Lin Fan returned to his room, and it was not until after seven o'clock in the evening that the maintenance personnel of the Porsche Center notified him that the car had been repaired and asked him to drive back.

In addition, the police did not find anything, which made Lin Fan very depressed.

At ten o'clock, Lin Fan, who was playing games in his room, heard a slightly hasty knock on the door.

Lin Fan opened the door and saw Li Lin panicked, "Dr. Li Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Li Lin looked behind vigilantly, and walked quickly into Lin Fan's room, "When I entered the community just now, I felt someone following me behind me, and my phone just ran out of battery again, so scary!" 7K 妏敩

"Dr. Li Lin, don't scare me this late at night!" Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

"It's true, I really feel like someone is following me!"

Li Lin lives here alone, so she can only come to find Lin Fan. If she is in danger, she really doesn't know what to do.

"Should we call the police first?"

Lin Fan said, "Don't bother the police uncle with this matter, I'll go and have a look, I'll stay here first!"

"Be careful!" Li Lin reminded.

Lin Fan smiled and walked towards the elevator.

Not long after, Lin Fan saw a sneaky middle-aged man. When the middle-aged man saw Lin Fan, he turned around and ran away.

"There is something wrong with this person!" Lin Fan quickly chased after him.

Lin Fan's speed was very fast, and he caught the middle-aged man in no time.

"You are not from this community, are you?"

The middle-aged man was very scared and threatened, "You better let me go, or I will fight back!"

"Fight back? Can you beat me?" After systematic transformation, Lin Fan didn't pay attention to the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Quickly tell me the purpose of your coming here, otherwise, I will beat you up first, and then send you to the police station!"

The middle-aged man was frightened, and his face turned pale, "I just saw a pretty girl, so I followed here, wanting to take a second look, isn't this against the law?"

"Fuck you, it turned out to be a stalker!" Lin Fan punched the middle-aged man in the stomach.

If you follow me, you will follow me, and you dare to attack my beautiful neighbor, Lin Fan, and you are courting death.

"Brother, I was wrong!"

"Go away, if you dare to come to this community in the future, I will call you every time I see you!"

The middle-aged man didn't dare to stay and was about to escape when Lin Fan caught him back.

"Wait, there was a Porsche parked downstairs last night, did you puncture those four tires?"

"What Porsche? I don't know!"


After the man fled away, Lin Fan returned to the room.

"Lin Fan, did you find anything?" Seeing Lin Fan coming back, Li Lin asked impatiently.

Lin Fan thought for a while, and said, "It's a drunk man, he mistook the person, so he followed you into the community, but it's okay, the drunk man has left now!"

Lin Fan did not tell the truth, so as not to leave a psychological shadow on Li Lin.

"The security guards in this community are really serious. They even let strangers in. I'll respond tomorrow!" Lin Fan said.

Li Lin breathed a sigh of relief, "Lin Fan, thank you, I invite you to eat supper!"

Ten minutes later, Lin Fan came to the Rose Bar that Chen Kai mentioned.

The lights in the bar were feasting, and there was a strong smell of alcohol everywhere. In the middle of the dance floor, there were many handsome men and women wriggling their bodies.

"Handsome, come over and have a drink!"

Lin Fan was looking for Chen Kai when he was suddenly stopped by two scantily clad beauties.

The two beauties were fascinated by Lin Fan's appearance, and after drinking a little wine, their hands were a little restless.

"Sorry, I have a date!"

Lin Fan left in a hurry. He was very depressed and felt like he had entered a wolf's den.

I knew I should wear a mask when I go out.

Lin Fan searched around the bar, and finally found Chen Kai at a side seat, and he sat directly opposite Chen Kai.

"I'll go, Lin Fan, you've become more handsome... With this figure, you still go to the gym?" Chen Kai couldn't help pinching the muscles on Lin Fan's arms.

The two are good friends, and they often joke around, so Lin Fan didn't care.

"You asked me to come out for a drink? I'm sorry, I came out by car, and I don't drink when I drive!" Lin Fan said.

Chen Kai was about to order two bottles of wine for Lin Fan, but when he heard what Lin Fan said, he gave up with a wry smile.

"I'm afraid that you'll be broken-hearted, so I'm here to talk to you!" Chen Kai said with a smile, "You should be fine if you drink a little, at worst, please hire a substitute driver!"

"No, I don't want to drink!" Lin Fan refused. The reason why he came out to see Chen Kai was because he wanted to ask Chen Kai for something.

"I think you haven't come out of the shadow of broken love, brother, there is no grass anywhere in the world, a woman like Zhao Yuting, leave as soon as you leave!"

Lin Fan was speechless, "I've already put it down, okay? You're the one who keeps bringing this up!"

"Okay, then I won't talk about it!" Chen Kai said, "But then again, you guys actually bought a car, what kind of car?"

"It's worthless, don't mention it!" Lin Fan was thirsty, so he ordered a drink.

"You just came out of the society, and you can just have a car to get around, so it's nothing!"

If Chen Kai knew that the cheap car Lin Fan mentioned was a Porsche, I don't know how he would feel.

Lin Fan drinks and Chen Kai drinks.

"Hey, Lin Fan, are you still working in the company?"

"No, I quit my job, and now I am jobless!" Lin Fan said casually.

"You can't learn from me. How can you do without income? Well, I'll introduce you to a job!"

Lin Fan was curious, "What job?"

Chen Kai leaned into Lin Fan's ear and whispered, "I know a friend who works in the club next door and has a bright future!"

"Get out!" Lin Fan said, "I have money to use even if I don't go to work, so you don't have to worry about it. I didn't say, why don't you go to such a good job?"

Chen Kai laughed at himself, "Look at me, I'm so fat and I'm not good looking, who would like me?"

"Lin Fan, you are different. With your current appearance, everyone must love you!"

"Brother listen to my advice, as long as the rich woman grasps it, she can move into the big villa overnight!"

"If you want to ask what is the most beautiful in the world, a rich woman is definitely a miracle!"

"Chen Kai, you are enough!" Lin Fan was speechless.

Chen Kai patted Lin Fan on the shoulder, "Okay, I'm just joking with you, with your ability, it's not easy to find a good job!"

"Lin Fan, look over there!" Chen Kai pointed to a woman in a white blouse and asked, "How is that girl? Does she look good?"

The woman has an oval face with a straight nose, but there are traces of plastic surgery on the nose and chin, but it is not obvious.

The eyes are light blue, and it is obvious that he has western blood on his body. Although he is a little thinner, in terms of appearance, he is nine points.