Doctors at the hospital told Makoto that her father might never wake up.

And looking at Lin Fan, he is not very old.

Even if it is a doctor, it is probably the kind that just came out of school.

Chengtian Yingzi didn't think that Lin Fan was such a powerful doctor.

Lin Fan looked at Chengtian Yingzi and said solemnly.

"Miss Chengtian Yingzi, since I've already come, why don't you let me have a try?"

Lin Fan just wanted to find the sapphire necklace through Chengtian Yingzi's father.

After all, that necklace is really important to him.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, Chengtian Yingzi was a little moved.

Indeed, as Lin Fan said, there is no big problem if you try it.

"All right!"

"plz follow me!"

Chengtian Yingzi stood up and led Lin Fan and Wu Jingyi across the hall.

"Mr. Lin, are you still a doctor?"

Wu Jingyi just knew that Lin Fan was a rich man.

She didn't know that Lin Fan was actually a miracle doctor.


Lin Fan smiled and didn't explain too much.

After a while, Chengtian Yingzi led them to a room.

"Come in!"

Chengtian Yingzi opened the door and walked in first.

Lin Fan and Wu Jingyi also entered the room.

They saw a middle-aged man with a slightly pale face lying on the wooden bed in the room.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes and was in a coma.

Presumably he is the father of Chengtian Yingzi.

"This is my father!"

"After the car accident, he stayed in the hospital for a while!"

"It was sent back here later!"

In order to cure his father, Chengtian Yingzi consulted many doctors from island countries.

And it cost a lot of money.

But no one can be cured.

"Let me see!"

Although Lin Fan is sure to heal the other party.

But in order to convince Chengtian Yingzi, he still pretended to check the patient on the bed.

Wu Jingyi and Chengtian Yingzi stood aside and watched.

He didn't speak so as not to disturb Lin Fan.

Just like that, after nearly a minute, Lin Fan spoke.


Originally, Chengtian Yingzi had no hope.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, he was taken aback for a moment.

She thought she was hallucinating.

"You... what did you say?"

Chengtian Yingzi looked at Lin Fan blankly and asked.

"I said, there is help!"

Lin Fan's expression was very calm.

Some time ago, Du Jianrong from Hong Kong Island was about to die, but was rescued by Lin Fan.

It is not difficult for Lin Fan to cure the plant patient in front of him.

However, because Makoto's father suffered a severe blow to the brain, it may take several days to wake up.

But for that sapphire necklace, Lin Fan can wait.

He didn't want to come to the island country for nothing.

"You're not kidding me, are you?"

Chengtian Yingzi still couldn't believe it.

Lin Fan laughed, "Miss Chengtian Yingzi, if you believe me!"

"Let me try it!"

"And don't worry, I won't charge you a penny!"

With Lin Fan's reputation in China, if he wanted to save someone, the price would be very expensive.

But this time, Lin Fan did not intend to collect money.

Now he just wants to find that sapphire necklace as soon as possible.

"no no!"

Chengtian Yingzi shook his head and said.

"Mr. Lin, if you can really cure my father, I will definitely be grateful!"

Chengtian Yingzi had a bit of excitement on his face.

Beside, Wu Jingyi also looked at Lin Fan blankly.

She did not expect Lin Fan to be so confident.

"Since Ms. Chengtian Yingzi believes in me!"

"Then I'll prescribe a prescription!" Lin Fan said.

Although Chengtian Yingzi's father is a vegetable, he can't move his mouth.

However, the medicine can still be delivered into the body through a gastric tube.

Chengtian Yingzi nodded, and found paper and pen.

Soon, Lin Fan also wrote down a prescription.

Moreover, he explained some things to Chengtian Yingzi.

"Miss Cheng Tianyingzi!"

"I am coming!"

While Lin Fan and Chengtian Yingzi were still talking, a middle-aged man dressed as a doctor walked in.

A middle-aged man wearing a pair of myopia glasses, with a slightly fat body.

"Doctor Matsumoto!"

Makoto Naoko greeted Matsumoto Nao with a smile.

Nao Matsumoto is her personal doctor.

Every once in a while, Nao Matsumoto came over to check up Makoto's father.

"What are you?"

Seeing Chengtian Yingzi holding a prescription in his hand, Nao Matsumoto was very puzzled.

"Doctor Matsumoto!"

"This is Lin Fan, Mr. Lin!"

"He is also a doctor, he just said he can cure my father!"

Makoto was a little excited.

Nao Matsumoto frowned and looked at Lin Fan.

He didn't think the young man in front of him was a doctor.

As for Lin Fan being able to cure Chengtian Yingzi's father, that's even more nonsense.

Even the doctors in the hospital couldn't help it. He didn't believe that Lin Fan in front of him could do it.

"young people!"

"You are not a liar, are you?"

Matsumoto asked, frowning.

Lin Fan was speechless.

Why does he look like a liar?

Every time he made a shot, someone would question him.

Nao Matsumoto looked at Makoto and said.

"Miss Cheng Tianyingzi!"

"Your father is not in good health now!"

"You can't take medicine casually!"

Nao Matsumoto reminds Makoto.

Makoto looked at Nao Matsumoto, then at Lin Fan.

I'm a little confused.

She didn't know who to trust.

She really wanted to wake her father up.

But now, she didn't dare to take the risk.

"Who the **** are you?"

Nao Matsumoto was expressionless, and wanted to ask Lin Fan's identity.

"Huaxia Hengtian Medicine, Lin Fan!"

Lin Fan reported his identity.

Next, he said to Chengtian Yingzi again.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask someone to check it!"

With Lin Fan's identity, he didn't try to deceive people at all?

"Huaxia Hengtian Medicine?"

"Lin Fan?"

Nao Matsumoto looked shocked.

Still can't believe it.

In fact, the names of Huaxia Hengtian Medicine and Lin Fan have already been known by the world's medical community.

Back then, as soon as the news about Lin Fan curing a terminal lung cancer patient got out, it immediately caused a sensation.

Nao Matsumoto, as a doctor, usually likes to pay attention to the medical field.

Naturally, he had heard of Lin Fan's name.

Because the other party has created a medical miracle and is a genius doctor.

"This is my identification!"

In order to dispel the other party's concerns, and to save time, Lin Fan took out his ID.

Nao Matsumoto took it and looked at it, and was even more shocked. 7K 妏敩

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin!"

"It's my blindness!"

Nao Matsumoto bowed his head and respectfully returned the certificate.

Seeing this scene, Chengtian Yingzi was a little dazed.

Could it be that Lin Fan is still a big shot?

So much so that Nao Matsumoto behaved so respectfully.

"Miss Cheng Tianyingzi!"

"Your father is saved!"

Matsumoto Nao said excitedly to Cheng Tianyingzi.