As bodyguards, they are still very professional.

Another point is that before departure, Shinzo Amamura reminded them.

Make sure to get things done.

In the end, before they found the "Picture Scroll of Lying in Xiaoxiang", Lin Fan's people discovered it.

If Shinzo Amamura confessed, Shinzo Amamura would definitely not let them go.

"One person does things and one person does it!"

"How you want to deal with it is up to you!"

The two bodyguards of Yucun Shinsan turned their heads away and ignored Lin Fan.

Lin Fan laughed and said, "You guys burglarized, if I call the police, then you must go in!"

One of the bodyguards snorted coldly and said.

"Then you should call the police!"

At best, they are considered attempted theft, and they don't have to be locked up for too long.

Furthermore, Shinzo Amamura had already given them a lot of money.

Even if you go in, it's worth it.

Lin Fan sat down on the sofa in the hall and smiled.

"That's good, as long as you say it, it is Umura Shinzo who ordered you to steal!"

"I'll give you fifty million each!"

"It's Huaxia coins, not island coins!"

Hearing what Lin Fan said, the two bodyguards of Yucun Shinzo looked at each other.

They were all a little moved.

You know, Shinzo Umura asked them to come and steal things, but they only gave five million.

And the number Lin Fan gave them was exactly ten times that.

However, they still dare not promise Lin Fan.

Because Amamura Shinzo is very influential in the island country Toi.

If they betrayed Shinzo Amamura, they would definitely be in trouble.

"Fifty million is a lot!"

Lin Fan could see that the hearts of the two bodyguards had been shaken.

It's just a step away.

"You should call the police!"

The two bodyguards pondered for a while and said.

"very good!"

"I admire your courage!"

"Su Ya, call the police immediately!"

"Let's say my manor has lost more than 10 billion worth of antiques!"

Lin Fan looked at Su Ya who was at the side.

Su Ya nodded, took out her mobile phone, and pretended to make a call.


The two bodyguards were frightened by Lin Fan's words.

They were pale.

The manor lost more than 10 billion antiques, if it was their fault.

It's terrible.

Maybe they'll go to prison for life.

And with Lin Fan's current status, he could indeed do it.

After all, this is Huaxia.

If Lin Fan wants to play them to death, there are a hundred ways.

At this time, they also began to regret coming to Lin Fan's manor to steal.

"Lin...Mr. Lin, let us live!"

"If we confess to Yucun Shinzo, does what you just said still count?"

The two bodyguards were scared.

Another reason is that Lin Fan gave too much.

"Of course!" Lin Fan said.

"Mr. Lin, then we will listen to you!"

The two bodyguards of Yucun Shinzo chose to obey Lin Fan's words.

"Let them go!"

Lin Fan said to the two robot bodyguards.

Next, Lin Fan explained some things to the two bodyguards of Yucun Shinzo.

Of course, he didn't expect to bring down Shinzo Amamura, as long as he caused some trouble for the other party, that would be fine.

After this incident, Shinzo Amamura will definitely calm down a bit.

Lin Fan made a call to the police himself.

After more than ten minutes, the police arrived at Lin Fan's manor.

What surprised Lin Fan was that the leader of the team was none other than Xue Qingzhu.

"Officer Xue, why are you here?"

Xue Qingzhu did not immediately answer Lin Fan's question.

She first asked her subordinates to bring back the two bodyguards of Shinzo Yumura.

"Lin Fan, I want to talk to you alone!"

Xue Qingzhu looked solemn.

Lin Fan knew that what Xue Qingzhu wanted to talk about must have something to do with the group of killers just now.

Only, he didn't speak.

"Let's talk!"

"I'm going back to my room!"

Su Ya stood up tactfully and walked back to the room.

"It's late now, just talk about anything!"

Lin Fan yawned and said.

Xue Qingzhu stared at Lin Fan seriously, and said.

"How did you meet those killers?"

It's been a while since that gang of killers sneaked into Shanghai.

Xue Qingzhu searched for a long time, but did not find out.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, met him right away.

Xue Qingzhu didn't believe it was a coincidence.

Lin Fan said, "Didn't you bring back a killer?"

"Just ask him!"

Xue Qingzhu said helplessly, "I asked!"

"But the killer said that their target is not you!"

"It's the leader of another killer organization, nicknamed Black Skull!"

When Xue Qingzhu brought people to the scene, he didn't see anyone else.

Apparently, one of the killers got away.

Lin Fan shrugged and explained.

"I am not very sure!"

Xue Qingzhu no longer entangled with this matter.

Now she is more worried about the gene medicine.

"Those killers are not from the Rakshasa organization!"

"It seems that the last thing I want to see happened!"

"Once the genetic drug developed by the Rakshasa organization is mass-produced, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Lin Fan said, "No matter how worried you are, it's useless!"

"It's better to find out the Rakshasa organization earlier!"

Xue Qingzhu smiled wryly, "I think, the problem is that the Rakshasa organization hides too deeply!"

Moreover, the lair of the Rakshasa organization is not in Huaxia.

So Xue Qingzhu didn't have much to do.

All she can do now is to wait and see.

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "I'm going abroad this time, so I can investigate it!"

He has grievances with the Rakshasa organization.

Will not let the other party go easily.

Xue Qingzhu chatted with Lin Fan for about ten minutes before standing up.

"Okay, I've said what I need to say!"

"Be careful yourself!"

"In case you meet someone from the Rakshasa organization, don't be brave!"

Xue Qingzhu reminded me.

"I will!"

"By the way, Shinzo Amamura, you help me create some trouble!"

Lin Fan nodded and said.

Xue Qingzhu looked helpless, "It's really unlucky that Umura Shinzo chose to provoke you!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

Afterwards, Xue Qingzhu left.

Lin Fan went back to his room to rest.

The moon and stars are rare.

The night breeze is slightly cool.

One night passed quickly.

Early the next morning.

Lin Fan opened his eyes from a deep sleep.

"System, smoke it for me!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking,

The sound of the system sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the largest manor in the city of Australia!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing 200 million Huaxia coins!" Seven

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning 65% of Voss Group's shares!"

The largest manor in Sydney?

"System, yes!" Lin Fan laughed.

Now he was just about to go to Sydney, Australia, when he got a big manor there.

And still the biggest.

Once you come, you will have a place to live.

Voss Group, the largest food retailer in Australia.

The market cap is high.