The third aunt's family not only bought a house, but also bought a car.

Life is good.

When the inheritance was divided, the third aunt's family had already taken advantage of a lot.

Now that I heard that Lin Fan's place is going to be demolished, he even has the audacity to ask for the demolition money.

This face is also thick enough.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, Chen Mengfen became unhappy.

"Lin Fan, you are a junior, why are you talking to me?"

"That store was originally ours, what's the problem?"

Of course there are problems.

And it's a big problem.

The reason why Chen Mengfen was able to get the store back then was because she was too domineering.

Lin Haidong and He Hui just didn't want to argue with her.

Who would have thought that this woman would be insatiable.

This is too much.

Lin Fan knew that there was no reason to talk to someone like Chen Mengfen, so he said.

"Third Aunt, you can also pay for the demolition if you want, but you should also share some of the money the store has earned over the years!"

Chen Mengfen said excitedly as if her tail had been stepped on.

"The money earned by the shop has nothing to do with you. If you want to share the money, just dream!"

Lin Fan sneered, "Then I'll give you a word, you want to take our demolition money, it's impossible!"

Lin Fan's tone was tough.

The demolition money was nothing to Lin Fan.

But he will not give up what belongs to him.

Chen Mengfen crossed her arms, "I don't want too much, just take 300,000. If you don't give it, I won't leave today!"

The business of the shop is not very good this year, and Chen Mengfen has borrowed a lot of money, so she urgently needs a large amount of money to turn around.

This is why Chen Mengfen wants to get the demolition money.

"You still want 300,000, not a cent!"

Lin Haidong came out of the kitchen with an angry look on his face.

Lin Haidong is considered a very gentle person, but now he is also irritated by Chen Mengfen.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt!"

At this moment, Lin Xueyan came back.

The door was not closed, and after entering the door, Lin Xueyan greeted Lin Haidong and He Hui.

"So the third aunt is here!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was not quite right, Lin Xueyan looked at Lin Fan.

Actually, Lin Xueyan didn't have much affection for Chen Mengfen either.

"Xueyan, you came just in time!" Chen Mengfen pulled Lin Xueyan over.

"Now your second uncle's house is going to be demolished, tell me, do we also have a share in the demolition money!"

Chen Mengfen decided to pull Lin Xueyan into her camp.

Lin Xueyan had already heard about this matter, but she didn't think that Lin Fan's family's demolition money had anything to do with her.

It is true that this house was left by her grandfather, but it was already divided up.

Lin Xueyan's family was also assigned a house, but unfortunately, they did not encounter demolition.

Lin Xueyan shook her head, "This house belongs to my second uncle, I have no share!"

"You silly girl, how can you say such a thing!"

Chen Mengfen was speechless.

There are some things that depend on making trouble, and if you don’t make trouble, of course you can’t get it.

However, Lin Xueyan's skin was not as thick as Chen Mengfen's.

"I don't care, anyway, the demolition funds must be divided today!"

"Snow geese don't want it, I want it!"

Lin Xueyan said, "How about it, Third Aunt, I'll give you my house!"

Her family's house is already very old, and in fact it is not of much value.

Chen Mengfen said angrily, "Your house has not been demolished, why should I come here?"

These words have completely exposed Chen Mengfen's purpose.

She just came to ask for money.

Lin Fan said coldly, "Third Aunt, today is my dad's birthday, if you still want to make trouble here, then I will do it!"

"you dare!"

Chen Mengfen still had no intention of leaving.

Lin Xueyan said, "Third Aunt, you called me yesterday and said that your son wants to work in Chufeng Group and needs my help, right?"

Chen Mengfen said, "It's not too late to talk about work tomorrow!"

Chen Mengfen knew that Lin Xueyan was the leader of Chufeng Group, so she thought of asking Lin Xueyan for help.

"Do you know who Lin Fan is?"

"What identity can he have!" Chen Mengfen's expression was full of disdain.

Lin Xueyan shook her head and said, "Lin Fan is the chairman of Chufeng Group, even he helped me enter the company!"

Chen Mengfen was shocked.

She knew that Chufeng Group was a large enterprise with a market value of 20 billion.

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Fan was actually the chairman of Chufeng Group.

Just now she offended Lin Fan, doesn't that mean that her son is hopeless to join the Chu Feng Group?

"Xueyan, you're not kidding me, are you?"

"Why should I be joking with you!" Lin Xueyan asked back.

Lin Haidong and He Hui looked at each other, both shocked.

After all, Lin Fan gave them too many surprises today.

I thought my son was just the major shareholder of Hehu Group, but unexpectedly, he is also the chairman of Chufeng Group.

Hearing Lin Xueyan's affirmative answer, Chen Mengfen's expression changed.

"Lin Fan, I've always spoken so bluntly, don't worry about it!"

Chen Mengfen is the kind of person who bullys the weak and fears the strong. When she learned of Lin Fan's identity, her attitude immediately changed.

Besides, her son had to ask Lin Fan for help in joining the company.

"Now that you are the chairman of Chufeng Group, there is no need to argue with us for the demolition money!"

"dont you agree?"

Chen Mengfen is still thinking about the demolition funds.

"You made a mistake. It's not that we want to fight with you now, but that the demolition funds belong to us!"

"You can get out, don't interfere with my meal!"

Lin Fan directly pulled Chen Mengfen out of the door and closed the door.

"Beat me, the chairman of Chufeng Group beat me!"

Chen Mengfen sat down on the ground, and started her Dafa practice.

Hearing Chen Mengfen yelling outside the door, Lin Haidong and the others were not even in the mood to eat.

"This woman is not finished yet!"

Lin Fan was on the verge of breaking out.

Lin Xueyan thought for a while and said, "I'll call Third Uncle and ask him to come and take Third Aunt away!"

"you try!"

Lin Xueyan took out her mobile phone, but she made several calls in a row but failed to get through.

The other party's phone is turned off.

Lin Fan said, "I understand it. I guess the third uncle also wants to get the demolition money. He is too embarrassed to come here, so I let the third aunt come here to make trouble!"

He Hui sighed.

"Or forget it, take out the demolition money and divide it!"

"Mom, this demolition fund can be distributed to Xueyan, but absolutely not to Third Aunt's family!"

"You have to know, when they split up the shop, they already took advantage of it!"

"And people like Third Aunt will never be satisfied. We backed down this time, and she will still miss our things in the future!"

Lin Fan had only one thought.

That is what belongs to them, and no one can take it away.

"Mom, let me take care of this, let's eat now!"

Lin Fan went back to the room, took out a pair of speakers, and turned on the music.

In this way, Chen Mengfen's shouts could no longer be heard.