"Lin Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Lin Fan stop, he was still smiling.

Song Xueer looked puzzled.

"It's okay, I just suddenly thought of a very funny thing!"

Lin Fan continued to walk with Song Xueer with a smile on his face.

After using the short-selling experience card, the stock price of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical has dropped by more than 30%.

Not bad.

And taking this opportunity, it happened to be able to acquire the shares of Nuo Sheng Pharmaceutical.

If there is no Linmei Bank's 35% stake.

Lin Fan really didn't dare to buy Nuosheng Pharmaceutical directly. 7K 妏敩

Because the need for cash is really too much, and there are many risks.

But things are different now.

Lin Fan is very confident that he can control Nuosheng Pharmaceutical.

Lin Fan and Song Xueer walked in the back garden for half an hour.

Only then did he return to the hall of the villa.

At this time, the chef of the villa also prepared breakfast.

Everyone sits down and eats breakfast.

"Mom, I plan to go back to Shanghai tomorrow!"

"Are you and Dad going there together?"

Lin Fan looked at Lin Haidong and He Hui.

"We won't go!"

"I still want to spend two more days on Hong Kong Island with your Auntie Xiaoying!"

Previously, the reason why He Hui wanted to go to Shanghai was just to urge Lin Fan to get married.

Now that he has seen Lin Fan's girlfriend, he is not in a hurry to go to Shanghai.

She wants to stay on Hong Kong Island for two more days before returning to her hometown.

"That's fine!"

"When you want to go to Shanghai, you can call me anytime!"

"I can arrange a plane for you!"

He Hui nodded, "Okay!"

Lin Fan still planned to keep two robot bodyguards with his parents.

In this way, he can rest assured.

Before finishing breakfast, Du Meiqi brought her daughter over.

Seeing that Lin Fan was still eating breakfast, Du Meiqi was waiting outside the hall.

"Come here so early?"

Lin Fan finished his breakfast and sat down opposite Du Meiqi.


"I've come to find you something!"

Du Meiqi just wanted to tell Lin Fan about Rentang Medicine.

After being suppressed, Rentang Pharmaceutical has almost collapsed.

Qin Zhongyu, the chairman of Rentang Pharmaceutical, also fled to the United States overnight.

It can be said to be extremely embarrassing.

Lin Fan was not surprised by Qin Zhongyu's escape.

Now that Qin Zhongyu's backer can't protect himself, he must not dare to stay on Hong Kong Island anymore.

"I learned that now Nuosheng Pharmaceutical has also had an accident!"

"Lin Fan, did you do this?"

Du Meiqi has guessed something.

After all, Lin Fan said yesterday that he would deal with Nuosheng Pharmaceutical.

What Du Meiqi didn't expect was that Lin Fan's ability was so great.

Even a big pharmaceutical company like Nuosheng Pharmaceutical is not Lin Fan's opponent.

You know, the headquarters of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical is in the United States.

And Du Meiqi learned this time that Nuosheng Pharmaceutical was jointly shorted by more than a dozen major international institutions.

Being able to mobilize so many institutions at the same time can only be described as a bully.

If there is no accident, Nuosheng Pharmaceutical will never be able to fight against Lin Fan again.


Lin Fan admitted.

Not so much that he is great.

It's better to say that the short-selling experience card drawn from the system is powerful.

After using the short-selling experience card, the effect caused did not disappoint Lin Fan.

He felt that if there were a few more such cards, he could walk sideways in the stock market.

Du Meiqi laughed, "It seems that even Nuosheng Pharmaceutical is not your opponent!"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "The story has just begun!"

Du Meiqi became even more curious.

"Then what are your plans next!"

Looking at Lin Fan's confident face, Du Meiqi had a premonition.

The people of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical are going to be in bad luck.

You said it's not good to offend anyone, but Lin Fan was the one to offend.

Can they offend such a terrifying person?

"I want to get the control of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical!"

Lin Fan spoke casually.

Du Meiqi was stunned for a moment, thinking that Lin Fan was joking.

Although Nuosheng Pharmaceutical was jointly shorted by institutions, the stock price also fell severely.

Even though their size is still there.

How easy is it to acquire Nuosheng Pharmaceutical?

Even if he had money, it would be difficult to buy shares from the shareholders of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical.

Du Meiqi was still staring at Lin Fan blankly.

But looking at Lin Fan's confident face, it was clear that he wasn't joking at all.

For a moment, Du Meiqi became even more curious about the man in front of him.

Although that night, she spent an unforgettable night with Lin Fan.

But she didn't know many secrets about Lin Fan.

"You can really do it?"

Du Meiqi asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" Lin Fan laughed.

Du Meiqi chatted with Lin Fan for a few minutes, then left with her daughter.

Lin Fan was still sitting on the sofa in the hall.

He took the initiative to make a phone call.

"My name is Lin Fan!"

After getting through the phone, Lin Fan directly reported his identity.

At this moment, the environment on the phone seemed a little noisy.

Because the general manager of Linmei Bank is still in a meeting with the bank's executives.

Now the chairman of the bank has changed.

They can't wait to get in touch with each other.

However, they didn't have much information about Lin Fan.

All they know is that the new chairman of the bank is not American.

After hearing Lin Fan's name, Markas' expression changed immediately.

"Give me peace!"

Markas glanced at the bank executives and said coldly.

Immediately, he spoke with Lin Fan on the phone with a respectful attitude.

"Chairman, hello!"

"My name is Marcus!"

"I am the general manager of Linmei Bank!"

Even if it was a phone call, Marcus felt a lot of pressure.

After all, the person on the phone with him was the chairman of Linmei Bank.

He didn't want to be the first to be fired.

Lin Fan was silent for a while, then asked.

"Does our bank have a 35% stake in Nuo Sheng Pharmaceutical?"

Marcus nodded quickly and said.

"Yes, Chairman!"

"Do you have any orders?"

Lin Fan said, "Find a way to continue to acquire the shares of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical!"

"I'll give you one day!"

"At this time tomorrow, I will get the control of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical!"

Marcus was surprised.

"Director, this..."

Lin Fan said coldly, "What?"

"Is there any difficulty?"

Marcus explained, "There is no difficulty!"

With the size of their bank, it is not difficult to acquire some shares of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical.

It's just that Marcus couldn't figure it out. Now Nuosheng Pharmaceutical is being shorted by a large international institution.

Why did the chairman want them to acquire Nuosheng Pharmaceutical?

Once they match up with those big institutions, they will definitely lose a lot of money.

Suddenly, Marcus thought of something.

Could it be...

The shorting of Nuosheng Pharmaceutical was also done by the chairman?