"Tomorrow morning!"

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment and said.

Now he just wants to find the sapphire necklace as soon as possible, and then upgrade the system.

Su Ya said, "Since you have changed your identity, you can no longer take your own private jet!"

She didn't want Lin Fan to expose his identity and get into trouble.

Foreign countries are not like Huaxia. If there is trouble, no one can help Lin Fan.

"I know!"

There was a confident smile on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

Since the identity is to be concealed, it must be concealed to the end.

Su Ya nodded, "Then let me buy a ticket for you!"

Lin Fan thought of something and said.

"No rush, just wait a minute!"

"I can ask someone to buy it at night!"

It suddenly occurred to him that Xiaoying and the other two robot bodyguards had not been given fake identities.

Since they are going to Australia, they must be brought with them.

With them, sometimes a lot of trouble can be solved.

Especially small babies can detect danger in advance.

He is the most capable assistant beside Lin Fan.

Su Ya said, "Okay!"

Next, Lin Fan called Xue Qingzhu again.

"Miss Xue, there is one more thing I want to trouble you with!"

Lin Fan explained his purpose.

"What's up?"

Xue Qingzhu had already driven away, and she was very helpless when she received a call from Lin Fan.

Lin Fan said bluntly, "This time I go to Australia, I will bring three more people!"

"Please help me get three more fake ID cards!"

Xue Qingzhu didn't refuse either.

Because it couldn't be easier for her.

If someone else made such a request, Xue Qingzhu might not respond.

But the opponent is Lin Fan.

Xue Qingzhu was silent for a while, then said.

"Okay, you send me the information of those three people!"

"I'll do it for you as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan gave Xue Qingzhu the information of the three robot bodyguards.

Xue Qingzhu quickly asked someone to get a fake certificate.

Island country Toi.

In Yucun Jinsan's manor.

The collection was stolen, and Shinzo Amamura suffered from a serious illness.

At this time, Yucun Shinsan was lying on the big bed in the room, heartbroken.

The collection was gone, and Shinzo Umura couldn't even sleep well, and he couldn't eat well.

Although the police are already investigating, more than a day has passed so far, and the police have no clue.

The collections of Shinzo Amamura seem to have evaporated out of thin air.

Extremely weird.

"My "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Scroll"!"


Umura Shinsan's eyes were dull.

Among those collections, the "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Scroll" is the most valuable.

Therefore, Amamura Shinzo was heartbroken.

"Teacher, you should have some food first!"

Yucun Jinsan's disciple was standing by the bedside with the food.

"I will not eat!"

"I must get all the collection back!"

Amamura Shinzo gritted his teeth.

"If you let me know, who stole my collection!"

"I'm going to cut him into pieces!"

Amamura Shinzo swore secretly in his heart.

Yucun Jinsan's disciples watched from the sidelines, also worried.

Suddenly, a disciple walked in quickly from the door.

"Teacher, I heard that "The Picture Scroll of Lying in Xiaoxiang" appeared in Huaxia!"

The disciple took the mobile phone and walked up to Yucun Jinsan.

Lin Fan sent a message, saying that he would put the painting "Scroll of Lying Tour in Xiaoxiang" in Pufeng Museum for exhibition.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions.

And this matter soon spread to the island country.

"There is such a thing?"

Umura Shinzo sat up quickly, still unwilling to believe it.

"Teacher, look!"

The disciple put the mobile phone in front of Yucun Jinsan.

Amamura Shinzo snatched the phone.

Look carefully.

Yes, the Pufeng Museum in Shanghai did release news that it will put "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Scroll" on display.

Amamura Shinzo quickly read the news.

Finally, he shook his head violently. 7K 妏敩

He sneered and said.

"Huaxia people are the most cunning, they must have known that my "Xiaoxiang Crouching Tour Scroll" was stolen!"

"So, I want to take out a fake picture scroll and get a wave of traffic!"

"It's disgusting!"

Yucun Jinsan didn't think that the "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Scroll" in Pufeng Museum was real.

"But sir, it seems to be true!"

The disciple reminded.

Umura Shinzo frowned and said.

"Then find out who the owner of this museum is!"

Amamura Shinzo also has the mentality of giving it a try.

If "Xiaoxiang Crouching Tour" really appeared in Huaxia, it would be difficult to handle.

It will be difficult for him to get it back.

The disciple nodded and began to collect information about the Pufeng Museum.

After a few minutes, he handed over a document to Yucun Shinzo.

"Lin Fan!"

"It turned out to be Lin Fan!"

Seeing this name, Amamura Shinzo frowned even deeper.

Of course he had heard of Lin Fan's name.

This person is the chairman of Hengtian Medicine.

If it is said that the Pufeng Museum belongs to Lin Fan, it also means that he cannot make fun of his own reputation.

That said, the message they send out is true.

"Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Picture Scroll" really appeared in Huaxia.


"It must be this Lin Fan who stole my collection!"

Amamura Shinzo became even more annoyed when he thought of this possibility.

His face also became contorted with anger.

All his collections add up to more than 10 billion.

It hurts to think about it.

The disciple next to him said, "Teacher, what should we do now?"

"We have no evidence!"

Even the police did not collect any useful evidence.

The more Shinzo Amamura thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible.

Otherwise, how could the collection appear in the Pufeng Museum just after it was stolen.

This doesn't make sense.

"Go to Huaxia, I'm going to meet that Lin Fan!"

Yucun Jinsan was angry and wanted to go to Lin Fan for an explanation.

"By the way, tell the police too!"

"Let's see if Lin Fan can be brought to justice!"

"It's disgusting, you even dare to steal from me, Shinzo Umura!"

Amamura Shinzo was extremely angry.

The disciple wondered, "Teacher, that Lin Fan is in Huaxia!"

"I'm afraid even the police can't do anything about it!"

Yucun Jinsan said angrily, "I have a lot of contacts, so I don't believe that I won't be able to get back that "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Scroll"!"

"Quick, hurry up and arrange the plane!"

Amamura Shinzo couldn't wait any longer.

He wanted to go to Lin Fan now and ask for an explanation.

"Okay, teacher, I'll arrange it right away!"

The disciple retreated.

The people in the room looked at the pale Amamura Shinzo, and they were all worried.

"Teacher, you are a little weak now!"

"Don't go to Huaxia yet!"

One of the disciples persuaded.

"No, I must go!"

Amamura Shinzo has made up his mind.

If you can't get back "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour Scroll".

He is not willing to die.