See if the two sides have the possibility of shaking hands and making peace.

You can make things too big, which is not good for everyone.

Sometimes, Xue Qingzhu also discussed those domineering foreigners and sanctioned them at every turn.

But there is no way, they have that kind of capital.

Moreover, Xue Qingzhu really has nothing to do with others.

"Okay, I still have something to do, you should pay more attention to yourself, let's do this first!"

Lin Fan said, "Wait a minute!"

"I want to know who jointly reported the crime and wanted me, Lin Fan, to be brought to justice!"

Xue Qingzhu froze for a moment, and asked with vigilance.

"Lin Fan, what do you want to do?"

"I advise you not to do illegal things!"

Xue Qingzhu thought that Lin Fan was going to take revenge.

That's totally unnecessary.

They just jointly reported it, and they didn't do anything excessive.

Lin Fan laughed, "Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal!"

"I just want to blacklist them!"

Those people must have been instructed by Andrew, so they came out to make trouble.

In this case, Lin Fan has to make them pay the price.

When Lin Fan's lithography machine is manufactured, he will definitely not sell it to those people.

Xue Qingzhu said speechlessly, "Lin Fan, did I hear you right?"

"Don't you want to imitate that Andrew in imposing sanctions?"

"Don't forget, those people are all from the chip industry, even if you want to sanction, you can't sanction!"

For those people, Xue Qingzhu is also very indifferent.

He is obviously from Huaxia, but he still wants to stand by Andrew's side.

In order to make money, I don't even want my face.

But that's the reality.

"That's right, it's sanctions!" Lin Fan laughed.

"It won't be long before our company's lithography machine can be manufactured!"

Xue Qingzhu said, "Lin Fan, I'm very busy..."

"Wait, what did you say?"

"Are you also developing a lithography machine?"

Xue Qingzhu wanted to hang up the phone at first, but when he heard what Lin Fan said, he suddenly became interested.

Lithography machine, that is the jewel in the crown of industry.

It is not so easy to develop.

Huaxia is controlled by others in this regard, but with so much investment, there are very few results.

This is why foreign companies can control chip prices.

Without high-end lithography machines, there is no way to produce competitive chips.

If those words just now were uttered by other people, Xue Qingzhu would definitely regard the other party as a psychopath.

But if it were Lin Fan, it would be different.

Lin Fan, this is a mysterious man.

He always surprises people unexpectedly.


Lin Fan's tone was serious.

Now he has a complete set of technology for manufacturing lithography machines, and it will definitely not take long to manufacture the lithography machines.

Xue Qingzhu asked excitedly, "Lin Fan, I want to know!"

"You have developed a lithography machine, where is it now?"

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, " hasn't started yet!"

Hearing what Lin Fan said, the corners of Xue Qingzhu's mouth twitched.

"It hasn't started yet?"

"Lin Fan, are you kidding me?"

Just now Xue Qingzhu really thought that Lin Fan's lithography machine was about to be manufactured.

As a result, it has only just begun.

Lin Fan said, "Officer Xue, don't be so excited!"

"Let me tell you this, I have a whole set of technology for making lithography machines!"

"In less than a month, you will be able to see the lithography machine!"

Xue Qingzhu is still skeptical.

If Lin Fan is already in research and development, it makes sense.

But this is just the beginning, and it doesn't make sense.

You know, lithography machines are not so easy to develop.

"I want to know, what level of lithography machine are you developing?"

Xue Qingzhu asked again.

"A lithography machine that can produce 3nm chips!" Lin Fan replied.

Xue Qingzhu frowned and asked, "How did you get such an important technology?"

You must know that foreign 3nm lithography machines are still in the research and development stage.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, has already mastered a whole set of techniques.

It's incredible to think about it.

If this is true, it is undoubtedly good news for Huaxia.

In this way, they no longer need to be controlled by others in the field of chip production in the future.

Lin Fan found a random reason and said.

"I went to island countries and Australia before, just to get the technology of lithography machine!"

"As for how I got it, don't ask!"

"What I can guarantee is that the lithography machine technology is real!"

It just so happens that Lin Fan can correct the previous lie.

Even if Xue Qingzhu didn't believe it, she couldn't find out.

Xue Qingzhu is not an idiot either, she really doesn't believe Lin Fan's explanation.

But Lin Fan told her not to ask, so she was too embarrassed to ask.

Xue Qingzhu suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

"Okay, since the technology of the lithography machine is real, then follow the old rules!"

"Copy a copy of the technology, and I'll get it later!"

"Don't worry, we only do research and won't compete with you commercially!"

"Lin Fan, I thank you for China!"

Lin Fan said, "You better not come here yet!"

"When the company manufactures the lithography machine, I will hand over the technology to you!"

"No more than a month at the latest!"

Lin Fan added a deadline.


Xue Qingzhu thought Lin Fan was reluctant.

Lin Fan explained, "If it goes well, I will soon be able to acquire Hailing Technology!"

"Hailing Technology has many experts in this field, plus I have the technology, I believe it will not take long to manufacture the lithography machine!"

"At that time, it will be faster for you to take a finished lithography machine back directly!"

The most important thing is that Lin Fan is afraid that Xue Qingzhu will leak the lithography machine technology.

Xue Qingzhu thought for a while, "That's true!"

Anyway, the lithography machine technology is still in Lin Fan's hands, and he is not afraid that it will disappear.

Just wait for a while.

Lin Fan reminded, "Okay, you give me the list of those who jointly reported to me!"

After a while, it will be Lin Fan's turn to counter the sanctions.

Xue Qingzhu said seriously, "Handing over the informant's information is impossible!"

"Lin Fan, you don't have to doubt my professional ethics!"

After all, Xue Qingzhu hung up the phone.

But not long after, Lin Fan's e-mail still received an e-mail from Xue Qingzhu.

Above is the list of joint whistleblowers. .seven

The nearest hospital to Shanghai Medical University.

After Bernard rushed to the hospital, he did a considerable examination immediately.

It's just that the test results haven't come out yet.

So he's still waiting.

Many reporters came to the scene.

In fact, many people were waiting to see Lin Fan's joke.

In their view, Lin Fan came to the conclusion that Bernard was ill just by observing with naked eyes.

This is impossible.

It won't take long for the test results to come out.

At that time, Lin Fan will definitely lose his reputation.

Even, some reporters have already written a press release.

As soon as the inspection results come out, you can seize the opportunity and grab a wave of traffic.