Lin Fan showed his acting skills at the actor level.

It seems that he really didn't do the assassination of Andrew.

No way, he didn't want Xue Qingzhu to investigate him.

You have to do a full set of plays.

Since the person has been killed, no matter how you say it, you can't reveal the truth.

"Routine investigation!"

"I'll send someone to find you in a while!"

In fact, Xue Qingzhu was a little worried at this time.

She was afraid that Lin Fan really did this.

In that case, it would be bad for Lin Fan.

After all, it is really difficult to commit crimes without leaving traces.

Xue Qingzhu has scruples in this regard.

"It's okay, I'll go back to the manor now!"

Lin Fan is not afraid of investigation.

Since he dared to do it, he must be prepared.

Xue Qingzhu hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and finally said.

"Then let's do this first, I'm still busy!"

After finishing speaking, Xue Qingzhu also hung up the phone.

After drinking a few glasses of wine with Chang Junkai and others, Lin Fan also went back to the manor.

As for Xue Qingzhu, he is still investigating Andrew's death.

Nearly two hours later, Xue Qingzhu received good news.

That is, the technicians of the police have cracked the phone.

There is not a lot of information in the phone, and most importantly, they found a very critical recording of the call.

Xue Qingzhu rushed over at the fastest speed.

Next, the police followed the clues to investigate.

Through comparison, they locked the target on John.

There are indications that it was John who hired murderers behind his back.

As for who the murderer is, the police have not yet found out.

This time, Xue Qingzhu was in trouble again, because John also had a strong background.

Now there is not enough evidence, whether to arrest people or not is a big question.

"What should we do now?"

"Do you want to arrest someone?"

Everyone looked at Xue Qingzhu.

They were waiting for Xue Qingzhu to make up his mind.

Xue Qingzhu frowned.

She is thinking.

If John is arrested under the circumstances of insufficient evidence, the impact will also be bad.

It's really difficult.

"Well, take John back to the police station first!"

"Meanwhile, you continue to collect evidence!"

Xue Qingzhu felt in a dilemma, because both the Black Sea Bank and the Bismarck Company had a lot of background.

In the current situation, we can only follow the process.

And counting it, the people at the Black Sea Bank did have a motive for committing the crime.

Black Sea Bank had grievances with Bismarck Company, and the two sides were in dire straits.

Xue Qingzhu hoped that this was done by John of the Black Sea Bank.

In this way, Lin Fan will be fine.

What she didn't know was that Lin Fan did all of this.

Lin Fan's goal was to get Black Sea Bank to start a fight with Bismarck Company.

After finishing the order, Xue Qingzhu called Andrew's father, Robert.

At this time, Huaxia was at midnight.

And the Netherlands is in the afternoon.

After Xue Qingzhu made the call, Robert's secretary answered it.

"I am Mr. Robert's secretary!"

"can I help you?"

Xue Qingzhu said, "Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Robert!"

"I have something very important to tell Mr. Robert!"

The secretary said, "Excuse me, Mr. Robert is in a meeting now!"

"If there is anything important, just tell me, and I will tell Mr. Robert the truth!"

Xue Qingzhu was silent for a while, explaining the situation.

When he learned that Andrew had been stabbed to death, the secretary couldn't care less and rushed into the meeting room.

"What are you doing?"

"I still have a meeting!"

Robert looked at his secretary, very dissatisfied.

What he hates most is when someone interrupts his meeting.

The secretary said anxiously, "Mr. Robert, it's bad!"

"The police officer from Huaxia called and said yes... your son died!"


Hearing this news, Robert's face changed greatly.

"How can this be?"

"It must be fake!"

Robert stood up, still unwilling to believe it.

"Mr. Robert, it's true!"

Robert gritted his teeth, rushed to the secretary, and grabbed the phone.

"I'm Robert, the chairman of the Bismarck Company!"

"I want to know, what's going on with my son now?"

Robert asked anxiously.

"Mr. Robert, I regret to tell you that your son is dead!"

The corner of Robert's mouth twitched, "Impossible!"

"You must have lied to me!"

"You're a liar, aren't you?"

Robert could not accept this fact.

Although Robert has three sons, his favorite is Andrew.

"Mr. Robert, my name is Xue Qingzhu, you can check my identity!"

"If you have any doubts, you can also contact me!"

This time, Robert really believed it.

At the same time of sadness, endless anger welled up in Robert's heart.

"Who the **** did this?"

Before the matter is investigated clearly, Xue Qingzhu can easily answer.

Although they had already suspected John, but there was not enough evidence.

Now we can only continue to investigate.

"Mr. Robert, our police are still investigating!"

"When we find out the truth of the matter, we will definitely notify you as soon as possible!"

Robert was furious. Suddenly, he also thought of a possibility.

"Is that Lin Fan?"

"Did that Lin Fan do it?"

Today, Lin Fan had a conflict with Andrew.

Moreover, Robert also knew that the police were favoring Lin Fan.

If this was really done by Lin Fan, the police would probably cover him up.

This is where Robert gets very annoyed.

Xue Qingzhu said, "The matter has not been investigated, so I have nothing to say!"

Robert was furious, "You must be covering up that Lin Fan!"

"Let me tell you, if you don't give me an explanation, this matter will not be left alone!".biqugé

Xue Qingzhu was speechless.

The cause of the incident was Andrew. Now that something happened, this Robert was ashamed to blame Lin Fan.

Besides, there are indications that Andrew's death has a lot to do with John.

But now, the police have not found sufficient evidence, so Xue Qingzhu dare not speak out at will.

"Mr. Robert, what I can tell you is that the cause of your son's death has nothing to do with Lin Fan!"

If it weren't for work, Xue Qingzhu really didn't want to deal with Robert.

Because these foreigners think they are superior.

"I do not believe!"

"You are covering Lin Fan!"

Robert didn't believe Xue Qingzhu's words.

Xue Qingzhu suppressed the anger in his heart and reminded.

"Mr. Robert, besides Lin Fan, have you never offended anyone else?"

"You better think about it!"

"Okay, I've said what I have to say, if there is any progress in the case, I will let you know!"

After all, Xue Qingzhu also hung up the phone.

"Damn it!"

Robert's face flushed with anger, and he dropped the phone heavily to the ground.