"Okay, I'll rush over right away!"

Lin Fan asked where it was and hurried downstairs.

"Lin Fan, do you want to go out?" Seeing that Lin Fan was a little anxious, Lin Xueyan asked.

"Well, I may not be back so soon, you should rest early!"

After speaking, Lin Fan took the car keys and drove the Koenigsegg away.

There was quite a traffic jam on the road, and after 40 minutes, Lin Fan arrived at the Central Hospital.

Zheng Xiaoqing stood at the door of the ward, walking back and forth anxiously.

Beside her stood a tall and thin middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's face was also full of worry.

"Xiaoqing, how is Song Xueer?" Lin Fan asked concerned.

Zheng Xiaoqing frowned and said, "The doctor is still examining Xue'er, and the results haven't come out yet!"

"What's going on? Isn't Song Xueer still fine this morning?"

Lin Fan couldn't figure it out.

Zheng Xiaoqing struggled, "I don't know either!"

"I played with Xue Er for most of the day, and she was in good condition. Just when we were about to go back, she suddenly passed out!"

Could it be that the good voice pill has sequelae?

But this is impossible.

Lin Fan didn't know what was going on.

At this time, we can only wait for the test results to come out.

"Boy, are you the one who gave my daughter medicine indiscriminately?"

"If something happens to my daughter, I will never end with you!"

The middle-aged man was so angry that he raised his fist and punched Lin Fan.

Lin Fan reacted quickly and dodged directly.

"If you have something to say, don't do it!"

From what this man said, it seemed that he was still Song Xueer's father.

Now that something happened to Song Xueer, the father is more excited, which is understandable.

Zheng Xiaoqing stopped Song Yuanshan and said, "Uncle Song, the test results haven't come out yet, it may not be that there is something wrong with the medicine given by Lin Fan!"

"Xiaoqing, you too, how can you let Xue'er take medicine indiscriminately!"

Song Yuanshan was very angry.

After all, he is such a daughter.

Zheng Xiaoqing lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, she didn't dare to say anything more.

"There can be no problem with my medicine!" Lin Fan said with determination.

"At this time, you are still talking hard here. When the test results come out, I will be the first to call the police and arrest you!" Song Yuanshan's voice was cold.

Lin Fan said, "You don't need to call the police. If there is something wrong with my medicine, I'll jump off from the fifth floor first!"

Song Yuanshan snorted coldly, turned his head away, and stopped talking.

"Lin Fan, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, Song Xueer will be fine!"

Zheng Xiaoqing nodded, and now she can only comfort herself like this.

A few minutes later, the door of the ward opened, and a female doctor came out.

"Doctor, how is my friend?" Zheng Xiaoqing walked over first.

The female doctor said, "We did a series of checks on your friend, and nothing was found!"

"Your friend is in good health and has woken up now!"

"Great!" Zheng Xiaoqing said in surprise.

Hearing this news, Lin Fan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Yuanshan was happy for a while, and then asked suspiciously, "Doctor, since my daughter is in good health, why did she suddenly faint?"

The doctor thought for a while and said, "I have no way to explain this, everything depends on the test results!"

"However, don't let her take medicine indiscriminately in the future!"

The doctor blamed it on taking medicine indiscriminately.

Song Yuanshan gave Lin Fan a hard look, as if to warn him.

Lin Fan didn't pay much attention to this.

"Doctor, can we go in now?" Zheng Xiaoqing asked.


Zheng Xiaoqing and Song Yuanshan entered the ward first.

On the hospital bed, Song Xueer had a happy expression on her face.

After waking up, she found that her voice had recovered.

And after trying to sing a few lines, Song Xueer found that her voice was even better than before.

How could she be unhappy?

This also means that she can return to the music scene.

"Xue'er, are you okay?" Song Yuanshan asked anxiously after entering the ward.

"Dad, Xiaoqing, I'm fine!"

"You don't have to worry!"

Although she passed out not long ago, Song Xueer didn't feel any discomfort now.

"Such a big thing happened, can I not worry about it!" Song Yuanshan was still worried.

"The doctor said that I am fine, just pay attention to rest in the future!"

"Hey, Lin Fan, why are you here?"

Song Xueer noticed Lin Fan and asked in surprise.

Without Lin Fan's medicine, perhaps her voice would never recover.

Seeing that Song Xueer's face was normal, Lin Fan also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I heard that you fainted, so I came to see you, as long as you are fine!"

"Lin Fan, thank you, my voice is better now!"

As the voice recovered, Song Xueer's face became more confident.

Lin Fan just nodded, not surprised.

Zheng Xiaoqing next to her was also happy for Song Xueer.

"Xue'er, what are you talking about, is your voice okay?" Song Yuanshan didn't quite believe it.

You know, in order to help Song Xueer recover her voice, he has consulted many doctors in the past two years.

But without exception, all failed.

"Thanks to Lin Fan!" Song Xueer said.

"Great!" Song Yuanshan said excitedly.

However, he didn't think Lin Fan cured Song Xueer's voice.

After all, Song Xueer is also taking some other medicines now.

"Song Xueer, since you're fine, I'll go back first!"

Lin Fan found out that Song Xueer's father had a little prejudice against him, so he didn't want to stay any longer.


Song Xueer remembered something and said, "Xiaoqing, you should go back too, and give that necklace to Lin Fan!"

Zheng Xiaoqing nodded, and left with Lin Fan.

Soon, Song Xueer also went through the discharge procedures, and went home with her father Song Yuanshan.

Song Yuanshan was still worried when he returned home, so he invited an old Chinese doctor back.

"Dad, I'm in good health. Why do you ask the doctor to come back?"

"Just to be on the safe side, let's take a look!" Song Yuanshan said, "Mr. Jiang is a famous miracle doctor. Your voice can be restored entirely because of his medicine!"

For the past two weeks, Song Xueer has also taken Jiang Lao's medicine.

So Song Yuanshan wanted to invite Mr. Jiang to come and have a look.

Song Xueer was upset, "Dad, you told me that my voice was cured by Lin Fan!"

"Impossible, that kid is not a doctor!"

Song Yuanshan didn't believe that Lin Fan had that ability.

"It's fine if you don't believe it!" Song Xueer didn't bother to explain.

Not long after, Jiang Linxiang, the genius doctor Song Yuan had mentioned, came over.

Jiang Linxiang was also surprised when he heard that Song Xueer's voice had recovered.

He's just a liar. What kind of miracle doctor is made up.

But Song Yuanshan believed it.

The medicines that Song Xueer took before were nothing more than some supplements.

Jiang Linxiang just wanted to cheat some consultation fees.

Logically speaking, those medicines would have no effect.

But Song Xueer's voice is fine, could it be because of psychological effects?