As the gunshots rang out downstairs, the screams also reached the ears of Lin Fan and others.

Kelly and her agent were startled and overwhelmed.

Lin Fan's face was solemn, and he walked to the window, and saw that the door of the bakery was in a mess.

Some people held their heads and fled in all directions.

At first, Lin Fan thought those killers were after him.

But after thinking about it, he rejected his guess.

Because he is using a fake identity now.

It is impossible for those forces outside the country to notice him.

That being the case, there is only one explanation left.

That is…

Those killers were after Miss Kelly.

There were crowds of people below, and Lin Fan didn't know how many killers had come.

But what is known is that the other party has a gun.

"Xiaoying, how many people are here?"

Lin Fan walked back and asked Xiao Ying.

"There are eight!"

Xiaoying already knew how many people the other party had.

After all, the powerful electronic detection system on her body was not built.

"so much?"

"Miss Kelly, it's over, those people must be coming for us!"

Kelly's agent figured it out right away.

Because Kelly's identity is not simple.

She is a big star in Australia.

Also, Kelly is from the David family.

Maybe those people wanted to kidnap Kelly and ask the David family for money.

Kelly looked terrified.

She tried to tell herself that it was useless to be afraid at a time like this.

But the panic in my heart is still spreading rapidly.

She's just an ordinary person.

"No... not afraid!"

"My bodyguards are downstairs, they will protect me!"

Kelly's face paled.

Force yourself to calm down.

"Yes... yes, we still have bodyguards!"

Kelly's agent also echoed.

"The bodyguard you brought is dead!"

"There are already five killers rushing forward!"

Xiaoying reminded.

"This is impossible!"

Kelly's manager shook his head, still not convinced.

The bodyguards they hired were well-trained and could not have died so quickly.

"You guys better hide first!"

Xiaoying didn't explain too much, and reminded again.

At this time, the sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer.

Kelly and her agent were even more flustered.

"what to do?"

Kelly's manager held Kelly's hand tightly and asked in a trembling voice.

At this point, Kelly also had no idea.

She is just a weak woman.

You can't beat those people.

And once captured by those people, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You guys hide over there first!"

Lin Fan pointed to a separate room and said to Kelly.

Originally, Lin Fan didn't want to take care of these things.

However, now the killer is about to arrive.

At this time, even if Lin Fan wanted to leave, it was already impossible.

Kelly nodded to her manager and walked quickly to the room.

But Kelly's manager's legs were a little stiff, and before he could take a few steps, he fell.

"Are you OK?"

Kelly supported the agent and asked with concern.

"Miss Kelly, I...I'm fine!"

"Quick... quickly hide!"

Kelly's manager quickly got up.

at this moment.

Those killers who came for Kelly have arrived.

The two killers in front were a little excited when they saw Kelly.

The goal is in sight.

As long as Kelly is taken away, their mission will be completed.

Seeing the vicious killer, Kelly was too scared to walk.

She started to get desperate.

The two killers ahead are fast.

It's just that they haven't gotten close to Kelly yet.

Suddenly, a petite figure rushed over quickly.

Seeing that it was a young girl, the two killers sneered.

"court death!"

They want to get rid of the baby.

But the next second.

The mutation happened.

Xiaoying threw out two punches violently.

The two killers were shot in the chest.

The body immediately flew upside down.


The two killers showed pain on their faces, and at the same time, they let out a scream.

"Okay... so amazing!"

Kelly, who saw this scene, was directly shocked.

She didn't expect Xiaoying to be so powerful.

"what happened?"

The three killers who followed closely did not know what happened.

They took their guns and continued to rush up.

At this time, Lin Fan also made a move.

Although the other party had a gun, he had no chance to shoot at all.

In this way, Lin Fan and Xiaoying also dealt with the three killers.

He defeated five killers at once, leaving Kelly and his manager dumbfounded.

At this time, the fear in their hearts gradually disappeared.

"These two Chinese people are really amazing!"

Kelly's manager stared blankly at Lin Fan and Xiaoying, and couldn't help expressing emotion.

Kelly's gaze was also on Lin Fan.

Now she also understood why Lin Fan was so calm just now.

It turns out that they have strength.

"Miss Kelly, call the police first!"

Kelly's manager shook her head and said.

Kelly came back to her senses, took out her cell phone, and called the police.

"Only five people came, Xiaoying, where are the rest?"

Lin Fan glanced at Xiaoying.

Now that we've done it, it's better to get rid of the remaining killers as well.

It didn't take much effort anyway.

Xiaoying said, "There are three more people waiting below!"

"They're running away!"

"Master, I'll go after him!"

The three people downstairs wanted to respond below.

Unexpectedly, Kelly had a master beside her.

They didn't dare to rush up again, and chose to flee.

"Little baby, stop chasing me!"

Lin Fan reminded.

Since the remaining three killers are going to escape, let them go.

If you pursue it, it is easy to expose your identity.

"Okay, master!"

Xiaobai nodded.

When this happened, the customers in the shop all ran away.

So at this time, the store became very quiet.

The bodyguard that Kelly brought has been killed.

At this time, there was a **** smell floating up.

Over there, Kelly was still on the phone.

Her hand holding the phone was trembling.

Soon, Kelly also finished calling the police.

"Miss Kelly, you are safe!"

Lin Fan looked at Kelly and said.

"Thank... thank you!"

Kelly leaned on a table beside her and tried to stand up.

There was a look of gratitude on her face.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan, she must have been captured by the group just now.

"Need not!"

Lin Fan said.

Defeating a few killers is nothing to Lin Fan.

Kelly's manager also staggered and stood up.

It could be seen that her legs were still shaking.

Of the five defeated killers, three had fainted.

The remaining two were seriously injured and wanted to escape, but were knocked unconscious by Xiaoying's punch.

"Mr. Lin, thank you so much!"

"If we didn't have you just now, we would be in great trouble!"

Kelly's manager was still in shock, and said gratefully.