"Director Lin, please come in!"

Those people brought Lin Fan into the company.

Su Ya naturally followed.

The headquarters of Jin Ming Film and Television is very large, Su Ya walked all the way, looking around with curious eyes.

Those people were introducing Lin Fan.

Not long after, a group of people came to a reception room.

"Director Lin, sit down for a while, the general manager will be here soon!"

In front of Lin Fan, those people were respectful.

Not long after Lin Fan and Su Ya sat down, a female employee came in with coffee.

The female employee put the coffee in front of Lin Fan and Su Ya.

"Director Lin, drink coffee!"

Lin Fan sat with Su Ya for several minutes.

A sweaty middle-aged man walked in quickly.

That person is the general manager of Jin Ming Film and Television.

"Lin... Director Lin, I'm so sorry!"

"Sorry for the waitting!"

The general manager stood in front of Lin Fan, looking a little nervous.

Lin Fan glanced at the general manager and said, "I've just arrived too!"

"Take me to the office!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan stood up.

The general manager nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, this way please!"

The general manager made a gesture of invitation, not daring to be slighted.

You know, the young man in front of him is the chairman of Jin Ming Film and Television.

Moreover, he also knew that Lin Fan had another identity.

You can't be careless when receiving such a big man.

"Su Ya, let's go!"

Lin Fan looked at Su Ya and reminded her.

Su Ya shook her head, seeming a little tired.

It's no wonder that it was really difficult for her after being tossed all night last night.

After filling her stomach, Su Ya felt sleepy again.

"Lin Fan, I won't go!" Su Ya said softly.

Lin Fan asked, "How about I send you back to the manor first?"

Su Ya shook her head again, "No need, I'll wait for you here!"

"Go ahead!"

Su Ya smiled and said.

"Okay, I'll be back soon!"

After speaking, Lin Fan, led by the general manager, soon came to an office.

"Director Lin, sit down first!"

"I'll report to you about my work!"

The general manager took out a document from the desk drawer and handed it to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took the information and just looked at it casually.

Afterwards, the general manager made a simple work report.

Lin Fan was afraid that Su Ya would not be able to wait, so he didn't stay in the office for too long.

First he went to the bathroom.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom door, Lin Fan saw a woman in a short skirt.

The woman's face value is also nine point two, after putting on heavy makeup, she looks a little more charming.

At this time, the woman was looking at Lin Fan with a smile in her eyes.

It seemed that he was intentionally waiting for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smelled a pungent perfume from a distance, and immediately frowned.

At the same time, he saw a trace of familiarity in the woman.

However, Lin Fan couldn't remember where he had seen that woman.

"Mr. Lin, hello!"

Zhou Meier walked towards Lin Fan with seductive steps.

"Who are you?"

There was doubt in Lin Fan's tone.

Zhou Meier took a look at Lin Fan, covered her mouth and laughed.

"Mr. Lin, my name is Zhou Meier!"

"It's the signed star of Jin Ming Film and Television!"

Hearing what Zhou Meier said, Lin Fan immediately remembered.

No wonder he felt that he had seen Zhou Meier somewhere.

It turned out to be on TV.

However, Lin Fan did not have much affection for Zhou Meier in front of him.

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Fan asked.

Zhou Meier approached Lin Fan, she was about to touch Lin Fan's chest, so she stopped.

Zhou Meier said, "Mr. Lin, do you mind going to have a meal with me?"

Zhou Meier sent an invitation.

Lin Fan is the chairman of Jinming Film and Television. If she hooks up with Lin Fan, she will not have to worry about lack of resources in the future.

"I've eaten!"

Lin Fan felt disgusted.

Zhou Meier smiled and said, "Evening is also fine!"

"Well, I'll book the seat first!"

Zhou Meier has an excellent figure, and she is also considered a great beauty.

If it is an ordinary person, I really can't control it.

But Lin Fan is Lin Fan after all.

He has seen too many beauties.

And no matter how you look at it, Zhou Meier is the kind of woman who is more convenient.

To be honest, Lin Fan didn't have any feelings for this kind of woman.

"No, I don't have time!"

Lin Fan walked around Zhou Meier and ignored the woman in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Meier planned to let Lin Fan go.

Rather than saying that she didn't want to let Lin Fan go, it's better to say that she didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Zhou Meier is the kind of woman who will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

Moreover, her ability to climb to where she is today has a lot to do with the method she used.

With such a good opportunity right now, she certainly didn't want to miss it.

"Mr. Lin!"

Zhou Meier chased after her and grabbed Lin Fan's hand.

She gave Lin Fan a small note.

"The above is my hotel room!"

"Tomorrow I'm going to Yanjing to film a movie. If Mr. Lin has time tonight, you can come and see me!"

After all, Zhou Meier gave Lin Fan a wink.

She is very confident, Lin Fan will definitely go to her.

Some men are serious on the surface, but in fact, they are extremely boring behind the scenes.

Zhou Meier has seen this kind of man too much.

Zhou Meier felt that Lin Fan must be that kind of person.

Lin Fan looked at the small note in his hand.

Yes, it does have a hotel room number on it.

With a blank expression on his face, Lin Fan threw the note into the trash can next to him.

"You were terminated by the company!"

"get out!"

Lin Fan has seen many disgusting women.

This Zhou Meier is one of them.


"Mr. Lin, what did you say?"

Zhou Meier's complexion changed drastically, thinking that she had heard wrong.

She is very confident in her appearance.

But now, Lin Fan actually wants her to leave.

This was beyond Zhou Meier's expectation.

"I said, let you go!"

"From now on, you are no longer a member of Jin Ming Film and Television!"

Lin Fan couldn't understand why the company signed such a disgusting artist.

Now that Lin Fan found out, Lin Fan would definitely not keep her anymore.

The extra resources are better spent on cultivating other artists.

Seeing Lin Fan's serious expression, Zhou Meier immediately panicked.

She didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

If Jin Ming Film and Television terminated the contract with her, it would be very difficult for her to find another home.

"Mr. Lin, did I do something wrong?"

Zhou Meier had a nervous look on her face.

Originally, Lin Fan was in a good mood today.

As a result, this happened.

Seeing such a disgusting woman as Zhou Meier, Lin Fan almost threw up.


"Don't let me see you in the future!"

Lin Fan didn't want to say anything more to Zhou Meier.

If he stayed here any longer, he would really vomit.

"Mr. Lin, don't do this!"

"If I have done something wrong, you point it out, and I will definitely change it!"