"Miss Su, don't send it away!"

Xue Qingzhu turned her head and said to Su Ya with a smile.

"Slow down!"

Su Ya stopped.

Afterwards, Xue Qingzhu also got into a black off-road vehicle.

drive away.

A Rolls-Royce Cullinan was parked at the gate of the manor.

There are two foreign men sitting on it.

The man driving was relatively young, and there was a middle-aged man sitting in the co-pilot seat.

The two men just looked at Xue Qingzhu and didn't pay much attention to it.

"It's so strange!"

Xue Qingzhu also took a look at the two foreigners before driving away.

It seems that after Lin Fan came back from Australia, many people made a special trip to Shanghai to find him.

On the one hand, it was because of Lin Fan's identity.

Many people want to cooperate with Lin Fan.

Even, many people wanted to curry favor with Lin Fan.

What's more, Lin Fan's medical skills are too good.

Some people want to pay a high price for Lin Fan to treat his illness.

In the hall, Lin Fan was still sitting on the sofa.

At this time, Su Ya also walked back.

"People are really afraid of being famous, and now there are still people pretending to be you to cheat!"

Su Ya sat beside Lin Fan and said helplessly.

Lin Fan said with a smile, "So, you should be more careful when you go out in the future!"

"There are too many liars these days!"

Lin Fan didn't want to pay too much attention to the fact that someone pretended to be Lin Fan to cheat.

Because of this kind of thing, it is enough for the police to deal with it.

Su Ya nodded.

At this time, Lin Fan's cell phone rang again.

Seeing that it was the security guard at the gate calling, Lin Fan pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Lin, a foreigner named John came to the door!"

"He said he was from the Black Sea Bank, and he said he wanted to see you!"

Lin Fan frowned.

Black Sea Bank?


Lin Fan was very impressed with this guy.

Last time, John had been to Lin Fan's manor.

The purpose is to ask Lin Fan to go to the United States to heal John's father.

However, because John's attitude was too arrogant, Lin Fan did not agree.

Another point, that is, this Black Sea Bank is the deadly enemy of the Du family in Hong Kong Island.

Therefore, Lin Fan didn't want to get too close to the people from the Black Sea Bank.

Why is it here again this time?

Lin Fan was puzzled.

At this time, he also fell into deep thought.

"Who is John?"

Su Ya next to him asked curiously.

Since Lin Fan came back, the people who came to look for him have not stopped.

In this regard, Su Ya also felt helpless.

Lin Fan explained, "A foreigner came to see me last time!"

Su Ya asked curiously, "What is he looking for you for?"

"John's father is seriously ill and dying!"

Su Ya said, "So?"

Lin Fan smiled, "That guy only gave me a consultation fee of 100 million yuan, of course I won't go!"

Lin Fan did not say that there was a reason for the Du family on Hong Kong Island.

If Su Ya knew about his relationship with Du Meiqi, it would be hard to explain.

Su Ya asked deeply, "Then how much do you want?"

Lin Fan put his arm around Su Ya's shoulder and said with a smile.

"If you meet someone with fate, you won't take a penny!"

"If I meet people who don't like it, no matter how much money I pay, I won't go!"

Su Ya said, "So... that John is the latter?"

Lin Fan nodded.

He didn't intend to save John's father, but right now, he could see John.

Last time at the manor, John had threatened Lin Fan.

If John still wants to threaten him this time.

Lin Fan doesn't mind helping the Du family on Hong Kong Island get rid of the hidden danger of the Black Sea Bank.

"Mr. Lin, did you hear me?"

The security guard on duty asked.

"Let that John in!"

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then said.

"Okay, Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Lin Fan hang up the phone, Su Ya also asked in doubt.

"Lin Fan, you said just now that John's father will not be saved!"

"Why do you want to see that John again now?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if we meet!"

Su Ya pushed Lin Fan's hand away and said, "Then I'm going back to my room, let's chat!"

After speaking, Su Ya stood up and walked slowly back to the room.

Almost a minute passed.

John and the other middle-aged man came to the hall.

Compared to last time, John's attitude was a little more in awe.

Perhaps, he was also afraid that Lin Fan would reject him again.

As for the other foreign man, he seemed much calmer.

There wasn't much expression on his face either.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin, hello!"

John and the other middle-aged man greeted Lin Fan.

When he came in front of Lin Fan, a trace of sternness flashed vaguely in John's eyes.

In fact, John is still brooding about Lin Fan's refusal last time.

If it weren't for the elder's death order, he really didn't want to come here.

Now, John's father is dying.

Although he also wanted to save his father, he would not bow his head to beg Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took a look at the two of them, lowered his head, and played a mobile game.

He could see that John wasn't convinced yet.

"Mr. Lin, let me introduce myself, my name is Corey, John's uncle!"

Cory paused and continued.

"The last time John came here, he wanted to invite Mr. Lin to the United States!"

"I never thought, something unpleasant happened!"

"John, apologize to Mr. Lin!"

Corey glanced at John.

Corey had heard about Lin Fan's medical skills for a long time.

This time they came here, in addition to apologizing to Lin Fan, they also wanted Lin Fan to take action.

Because, John's father is going to die soon.

"Mr. Lin, I apologize to you for what happened before!"

In front of Lin Fan, John lowered his head.

Although he was reluctant, he finally spoke up.

Lin Fan played with his mobile phone, pretending not to hear clearly.

"What were you talking about?"

"I did not hear it clearly!"

John frowned.

He didn't expect that Lin Fan would go so far.

Gritting his teeth, John also raised his voice.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!"

"I was wrong last time!"

Lin Fan didn't answer, just playing with his phone.

At this time, Corey also spoke.

"Mr. Lin, if you can go to America with us to save someone!"

"We must be grateful!"

Corey stated the purpose of their trip.

They didn't have friendship with Lin Fan either, on the contrary, they had some unpleasantness.

There is only money to impress Lin Fan.

"Thank you so much?"

"Tell me?"

Lin Fan didn't raise his head.

To be honest, he didn't have much affection for the people in the Black Sea Bank.

And before that, Lin Fan also promised Du Meiqi that he would not cooperate with people from Black Sea Bank.

Even if the other party gave more money, Lin Fan would not go there.

Besides, is Lin Fan short of money now?

Apparently there is no shortage.

"One billion dollars!"

Corey made a number.

Hearing this number, Lin Fan raised his sword eyebrows.

It wasn't that he was impressed by the number.

Rather, there are likely to be pitfalls here.