Shen Lingwei also knew that it was very difficult to find out those people from the Temple of Death.

The people from the Temple of Death have attracted the attention of the local police.

Therefore, the local police are also searching for them.

The people in the Temple of Death must not dare to show their faces easily.

"Where did it happen?"

Lin Fan asked.

If he knew some useful clues, he could find the people from the Temple of Death in Xicheng.

If you follow the vine, you may be able to know some other useful information.

"In the suburbs!"

"My subordinates only remember some characteristics of the other party!"

Shen Lingwei said what he knew.

She also knew that with the information she now knew, it would be difficult to find out those killers.

After all, Sydney City is really too big.

All they can do now is try their best.

As for whether he can find it, Shen Lingwei is not sure.

Or, those killers would evacuate early.

"It's not a big problem, I'll try it!"

After finally getting information about the Temple of Death, Lin Fan didn't want to give up like this.

Besides, he has a lot of ways.


Shen Ling nodded slightly.

To be honest, she didn't hold out much hope.

"Someone here is injured, and it's quite serious!"

Lin Fan said.

Shen Ling said slightly, "Mr. Lin, you know all of this!"

She sighed and said.

"My subordinate is indeed seriously injured!"

"The trouble is, you can't go to the hospital yet!"

Her men suffered gunshot wounds near the heart.

If they go to the hospital, their identities will be exposed.

Shen Lingwei has already invited a doctor over, but it hasn't arrived yet.

Procrastinating like this is not an option.

"I'm a doctor, I can go and see!"

Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Are you still a doctor?"

Shen Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, holding a skeptical attitude.

He knew that Lin Fan was the chairman of Hengtian Medicine.

Now Lin Fan is very famous in China, and there are even rumors that Lin Fan has created a medical miracle.

But Shen Lingwei didn't believe it.

She still thinks that it is just a gimmick made by the businessman.

Although Hengtian Pharmaceutical is a great medical company, Lin Fan doesn't look like a doctor.

"What? You still don't believe it?"

Lin Fan looked helpless.

Shen Lingwei hurriedly said, "No!"

"I'm just a little surprised!"

"Since Mr. Lin has already come over, it doesn't matter if you help my subordinates take a look!"

Shen Lingwei stood up and led Lin Fan into the room.

On the wooden bed in the room, lay an unconscious woman.

The woman is also from Huaxia, and her face is pale at this time.

Although his eyes were closed, there was still a bit of pain between his brows.

At this time, some gauze was wrapped around the woman's chest.

Bloodstains can still be seen faintly.

The bullet from the wound has been taken out, but the woman's condition is not optimistic.

"Mr. Lin!"

Shen Ling glanced at Lin Fan slightly.

Lin Fan did not speak, and went over to check on the woman.

"I can't die!"

"You follow my method and treat her wound again!"

Lin Fan said to Shen Lingwei.

He is a miracle doctor.

Naturally, this injury couldn't trouble him.

Next, Lin Fan also explained the method.

The injured part of the woman was a bit sensitive, so Lin Fan didn't want to do it.

Fortunately, the difficulty is not very great.

Just let Shen Ling take care of it.

"It's that simple?"

Shen Ling asked suspiciously.

"No!" Lin Fan said, "There is still medicine to be taken!"

"You help her deal with the wound first, and I'll write the prescription!"

Shen Ling nodded slightly.

Seeing Lin Fan's confident expression, she could only choose to believe it.

Now the breathing of her hands is getting weaker and weaker, and she dare not wait any longer.

After Lin Fan walked out of the room, Shen Lingwei also made a move.

time flies.

Nearly twenty minutes passed.

Shen Lingwei also followed the method given by Lin Fan to help his subordinates treat the wound.

She walks out of the hall.

"Is it going well?"

Lin Fan glanced at Shen Lingwei and handed over the prescription in his hand.

"You let people buy the above medicines back!"

"Just take it on time!"

Shen Lingwei took the prescription and looked at it curiously.

"Okay, I'll send someone to buy it right away!"

Shen Lingwei took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call.

At this time, Lin Fan asked again.

"Do you have a computer here?"

Shen Ling asked slightly, "What do you need a computer for?"

With a mysterious smile on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth, he explained.

"Of course it is to investigate the Temple of Death!"

With doubts, Shen Lingwei took out his own laptop and put it in front of Lin Fan.

She was very curious about what method Lin Fan would use to find out those people from the Temple of Death.

Shen Lingwei first went to the side to make a phone call.

After all, her men's injuries can't be dragged on any longer.

As for Lin Fan, he turned on Shen Lingwei's laptop. m.biqmgètn

He first checked the detailed location of the incident.

The next thing he has to do is to find some nearby surveillance cameras.

According to the information given by Shen Lingwei, Lin Fan soon gained something.

He locked three foreign men in total.

At this time, Shen Lingwei had finished making the phone call.

She walked behind Lin Fan.

When she saw that Lin Fan had hacked into an official website of Xicheng, Shen Lingwei couldn't believe it.

In her organization, there are also master hackers.

She has seen the power of hackers.

What Shen Lingwei didn't expect was that Lin Fan's hacking skills were so powerful.

I have to say that Lin Fan gave her quite a few surprises today.

First it was medical skills, and now, it showed super high hacking skills.

Really great.

"Mr. Lin, so you are still a hacker!"

Shen Ling looked at Lin Fan in a daze.

She discovered that Lin Fan had too many secrets.

"Actually, I'm just an amateur, and I just know a little bit!" Lin Fan laughed.


Shen Ling smiled wryly.

With Lin Fan's current skills, he is still an amateur.

What about other hackers?

Who else can easily hack into Australia's official website like Lin Fan.

"I found it!"

"Do you see if it's these three people?"

Lin Fan opened a found video.

Shen Lingwei focused on watching.

She wasn't too sure either.

Because she wasn't there at the time.

"According to what my subordinates said, it should be these three people!" Shen Ling said slightly.

"It's just that Xicheng is too big, even if there are photos of these three people, it's still difficult..."

Before Shen Lingwei could finish his sentence, he saw Lin Fan open an electronic file.

There are details of those three killers above.

There is even a record of what the three killers ate in the morning.


"Mr. Lin, did you find this?"

Shen Ling was slightly surprised.

At the same time, she looked at Lin Fan with even more admiration.

It's hard to imagine that Lin Fan could find out the other party's information in such a short period of time.