters tall and has a relatively thin body.

Her face was smeared with make-up, and she looked a bit enchanting.

"Are you Zhang Lili? Sorry, I'm late!"

Zhang Lili glanced at Lin Fan and said impatiently, "Why did you come? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Although Lin Fan is handsome, in Zhang Lili's view, being handsome is not something to be taken for granted.

Especially when we met for the first time, this guy was actually late.

Not at all.

This kind of person deserves to be single.

"My fault!" Lin Fan sat down with a smile and asked, "Do you want to eat something first?"

"Wait a minute!"

Zhang Lili looked proud, "Since we are here on a blind date, I have to ask some questions clearly!"

"go ahead!"

Lin Fan brought a cup and poured a glass of boiled water.

Zhang Lili said, "I heard from your mother that you made some money in business, right?"

"I made a little money, but not a lot!"

Lin Fan originally had the mentality of coping, so he didn't tell the truth.

Moreover, he didn't like Zhang Lili in front of him either.

"My requirements are not high. After marriage, all the money must be handed over to me for safekeeping. You can't ask!"

"Also, you will buy a house in Shanghai in the future!"

"You must have a car too, it doesn't need to be too expensive, just around 200,000 yuan will do!"

"How about it?"

Lin Fan was speechless.

It was the first time he had seen such a weird request.

After getting married, the money is kept by her, and she can't ask about it yet.

In case this woman was raising a pretty face outside, he would have no place to cry.

Buying a house in Shanghai?

Please, I now have a two billion manor.

Why are you buying a house?

As for the car, to be honest, buying a car worth 200,000 yuan is not a good fit for Lin Fan's current status.

Seeing that Lin Fan didn't speak, Zhang Lili said, "In Shanghai, my request is considered low!"

"You should know that it's hard to find a girlfriend now!"

Lin Fan shook his head, "Sorry, I can't agree to these conditions of yours!"

"Since this is the case, there is no need for us to waste time!"

Zhang Lili got a little angry, picked up her bag, got up and wanted to leave.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have come out.

Lin Fan didn't ask to stay either.

Because he doesn't like women who are too snobby like Zhang Lili.

"Sir, may I ask, is the motorcycle in the parking lot yours?"

The waiter at the restaurant found Lin Fan.

"It's mine, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's like this, your motorcycle is blocking the road, please go out and move it!"

Lin Fan took out the keys of the Ducati motorcycle.

"Help me move!"

The waiter looked puzzled, "Sir, your Ducati is so expensive, it costs more than one million, if I accidentally break it, it will be bad!"

Lin Fan took out a few hundred-yuan bills from his wallet and handed them to the waiter.

"It's okay, you go and move!"

"Here's a tip, take it!"

The waiter didn't expect Lin Fan to be so generous and took the key.

"Thank you, sir!"

The waiter smiled and went out to move the car.

Zhang Lili was about to leave, but when she heard that Lin Fan's motorcycle was worth more than one million yuan, she immediately changed her mind.

Originally, Zhang Lili felt that Lin Fan was not a rich person, so she made those requests.

But now it's different.

Lin Fan can afford more than one million motorcycles, which proves that he is very rich.

Since she is a rich man, of course Zhang Lili will not miss such a good opportunity.

Zhang Lili smiled and sat down again.

"Lin Fan, I was actually joking with you just now, don't take it seriously!"

"Honestly, I'm quite satisfied with you!"

Zhang Lili was satisfied, but it was impossible for Lin Fan to fall in love with her.

And just after Zhang Lili stood up, Lin Fan discovered another big secret.

That is, this Zhang Lili is pregnant.

Zhang Lili is relatively thin, but her stomach is slightly bulging.

Obviously, she was pregnant, at least three months.

Nima, this is the rhythm of finding a successor.

"I have a question, I hope you can answer it truthfully!" Lin Fan said.

The more Zhang Lili looked at Lin Fan, the more satisfied she felt.

Not to mention that this young man is handsome, the most important thing is that he is very rich.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Lili smiled all over her face.

"Are you pregnant?" Lin Fan wanted to see how Zhang Lili would answer.

To Lin Fan's surprise, Zhang Lili directly admitted it.

"Yes, I have been pregnant for more than three months!"

"Lin Fan, when we get married, my child will be your child!"

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched.

For a while, I didn't know how to speak.

This woman actually spoke so freshly and refinedly about taking over the offer.

There is no one anymore.

Buy one get one free?


Anyone who marries this woman will probably have a nervous breakdown.

Seeing that Lin Fan was silent, Zhang Lili frowned.

"What? Don't you despise me?"

"If that's the case, then I don't want this child!"

Lin Fan was speechless and simply chose to remain silent.

This Zhang Lili is definitely the most shameless among so many women that Lin Fan has met.

And there isn't one.

Seeing that Lin Fan still didn't speak, Zhang Lili said.

"We just met, we can put aside the matter of marriage for now, let's have something to eat first!"

Zhang Lili took the menu, looked at it for a while, then called the waiter over and started ordering.

There will be plenty of time in the future, Zhang Lili feels that Lin Fan can be taken down with 70% certainty.

Since Lin Fan is so rich, he will have a big meal tonight.

Zhang Lili is not polite at all, she only picks expensive things.

Anyway, with Lin Fan paying the bill, she didn't have to think too much about it.

Zhang Lili rummaged through the entire menu and ordered nearly ten dishes.

What Australian lobster, caviar...

A total of nearly 20,000 yuan was ordered.

It seemed that Zhang Lili really slaughtered Lin Fan as a fat sheep.

Even if Lin Fan doesn't like her in the end, she won't lose.

"Lin Fan, what do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry, just a glass of orange juice!"

Lin Fan knew Zhang Lili's little thoughts, so he didn't expose it.

But if you want to cheat him, there is no way.

"By the way, Lin Fan, if you drive such an expensive motorcycle, you must have a house in the devil, right?"

Lin Fan directly took out the real estate certificate of the manor and put it on the table.

The real estate certificate is placed in the system space, and it is convenient to take it out.

"This is the house I live in!"

Zhang Lili took the real estate certificate and looked at it. When she saw the building area above, she was overjoyed.

"More than two thousand square meters, I don't have dizziness, do I?"

Zhang Lili was stunned.

If the real estate certificate is real, then Lin Fan is a proper rich man.

"Lin Fan, why don't you take me to your house after dinner soon!"

"no problem!"