
Lin Fan smiled and played with the magical glasses in his hand.

"Okay, it's still high-tech!"

Qin Shou was so angry that he rushed over and wanted to hit Jucun Jianren.

"This guy was cheating, no, I'll beat him up again!"

"It's almost done, everyone is fainting now!"

Chang Junkai held Qin Shousheng back and persuaded him.

However, Qin Shousheng was still talking about it.

"Brother, give me these glasses, I want to expose him!"

"Winning a few games, he went to heaven, and even mocked us that there is no one in Huaxia. It turns out that he won by cheating. Pooh!"

Qin Shousheng spat at Jucun Jianren.

However, Lin Fan did not give the glasses to Qin Shousheng, because he had his own plans.

On the other side, Kikumura Kenhito's friend looked anxious and was calling the hospital.

Lin Fan ignored it and called the manager of Four Seasons Restaurant over.

"Mr. Lin, thank you so much just now!"

If Lin Fan hadn't made a move, she might have been bullied by Ju Cun Jianren.

Lin Fan waved his hand, "Nothing!"

After all, this is Lin Fan's restaurant, and he will not let the islanders run amok here.

"There should be a surveillance camera in the box, right? Copy a copy of the video for me!"

The fact has already happened, and it is impossible for Lin Fan to directly shoot Jucun Jianren to death.

What he needs to do now is to take the initiative.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, just wait a moment!"

The manager followed Lin Fan's orders.

After a while, Lin Fan also got the surveillance video of the box.

"That's it for tonight, everyone go to bed early!"

"Brother, see you tomorrow!" Chang Junkai said with a smile.

When Su Ya was about to leave, she was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Lin Fan gave Su Ya a steady look, got in the car and left.

The first thing he did when he returned to the courtyard was to edit the video into material and post it on the Internet.

Like last time, Lin Fan hacked several domestic information platforms and put the video on the homepage.

And gave a very eye-catching title.

"Shocked, Jianren Jucun, an island country, is rampant in Yanjing, and he did such a thing..."

As soon as the video came out, it quickly sparked heated discussions.

"Ju Cun Jianren, isn't this an islander who came to China to participate in the chess game?"

"It's him, I heard that he also won the number one player in the Chinese chess world, and he is very arrogant now!"

"It's too much to bully people in our Huaxia!"

"A friend of mine was at the scene. I heard that Kikumura Kenhito was taken to the hospital on the spot. I don't know if it's true or not!"

"If this is the case, then it will be retribution!"

This is what Lin Fan needs

At the same time, he also posted Kikumura Kenhito's method of cheating on the Internet.

The method was exposed, and the Chinese chess circle also condemned Jianren Jucun.

"No wonder that guy is so powerful, it turned out to be by cheating!"

"I suggest, invalidate the results of the competition in the past few days, choose a time, and compete again!"

"What's more, he won by cheating, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to compete with us!"

On the Internet, Jianren Jucun has become a street rat.

Some people even found out the hospital where Jianren Jucun was working, and wanted to smash rotten eggs.

Of course, the unconscious Kikumura Kenhito didn't know what was happening outside.

Not long after being sent to the hospital, he also woke up.

"Check it out, check it out for me, I want all the information on that person!"

Kikumura Kenhito was unwilling to be beaten.

"I've already called the police. If the Huaxia police don't give us a satisfactory answer, this matter won't just be over!"

Next to him, Kikumura Kenhito's friend also looked angry.

Kenhito Kikumura gritted his teeth, "I want that guy to go to jail!"

"No, it's cheaper for him to go to jail..."

"Where are my glasses?"

Jianren Jucun suddenly found that his glasses were missing.

That's his treasure. The reason why he can gain a foothold in the chess world is because of those high-tech glasses.

"When you were knocked out, those glasses were also taken away by the Huaxia people!"


Jianren Jucun had an ominous feeling in his heart.

If the secret of the glasses is known to the Huaxia people, it will be over.

But things have come to this, Jucun Jianren can only pray silently in his heart, Huaxia people must not discover the secret on his glasses.

As for the sensation caused on the Internet, Kikumura Kenhito didn't know about it.

"Contact the police in Huaxia and see if you can get me back those glasses!"

Just as Kikumura Kenhito finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

"You still have the nerve to call me a teacher? I don't have a student like you!"

The voice on the phone was angry.

"What's wrong?"

Kikumura Kenhito was stunned.

"Your embarrassing thing has been thrown to the whole world!"

It turned out that people from the China Chess Association had already contacted Jucun Jianren's teacher.

His teacher was far away in the island country, but he was very angry when he heard about his students cheating.

Kikumura Kenhito's teacher is considered a well-known figure in the island country. He never thought that his reputation would be ruined because of Kikumura Kenhito this time.

"Teacher, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"Pretend me again? Let me ask you, are you cheating with high-tech glasses?"

Jucun Jianren was startled, and argued.

"Teacher, there is absolutely no such thing!"

Kikumura Kenhito knew very well that once the cheating story got out, he would be ruined.

"The story of your cheating has been posted on the Internet, go and see for yourself!"

"Also, don't call me teacher anymore, I don't have a student like you!"

Kikumura Kenhito shook his head and spoke again.

"It must be that the Huaxia people can't afford to lose, so they want to slander me!"


Kikumura Kenhito wanted to say something, but at this moment, the other party had already hung up the phone.

"how so?"

Gritting his teeth, Kikumura Kenhito immediately called the translator over to see what happened online.

"Mr. Jucun, it's not good, someone broke the news that you cheated in the game!"

"Look, are these the glasses you're wearing?"

The translator held the mobile phone in front of Kikumura Kenhito.

Kikumura Kenhito couldn't read Chinese characters, but he could still read the glasses on the picture.

"Damn Chinese people, you and I are at odds with each other!"

Kikumura Kenhito knew that he would not be able to play chess in the future.

And all of this is because of Lin Fan.

"Mr. Kikumura, what we did in the restaurant has also been posted on the Internet!"

"Many people are scolding you now. I don't think the hospital is safe. Why don't you go to another place!"

What Kenhito Kikumura did has already aroused public outrage. If anyone finds this place, they will be beaten.


Kikumura Kenhito clenched his fists.

At this moment, Kikumura Kenhito's cell phone rang again.

"Uncle, I was beaten in Yanjing!"