"There's no need to deal with it. If we kill someone, we'll leave and flee abroad. Even the police can't find us!"

The killer said proudly.

"What if it leaves no trace?" Lin Fan continued to ask.

"Brother, are you afraid that the police will find you?"

"Then get some gasoline and burn this old factory building down, so there won't be any evidence left behind!"

"Very good, bring Su Jianwen's car in!"

Lin Fan nodded and ordered.

Lin Fan was afraid that the killer would escape, so he followed him.

Just like that, the killer drove Su Jianwen's sports car into the abandoned factory building, found a pipe, and sucked the gasoline out of the fuel tank.

The pungent smell of gasoline filled the abandoned factory building.

"Okay, now as long as the gasoline is ignited, the scene can be destroyed!"

The killer took out a lighter from his body and smiled triumphantly.

He didn't notice at all, Lin Fan silently pulled out the golden brick.



Lin Fan knocked out the two killers and threw them into the abandoned factory building.

"Sorry, you know too much!"

"Let's go with Su Jianwen, so you won't be lonely on Huangquan Road!"

Lin Fan lit the gasoline.


With a loud noise, Su Jianwen's sports car exploded.

Abandoned factory buildings also collapsed, and the flames blazed into the sky.

Fortunately, Lin Fan ran fast, otherwise he would have been burned.

Lin Fan knew that the police would arrive here soon, so he drove his sports car back to the manor.

Nothing to say all night.

In the morning, Lin Fan got up.


"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five bottles of Islay Whiskey Limited Edition!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 20 million soft sister coins!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for being proficient in Chinese painting!"

British Islay Whiskey Limited Edition, which is worth 40 million a bottle of wine.

The body of the bottle is made of crystal, and most importantly, it is inlaid with 8,500 diamonds and 300 rubies.


However, the proficiency in Chinese painting and the 20 million Ruanmei coins won didn't surprise Lin Fan too much.

Lin Fan used his mastery of Chinese painting skills, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.

To Lin Fan's surprise, not long after breakfast, the police from Shanghai came to his door.

"Mr. Lin, there is something that needs your cooperation, please come back to the police station with us!"

"Did something happen?"

Lin Fan knew that the police suspected him.

"Mr. Lin, did you go to the western suburbs last night?"


Lin Fan said, "I'm going for a drive over there, is there any problem?"

"We're just asking some questions, Mr. Lin, let's go!"

Lin Fan got into the car with the two police officers.

He knew that the police were just suspicious.

If you have the evidence, it's not as simple as taking it back for questioning.

Of course, Lin Fan was not afraid at all, because the two killers were also dead.

No matter how hard they searched, the police could not find any evidence.

Came to the police station, the police continued to question.

"Mr. Lin, you had conflicts with Su Jianwen, didn't you?"


Lin Fan admitted that after all these things, the police can find out as soon as they investigate.

"Su Jianwen is dead, and he died in the western suburbs!"

Police arrived last night to extinguish the fire and found three charred bodies.

Through DNA comparison, they found that one of them was Su Jianwen.

And it happened that Lin Fan had also been to the western suburbs, so he was suspected.

Lin Fan pretended to be surprised, "Su Jianwen is dead?"

"No way, isn't it said that good people don't live long, and evil people last for thousands of years?"

"How did this scourge die?"

Hearing what Lin Fan said, the two police officers who asked the question were speechless.

"Mr. Lin, you seem very happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, no, I'll go back later, I have to buy firecrackers to celebrate!"

Those two police officers, "..."

"Mr. Lin, this is an urban area, so firecrackers are not allowed!"

"Almost forgot!"

"Mr. Lin, what did you do in the western suburbs last night?"

Lin Fan shrugged, "Didn't I say that? Go for a drive!"

The two officers asked a few more questions, but nothing came out.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your cooperation, you can go now!"

They had no evidence, and it was impossible to lock Lin Fan up.

Lin Fan walked out of the police station and met Su Kaidong who was crying at the door.

His son died, can Su Kaidong not be sad?

When he came to the police station this time, Su Kaidong also came to cooperate with the police investigation.

"Lin Fan, you must have killed my son!"

Seeing Lin Fan, Su Kaidong gritted his teeth.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, "Su Kaidong, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

"Be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

"No, it must be you!" Su Kaidong pointed at Lin Fan and said angrily.

"Your son is so arrogant and has many enemies, maybe someone messed him up!"

"I, Lin Fan, am a very good citizen!"

Lin Fan ignored Su Kaidong, took a taxi and left.

Back at the manor, Lin Fan didn't go out again.

At noon, Zheng Xiaoqing also came back.

"Lin Fan, have you watched the news?" Zheng Xiaoqing asked Lin Fan as soon as she entered the door.

"What news?"

"Su Jianwen is dead, I heard he was killed!"

"This is a good thing, wait a minute, let's open some red wine to celebrate!"

Lin Fan went to the study and brought out a bottle of wine.

Zheng Xiaoqing rolled her eyes, "Can't you keep a low profile? What if the police suspect you?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "I haven't done anything wrong, so what are you afraid of?"

Lin Fan really didn't do anything wrong, because that Su Jianwen deserved to die.

In the evening, Lin Fan suddenly received a call from Zhao Yang.

"Mr. Lin, the company has encountered a little trouble!"

If it's a small matter, Zhao Yang can handle it.

But what happened today was too troublesome, so Zhao Yang could only ask Lin Fan to come forward.

"What's wrong?"

It turned out that someone had taken a fancy to the land in Dongcheng District and wanted to get a share of it.

"I'm going to the company now!"

Lin Fan came to the garage and drove the Koenigsegg out.

He wanted to see who was so bold and dared to come to Chufeng Group to do things.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Fan came to the headquarters of Chufeng Group.

And Zhao Yang was already waiting.

"Mr. Lin!"

"The other party is very arrogant, saying that he must participate in the development of the land in Dongcheng District. If we don't agree, he won't leave today!"

Lin Fan was expressionless.

"What is the identity of the other party?"

"The son of the chairman of the Longjiang Group, his name is Zhang Guojun!"

It's no wonder that Longjiang Group is the ninth largest real estate company in China, with a market value of more than 100 billion.

They have that capital.

"Go and meet!"

Zhao Yang brought Lin Fan to the office.

On the sofa in the office, Zhang Guojun was crossing his legs, holding a cigar, and puffing out clouds.

Behind Zhang Guojun, there stood a **** female secretary.

Zhang Guojun stroked the female secretary's hand and said with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, watch, I'm going to decide on this project!"

"They have to give if they don't!"