Lin Fan glanced at Du Jianrong, and finally set his sights on Du Meiqi.

Today, Du Meiqi is wearing a long beige dress, with light makeup on her face.

It looks beautiful and generous.

Lin Fan nodded slightly in response.

"Mr. Lin, I have already reserved a seat!"

"Let's talk inside!"

Du Jianrong's face was full of smiles.

At the same time, his tone was full of respect.

You know, Lin Fan is the benefactor of the Du family.

Without Lin Fan, the Du family would have ceased to exist long ago.

Lin Fan's medical skills are superb, and the most important thing is that he is also a well-known figure in China, with great influence.

Du Jianrong made a gesture of invitation and brought Lin Fan into the restaurant.

Du Meiqi followed behind Lin Fan.

They walked into the elevator, and after a while, they came to a luxurious box.

"Mr. Lin, we actually wanted to visit you a few days ago!"

"It's a pity that you are not in the magic capital!"

Du Jianrong said to Lin Fan with a smile.

Lin Fan sat down and didn't speak.

At this time, Du Meiqi asked curiously.

"Mr. Lin, where did you go a few days ago?"

Lin Fan said, "Go to Australia to play!"

Now that Lin Fan has returned from Australia, there is no need to lie anymore.

Du Meiqi said meaningfully, "There doesn't seem to be anything interesting in Australia!"

Du Meiqi guessed that Lin Fan should have gone there for business.

As for what it was, it was inconvenient for Du Meiqi to ask.

Lin Fan smiled and didn't explain too much.

Du Meiqi poured a glass of red wine for Lin Fan and said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, drink some wine!"

"I can ask the bodyguard to take you back in a while!"

Lin Fan did not refuse.

"There's nothing major happening on Hong Kong Island, right?"

Lin Fan asked casually.


Du Jianrong shook his head.

The three chatted for a while.

Du Meiqi asked suddenly, "Mr. Lin, I heard that John was arrested by the police in Shanghai. Is this true?"

Last night, when they heard that Lin Fan was going to the United States with John, the members of the Du family were very nervous.

You know, John is from the Black Sea Bank.

And the Black Sea Bank is their opponent of the Du family.

If Lin Fan gets too close to the people from the Black Sea Bank, then their Du family will be in trouble.

The reason why Du Jianrong rushed to the magic capital was to find out the truth.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "There is such a thing!"

"Andrew from Bismarck Company was killed last night. It seems that John hired a murderer!"

"The police are still investigating!"

Lin Fan did not say that Andrew was killed by himself.

Because there are some things that you just know.

"Mr. Lin, I want to know why you last night..."

Du Meiqi spoke halfway, and then held back the words.

Lin Fan said, "You want to ask, why did I promise John to go to America with them?"

Du Meiqi lightly tapped the head.

At this moment, Du Jianrong also looked at Lin Fan expectantly.

He also wanted to know why Lin Fan did this.

Lin Fan laughed and said, "I'm just kidding John!"

"Do you really think that John invited me to the United States to save people?"

Du Jianrong asked suspiciously, "Could it be that there is something tricky here?"

Lin Fan explained, "John asked me to go to the United States, and he didn't ask me to save people at all!"

"Saving people is just an excuse, their real purpose is for me!"

"If I go to America with them, I will never come back!"

Hearing Lin Fan's explanation, Du Jianrong and Du Meiqi suddenly realized.

The commercial secrets on Lin Fan are too valuable.

Could it be that John wanted to play tricks and invite Lin Fan to the United States.

Whether it is the Kunpeng car or the drug that can cure lung cancer, they are all too valuable.

As long as Lin Fan is caught, they will have a chance to get those secrets.

Lin Fan took a sip of red wine and continued.

"So, I'm just teasing them!"

"It's impossible to be stupid enough to go to the United States with them!"

Du Jianrong and Du Meiqi looked at each other.

Since this is the case, they can rest assured.

Because this also means that it is impossible for Lin Fan to cooperate with people from Black Sea Bank.

Du Meiqi smiled, "Then, did the people from the Black Sea Bank look for you this morning?"

"how do you say?"

Lin Fan laughed, "I found a reason to refuse!"

Du Meiqi worried, "I think the people of Black Sea Bank will not stop there!"

Du Jianrong said with a smile, "If Andrew's death really has something to do with John, then John will definitely not be able to escape legal sanctions!"

"Besides, Andrew's father is the chairman of the Bismarck Company!" Seven

"I think that the Bismarck Company will definitely not let the Black Sea Bank go!"

Du Meiqi said, "In this way, Mr. Lin can be at peace!"

Lin Fan didn't speak.

Because all of this was designed by him.

Now we are waiting for the people from the Black Sea Bank and the Bismarck Company to fight each other and lose both.

"But..." Du Meiqi thought of something and said.

"Anyway, John is also from the Black Sea Bank, and the Black Sea Bank must find a way to save John!"

In fact, Lin Fan had also thought about this kind of result.

Although he can blame John for Andrew's death, the evidence is a big problem.

In other words, in the end John is likely to be let go due to insufficient evidence.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the people at Bismarck believed that John hired a murderer, and that was enough.

Lin Fan wanted them to fight.

"Okay, John's troubles, let John have a headache!"

"Mr. Lin, I offer you a toast!"

Du Jianrong raised his glass and drank it down.

"Dad, you better not drink so much wine!"

Du Meiqi looked at Du Jianrong and persuaded him.

Du Jianrong said with a smile, "It's okay, it's a rare opportunity to have a drink with Mr. Lin!"

"It doesn't matter if you drink a few more glasses!"

Du Meiqi saw that he couldn't persuade his father, so he stopped trying to persuade him.

Du Meiqi was a little happy today, and drank a few more glasses.

It didn't take long for the three of them to eat and drink enough.

At this time, Du Jianrong's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Meiqi, chat with Mr. Lin for a while first!"

"I'm going out to answer the phone!"

Du Meiqi nodded.

Afterwards, Du Jianrong also walked out of the box.

"Lin Fan, do you have time these two days?"

"Take me to the magic city for a walk!"

In the absence of his father, there was a little more tenderness in Du Meiqi's beautiful eyes.

Lin Fan said, "I have time in the afternoon!"

"If you want to play, I can accompany you!"

It just so happened that Su Ya went to the company, and Lin Fan also had time.

"Okay!" Du Meiqi was a little excited.

"I just don't know what fun places there are in Magic City!"

This is not the first time Du Meiqi has come to Shanghai.

But before she came to Shanghai, she was only there to discuss business.

While Lin Fan and Du Meiqi were still chatting, there was a quarrel outside the door.

"It sounds like my dad's voice!"

"I'll go out and have a look!"