
Lin Fan didn't look at Wu Qingsong, as if he was transparent.

Hand over the two pieces of paper to Zhou Baiwang, Lin Fan said.

"Buy back the above medicine, the sooner the better!"

"Only half an hour left!"

"If it continues, even if the gods come, they will not be able to save your son!"


Zhou Baiwang was very nervous, so he immediately asked people to buy the medicine and the medicine jars used for decocting the medicine.

"Brother Lin, what should we do now?"

"Find a quiet place and leave it to me!"

The wards here are too small, and it is not easy to decoct medicine.

"I have a villa near here!"

"Then go now!"

Ten minutes later, Zhou Baiwang brought Lin Fan to the villa.

Zheng Xiaoqing and Song Yuanshan naturally followed.

On the other side of the hospital, Wu Qingsong also brought several doctors.

Not long after, the medicine was bought back.

Lin Fan came to the kitchen with the medicine and medicine jar.

"Brother Lin, what can we do?"

At this time, Zhou Baiwang didn't have the leisure to sit down.

"Just do what you should do, don't affect me, you can go out now!"

"Also, if I don't call, no one can come in!"

After those people went out, Lin Fan also started to work.

Lin Fan put the medicines into the medicine jars one by one according to the quantity, and started to decoct the medicines.

This requires a great deal of patience, and there is no room for error.

Dosing more or less will affect the final effect.

Ten minutes passed like this, and the first dose of medicine came out.

Lin Fan was sweating profusely, poured out the medicinal soup, put it into a bowl, and continued to fry the second portion.

After the first medicine cooled down, Lin Fan took it to the room.

"Xiaoqing, do me a favor and feed the medicine to this child!"

Zhou Baiwang took the first step, "I'll do it!"

Zhou Baiwang was worried.

Lin Fan didn't say anything, and after handing the medicine to Zhou Baiwang, he went back to the kitchen.

It takes an extremely long time to decoct the second dose.

After more than ten minutes, Zheng Xiaoqing ran in.

"Lin Fan, go over and have a look, there is something wrong!"

Lin Fan nodded and went into the room to see Zhou Baiwang's son.

Although Zhou Baiwang's son didn't wake up, his face showed pain.

This made Zhou Baiwang very worried.

"Brother Lin, what's going on?"

Wu Qingsong couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Let me see!"

"You don't move!"

Lin Fan said seriously, "This is a normal phenomenon, don't worry about it, it will be fine in a while!"

Lin Fan's prescription was a bit harsh.

However, serious illness requires strong medicine.

Lin Fan had no other choice.

"Except for Zheng Xiaoqing, everyone else is out, especially you, Zhou Baiwang, you can't come in!"

Concern leads to chaos, Lin Fan doesn't want to waste all his previous efforts because of Zhou Baiwang.

"Brother Lin, I can just stand here, I promise not to move!"


Zhou Baiwang thought for a while, and could only agree, and left the room.

"Xiaoqing, aren't you sleepy?"

Zheng Xiaoqing shook her head.

Now the boss is still busy, can she say sleepy?

"Okay, let me know if there is any abnormality, if you are sleepy, let Song Yuanshan take over!"

After a word of advice, Lin Fan continued to decoct the medicine.

The first medicine is relatively simple.

It takes a very long time to get the second medicine.

After more than four hours, Lin Fan decocted the second medicine at dawn.

Lin Fan came to the room and found that Song Yuanshan also came to the room at some time.

But Song Yuanshan fell asleep.

It was Zheng Xiaoqing who pulled him in.

Zheng Xiaoqing is relatively timid, how dare she look at the critically ill child alone.

Especially at night.

"Lin Fan!"

Seeing Lin Fan coming in, Zheng Xiaoqing called softly.

Lin Fan handed the medicine to Zheng Xiaoqing, "Give it to the child!"

He kicked Song Yuanshan awake.

"I've been busy all night because of your crap, and you still have the nerve to sleep!"

"Lin Fan, has the child been rescued?"

Song Yuanshan woke up and asked.

"If you can't be rescued, you're going to die!" Lin Fan threatened.

Song Yuanshan was really frightened, his face turned pale.

"Lin Fan, will you be fine after feeding this medicine?" Zheng Xiaoqing asked Lin Fan.

"Not yet, there is a third medicine!"

"You haven't closed your eyes all night, do you want to take a rest?"

Lin Fan shook his head.

After all, the 2.5 billion is not so easy to get.

When the third medicine was ready, another five hours passed.

It was almost noon at this time.

Lin Fan took the medicine into the room and found that Zheng Xiaoqing had also fallen asleep.

Lin Fan didn't wake her up.

In fact, when taking the second dose of medicine, the child's complexion has gradually improved, so there will be no more abnormalities.

Lin Fan came to the bed and fed the medicine himself.

You're done.

Lin Fan felt the child's pulse again.

The pulse was normal, which also meant that the child was not only rescued, but also cured.

Lin Fan let out a sigh of relief and walked out of the hall.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

Zhou Baiwang also stayed up all night.

After Lin Fan came out, Wu Qingsong on the sofa was also awakened.

Lin Fan had been busy all night, he was very curious about the result.

"Your son is fine, but he hasn't woken up yet!"

Zhou Baiwang said pleasantly, "Thank you brother Lin, can I go in now?"

"Of course!" Lin Fan said.

"How can this be!"

Wu Qingsong didn't believe it, and followed Zhou Baiwang into the room quickly.

When he saw that the child's face had returned to normal, he was shocked.

"This... is this a miracle?"

Wu Qingsong sat down and felt the child's pulse.

"A miracle...it's a miracle!"

Wu Qingsong was even more excited than Zhou Baiwang.

Because he witnessed a miracle today.

It's a medical miracle.

"Dean Wu, is my son okay?"

"It's unbelievable!" Wu Qingsong shook his head and said.

"Judging from the pulse condition, your son's heart disease is also healed!"

"Great, great!"

Zhou Baiwang was extremely excited.

"Mr. Zhou, I suggest taking your son back to the hospital..."

"Why take it back to the hospital? Do you want to take my son for research?"

Zhou Baiwang was a little angry, "My son was rescued by brother Lin, isn't his medical skill better than yours?"

Wu Qingsong was a little embarrassed.

But indeed, Lin Fan was able to rescue Zhou Baiwang's son.

This was something Wu Qingsong could not have expected.

Hearing that Zhou Baiwang's son was fine, Zheng Xiaoqing and Song Yuanshan were also very happy.

Song Yuanshan was happy because he didn't have to be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

"Who said last night that Lin Fan could cure this child, so he called Lin Fan's father?"

Song Yuanshan reminded.

Wu Qingsong blushed.

Call it, it's embarrassing.

Don't call, it will be more embarrassing to meet in the future.

"Dad... Dad!" Wu Qingsong called reluctantly.

"Good son!" Lin Fan responded.

"Father, leave a cell phone number so we can contact you later!" Wu Qingsong came to Lin Fan.

"I'm not good at that bite!"

Wu Qingsong was stunned for a while, and then he heard the meaning behind Lin Fan's words.

"That's not what I meant, but when we are free, let's talk about medical issues!"

"That's not OK!"