Lin Fan's English is so-so, he asked these questions in Chinese.

The secretary next to him was translating for Smith.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Smith took a contract from the secretary.

"That's right, I'm Smith, the general manager of SmithKline!"

"This is an agency contract, and the money earned will be divided between seven and three!"

Smith looked at Lin Fan with a smile.

In his eyes, Lin Fan is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Lin Fan accepted the contract without reading it.

Although he did not speak English well, he could still understand the meaning of Smith's words.

"You seven and three?"

Lin Fan also confirmed with a faint smile on his face.

"Of course, we, Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, have to take 70% of the profits we make!"

"You should be very clear that your Hengtian Pharmaceutical is just a small company. Without our help, it is impossible for your medicine to be promoted to the whole world!"

Smith was very proud.


Lin Fan's expression darkened.

This Smith is dreaming like a fool, and he even wants to take 70% of the profits.

I want to fart.

Lin Fan directly threw the contract into the trash can.

Smith frowned and slammed the table.

"How dare you tell me to get out?" Smith said angrily.

I have to say that Lin Fan was the first Chinese who dared to talk to him like that.

"What am I afraid of?"

"Before bullying others, you'd better see whose territory this is!"

Lin Fan sneered.

He didn't want to cooperate with these foreign pharmaceutical companies, not to mention that the conditions proposed by Smith were so excessive.

This is not cooperation at all, but blatant robbery.

Smith squinted, threateningly.

"You refuse to cooperate with us, do you know the consequences?"

"I really do not know!"

Lin Fan shrugged.

Only Lin Fan has the medicine that can cure lung cancer, whether you like it or not.

Smith said, "I dare say that without our help, it is impossible for your medicine to be sold abroad!"


Lin Fan didn't care.

"Mr. Lin, I will give you another chance, think about it carefully!"

"Perhaps, you should look up the information of our Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals!"

Lin Fan said coldly, "Don't think about it, I still use that word!"


Smith Ke Pharmaceutical's eyes were gloomy, and suddenly, he burst out laughing.

"Mr. Lin, I admire your courage!"

"Since there is no way to cooperate, let's wait and see!"

"You will beg me one day!"

Smith snorted coldly, and quickly left with the female secretary.

Lin Fan sat down in front of the office chair, a strong murderous look flashed in his eyes.

That's right, facing Smith's threat, Lin Fan had already started to kill.

Realizing that Yang Linlin was still here, Lin Fan laughed.

"Linlin, make me a cup of tea!"

"Mr. Lin, don't you like drinking tea?"

Yang Linlin felt a little strange, but she went out to make tea for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan sat alone in the office, thinking.

He placed his right hand on the table, tapping his fingertips rhythmically.

After a while, Yang Linlin came back with a cup of tea.

"Linlin, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Yang Linlin seemed to have something on her mind, Lin Fan asked.

"It's nothing!"

"I'm thinking, our drug hasn't been launched yet, so we've offended the Smith Keline people now, isn't it..."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's nothing, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and it's inevitable to offend people!"

"Linlin, do one more thing for me!"

Yang Linlin was curious, "Mr. Lin, what's the matter!"

Yang Linlin put the cup of tea in front of Lin Fan.

"Go to some media and tell me that Hengtian Pharmaceutical intends to cooperate with Smith Kelin Pharmaceutical!"

"Remember not to seek big media, just let out a little wind!"

Lin Fan wanted to give it a try at night to see if the killer skill would work.

Before getting rid of Smith, Lin Fan had to release some smoke bombs.

lest anyone suspect him.

"Okay, I'll do it in a moment!"

Yang Linlin didn't ask any more questions.

From Yang Linlin's point of view, since it was Lin Fan's order, there must be his intentions.

She just needs to execute.

Yang Linlin had a lot of things to deal with, and after drinking half a cup of tea, Lin Fan also left.

At night, Su Ya and Chang Junkai came back from outside.

"Su Ya, where did you go to play today?"

"I'm going to the beach for a walk!"

In the morning, Su Ya wanted to ask Lin Fan to go with her.

Unfortunately, Lin Fan drank too much wine and couldn't get up at all.

Lin Fan observed Su Ya for a long time, but found nothing wrong.

It seems that the person who entered his room last night was not Su Ya.

Then, there is only one person left.

That is Song Xueer.

Is it really her?

Lin Fan fell into deep thought, not sure yet.

"Brother, are you free tomorrow? Come play with us!"

Chang Junkai came to Lin Fan's side.

"decide as things go!"

Lin Fan didn't agree right away.

After eight o'clock, Zheng Xiaoqing and Yang Linlin also came back.

"Xiaoqing, why didn't Song Xueer come over today?" Lin Fan asked.

"She seems to be busy. If you want to find her, just call her!"

Zheng Xiaoqing glanced at Lin Fan.

"I'll just ask around!"

Late at night, when everyone is asleep.

Lin Fan put on a peaked cap and went out through the window.

His movements are very agile, like a ghost in the night.

After all, that killer skill is not for nothing.

Lin Fan didn't go out in a sports car, but took a taxi to the side of the road.

Before departure, Lin Fan had already found out the hotel where Smith lived.

But before the assassination, Lin Fan went to buy a set of clothes.

Just like that, Lin Fan came to the hotel alone.

He avoided all of the hotel's surveillance cameras and made his way to the floor where Smith had reserved his room.

At this time, Smith is still drinking in bars.

However, it's coming back soon.

Lin Fan hid in the dark, quietly waiting for the prey to return.

Lin Fan knew Smith's whereabouts like the back of his hand.

Because he planted a virus on Smith's phone.

Lin Fan waited for more than ten minutes, and finally, Smith came back.

The elevator door opened, and Smith, reeking of alcohol, walked out of the elevator with two heavily made-up women in his arms.

Smith's secretary was not there.

"This guy is quite good at playing!"

Using his mobile phone, Lin Fan directly turned off the nearby surveillance cameras and stepped out.

Lin Fan used his hand as a knife, and knocked the two women unconscious.


Smith thought he saw a ghost, and immediately yelled.

The rooms here are better sealed, so no one is attracted.

"Smith, we meet again!"

Lin Fan said with a sneer in his not-so-fluent English.

"It's you!"

Although Lin Fan was wearing a peaked cap, Smith recognized him immediately.

"That's right, it's me!"

"court death!"

Smith disappeared drunk, clenched his fist, and punched Lin Fan.