Wang Dongshi clenched his fists tightly, his face gloomy.

He still wanted to say something, but at this moment, his cell phone rang first.


"Something is wrong!"

The female assistant's voice was flustered.

"what happened?"

Wang Dongshi asked with a frown.

"Fangtai Motors, just informed us!"

"Suspend all cooperation!"

"And they also said that the successor will not provide us with new cars!"

Wang Dongshi didn't take it seriously.

Because, this Fangtai Automobile does not have much influence in China.

Their Jiangli Group has cooperated with many car manufacturers, and there is no shortage of Fangtai Automobile.

"It's just a Fangtai car!"

"it's not a big deal!"

The female assistant stammered, "No...that's not the case!"

"Almost all the domestic car manufacturers have called!"

"They said they were going to disappear cooperation!"

"Even...even foreign... BMW, Audi and other car companies will no longer provide us with new cars!"


Wang Dongshi panicked.

If all car manufacturers cancel the cooperation.

Then their Jiangli Group is really finished.

The car is not given to them, what are they going to sell?

"Why is this happening?"

Wang Dongshi couldn't figure out why it happened like this.

Apparently, he didn't offend anyone.

And to mobilize so many car manufacturers, my God, how much energy does it take?

"Chairman, I... I don't know either!"

"Check, check right away!"

Wang Dongshi lost his temper, and he hung up the phone.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Wang Shaocheng asked doubtfully.

Wang Dongshi didn't explain, he walked out of the ward and made a phone call.

He wanted to see who was messing with him behind his back.

Wang Dongshi contacted the general manager of an automobile manufacturer.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm Wang Dongshi!"

"I want to ask..."

"Beep beep!"

Before Wang Dongshi finished speaking, the other party hung up the phone conveniently.

Wang Dongshi made several phone calls in a row, all of which were the same.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Judging from the current situation, something really happened.

And it's a big deal.

Friends who usually keep in touch with him, now hang up his phone for the first time.

Wang Dongshi made another phone call. This time, he learned the lesson.

"Boss Zhou!"

"Did I offend someone?"

Wang Dongshi contacted the general manager of another car manufacturer.

When the phone was connected, he immediately asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Wang Dongshi, you know what to ask!"

Wang Dongshi was even more confused.

"Boss Zhou!"

"I... I don't understand!"

The voice on the phone was very annoyed, "You don't even know about the trouble you caused yourself?"

"I really do not know!"

"Mr. Zhou, please tell me one or two more!"

All manufacturers cancel cooperation at the same time, which requires a lot of energy.

Wang Dongshi felt that he had not offended such a big shot.

The voice on the phone snorted coldly.

"Let me tell you that!"

"The cancellation of the cooperation with Jiangli Group is an order personally issued by our chairman!"

"The same is true for other car manufacturers!"

"The one who wants to deal with you is Xingchen Motor!"

"Think about the rest slowly!"

The other party hung up the phone.

Wang Dongshi's face was pale.

He never imagined that it was Xingchen Motor who was messing with him behind his back.

If it was before, Jiangli Group would not be afraid of Xingchen Motors.

After all, Star Motors is just a small domestic manufacturer.

But now, Xingchen Motors is different from the past.

Their automobile manufacturing technology is far ahead of the same industry.

Even those century-old luxury car brands abroad are also licking their cheeks and want to get the technology of Xingchen Motors.

If Xingchen Motors wants to sanction Jiangli Group, they are fully capable of doing so.

It's just that Wang Dongshi couldn't figure it out.

Why did Xingchen Motor deal with him.

He didn't offend anyone from Xingchen Motors either.

Suddenly, Wang Dongshi thought of a possibility.

"Lin Fan?"

"Lin Fan?"

No wonder the name felt so familiar to him.

Isn't this the chairman of Star Motors?

The chairman of the Sea Lion Guard Center is also named Lin Fan.

These two names are exactly the same, if it is the same person...

Wang Dongshi's face was pale, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Furious, he walked quickly back to the ward.


Wang Shaocheng yelled just now, but the one who greeted him.

But it was a big slap in the face of Wang Dongshi.

"You... Who did you offend?"

Wang Dongshi's voice trembled.

If Lin Fan offended by his son is indeed the chairman of Xingchen Motors.

Then they will die badly.

This big slap almost made Wang Shaocheng faint.

He was already injured, and after being slapped, he only felt his head buzzing.


"Don't you know the identity of that guy?"

"His name is Lin Fan, and he is the chairman of the Sea Lion Guard Center!"

Wang Dongshi was angry in his heart, "That's not what I asked!"

"I'm asking, does the other party have any other identities!"

Wang Shaocheng was stunned.

Usually, his father dotes on him very much, but now, he has lost his temper so much.

"He seems to be the chairman of Baihao Hotel!"


Wang Dongshi rolled his eyes and almost fainted from anger.

"I'm going to be mad at you to death!"

While Wang Dongshi hated his son, he also regretted it.

At that time, why didn't I check Lin Fan's identity.

It's all right now, Lin Fan has been completely offended.


"Even if he is the chairman of Baihao Hotel, so what?"

"In our identities, do we still need to be afraid of him?"

Wang Dongshi raised his palm and roared.

"I really want to slap you to death!"

"Why didn't I put you on a tissue back then!"

Frightened by his father's actions, Wang Shaocheng shrank back.

"Dad, I don't understand!"

Wang Dongshi was shaking with anger.

"Of course you don't understand!"

"You are an idiot!"

"You only know that Lin Fan is the chairman of Baihao Hotel!"

"I didn't even know he had other identities!"

An ominous premonition welled up in Wang Shaocheng's heart, and he asked tremblingly.

"Dad, what is that guy's identity?"

Wang Dongshi had despair on his face.

He knew that at such a time, he would kill his son.

It didn't help either.

Being sanctioned by Xingchen Automobile, Jiangli Group will soon be finished.

"He is the chairman of Star Motors!"

"Star Car, have you heard of it?"

Wang Shaocheng looked confused and shook his head.

Seeing this, Wang Dongshi was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"I'm so angry... I'm so angry!"

"Dad...Dad, is the Xingchen car very powerful?"

Wang Shaocheng only knew about those foreign luxury car brands, but he didn't know much about Xingchen Motors.

Wang Dongshi sat down and took a few breaths of relief.

If this goes on like this, before the Jiangli Group goes bankrupt, he will be **** off by his son first.