It's just that in Lin Fan's opinion, his movements were a little too slow after all.

Before he touched the dagger, Lin Fan had already grabbed his hand.

"Still want to resist?"

Lin Fan looked cold.

Looking at Lin Fan's murderous eyes, the killer's body immediately trembled.

He knew it was over for him.

However, he was still not reconciled.

Anyway, it is death, it is better to fight to the end.


The killer let out a roar, his eyes were bloodshot.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from Lin Fan's big hand.

Lin Fan's hands were like iron tongs, preventing him from moving.


Lin Fan snorted coldly and exerted force with his hands.


Accompanied by screams came.

The killer was kicked out by Lin Fan.

His body hit the wall heavily, his face full of pain.

One of his hands was crippled by Lin Fan.

The piercing pain made his face contort.

Seeing this scene, the killer controlled by Xiaoying also became frightened.

His lips trembled, and he dared not speak at all.

"What is the purpose of your coming to Australia?"

Lin Fan looked at the killer controlled by Xiaoying.

The killer's psychological defense has collapsed.

In front of Lin Fan, he could only answer truthfully.

"We are the killers of the Communist Party!"

"The task is to come here to deal with the remaining personnel of Black Skull!"

The killer looked at Lin Fan with a look of horror on his face and said.

"Black Skull?"

Lin Fan thought of something.

The killer continued, "The Black Skull is also a killer organization!"

"But now, this organization is almost finished!"

"Their leader is now missing!"

Lin Fan thought of that woman last night.

That woman is the leader of the killer organization Black Skull.

It seemed that more than one killer organization was eyeing her.

At this time, Lin Fan also thought of a possibility.

That is the Temple of Death.

Could it be that Black Skull also received the mysterious email, and then, Black Skull did not give in.

So it attracted the pursuit of Death Temple.

"What is the relationship between your killer organization and the Temple of Death?"

Lin Fan looked at the killer coldly and asked.

"I... I don't know!"

"I'm just here to perform a mission!"

"Some other things, I don't know!"

The killer shook his head violently.

When the word "Death Temple" was mentioned, the face of the killer whose hand was crippled by Lin Fan changed obviously.

Lin Fan noticed it, and turned his attention to the other killer.

"you know?"

Lin Fan asked with a frown.

The killer also shook his head and said in a trembling voice.

"I... I don't know!"

"You're lying!"

Lin Fan's eyes were sharp.

He's not stupid.

Whether the other party is lying or not, he can tell at a glance.

Seeing that killer said in a low voice without speaking, Lin Fan walked over step by step.

As soon as he was about to walk in front of the killer, the killer seemed to wake up suddenly.

He raised his head and said, "Don't kill me!"

"I'll tell you everything I know!"

The killer no longer dared to hide anything.

He's the leader of the squad, so he knows a few things.

"Actually, we are already members of the Temple of Death!"

"Just two days ago, the leader led us to surrender to the Temple of Death!"

"It's just that only a few people in the organization know about this news!"

The killer spoke out all he knew.

In fact, at the beginning, their organization also resisted.

But the people in the Temple of Death were too powerful, and many of them died.

In the end, he had no choice but to join the Temple of Death.

Hearing what the killer said, Lin Fan fell into deep thought.

Obviously, the Temple of Death is behind it all.

Their ambitions are too great.

"As far as I know, many killer organizations have joined the Temple of Death!"

The killer swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued.

Lin Fan pondered for a while and asked.

"So, the people from the Temple of Death gave you the genetic medicine?"

The killer nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"Although that gene drug is powerful, the amount is too small!"

"Only a few people in the organization can take it!"

Lin Fan became silent.

Now he is 90% sure that the Temple of the Death God was created by the people of the Rakshasa organization.

Because only the Rakshasa organization can produce that kind of genetic medicine.

"What is the relationship between the Temple of Death and the Rakshasa organization?"

Lin Fan asked again.

"Raksha organization?"

"I... I haven't heard of it!"

"I only know the Temple of Death!"

The killer explained.

"Then can you contact the people in the Temple of Death?"


Next, Lin Fan asked a few more questions.

Unfortunately, he didn't get any useful information.

This death temple is as mysterious as the Rakshasa organization.

After finishing those killers, Lin Fan took Xiaoying and left the villa.

When entering the villa, Xiao Ying used the electronic system to turn off the monitoring of the villa.

Therefore, they are not afraid of the police coming to their door.

As soon as he got into the car, Lin Fan's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Lin, are you back?"

Seeing that Lin Fan hadn't returned to the villa for a long time, Joanna seemed a little worried.

"I'm on my way back!" Lin Fan said.

"That's good!"

Joanna thought Lin Fan was lost.

Now that you're back, you'll be fine.

"Mr. Lin, then I won't disturb your driving!"

After speaking, Joanna also hung up the phone.

After more than half an hour, Lin Fan returned to the manor.

Joanna was still up.

She stood in front of the gate, waiting for Lin Fan to come back.

"Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Lin Fan coming back, Joanna went over to say hello.

"It's late now, go to bed early!"

Lin Fan glanced at Joanna.

After Joanna went back, Lin Fan also went back to the room.

He wasn't in a hurry to sleep either.

Now, Lin Fan still has one more thing to do.

He had been to the David family just now, but he didn't find the sapphire necklace.

He still needs to confirm again.

Lin Fan took out his laptop and began to search for information on those members of the David family.

After more than ten minutes passed, Lin Fan also gained something.

It turned out that the sapphire necklace was not in Hill's hands.

Hill had already given the necklace to his daughter Kylie.

Speaking of Kelly, she is also a celebrity in Australia.

This Kelly is not very old, but she is very beautiful.

She is a very famous actress in Australia.

It was from a photo on the Internet that Lin Fan saw the sapphire necklace on Kelly.

Kelly was not at home tonight.

So when Lin Fan went to David's family, he didn't find the sapphire necklace.


"Looks like I have to go and have a look tomorrow!"

Before seeing that sapphire necklace.

Lin Fan was not sure if the necklace was real.