Of course, all of this is just Xue Qingzhu's guesswork.

After all, the killer who killed Andrew didn't leave much evidence.

If no more clues are found in the end, then the case cannot be investigated.

Xue Qingzhu walked towards Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, I seem to have a premonition!"

"Andrew's death may have nothing to do with that John!"

Xue Qingzhu looked at Lin Fan's profile and said meaningfully.

Lin Fan turned his head and glanced at Xue Qingzhu.

This woman seems to have guessed something.

But Lin Fan was not worried.

Because Andrew was dead, and there was no evidence left at the scene.

Even if Xue Qingzhu suspects him, it's fine.

After all, some things require evidence.

As for John being let go, it doesn't really matter.

Because Lin Fan's goal has been achieved, which is to provoke the conflict between Bismarck Company and Black Sea Bank.

The fight between Bismarck Company and Black Sea Bank was exactly what Lin Fan wanted.

"So, why are you telling me this?"

Lin Fan pretended to be confused.

Xue Qingzhu said, "The person who assassinated Andrew is really powerful!"

"It can be done without leaving any evidence!"

"This kind of strength is about the same as yours!"

Lin Fan smiled wryly, "Officer Xue, you think too highly of me!"

Xue Qingzhu glanced at Lin Fan again, and stopped paying attention to him.

She still has some things to attend to.

Lin Fan called Xue Qingzhu to stop, "If there is nothing else, I will go back first!"

Although there were still people living in the Temple of the Death God at the scene, they couldn't ask anything at all.

So Lin Fan didn't plan to stay any longer.

"I'll send you back home!"

Xue Qingzhu called a police officer and drove Lin Fan away.

A cargo ship slowly left the port.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoqing was locked in a lounge on the freighter with her hands tied behind her back.

Originally, Zheng Xiaoqing invited Lin Fan and Su Ya out for dinner tonight.

It never occurred to her that she was knocked out just as she left the door.

Later, I don't know how long it took, when Zheng Xiaoqing woke up, she found herself locked in this small room.

Zheng Xiaoqing could clearly feel that the little house was shaking.

In other words, she was taken aboard.

At first, Zheng Xiaoqing didn't even mention how scared she was.

It's frightening to think about being locked up here alone.

Most importantly, Zheng Xiaoqing didn't know what was waiting for her next.

After the panic at the beginning, Zheng Xiaoqing also became calm.

Because he knows that fear can't solve any problems.

If you want to leave here, you can only find a way by yourself.

While Zheng Xiaoqing was still trying to escape, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

A faint sea smell came in.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Xiaoqing saw three strong men in vests.

"You... who are you guys?"

Seeing that the other party was not an ordinary person, Zheng Xiaoqing frowned and asked.

"Who are we?"

"Of course we are the ones who took you away!"

The three of them looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Zheng Xiaoqing forced herself to be calm, "What exactly do you want?"

One of the strong men put away his smile and said coldly.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you!"

Another said, "Damn it!"

"I thought the plan would be foolproof, but it still failed!"

"This damned Lin Fan!"

Hearing what the brawny man said, Zheng Xiaoqing immediately figured it out.

"You guys actually want to deal with Lin Fan!"

Zheng Xiaoqing also knows that many forces are very interested in Lin Fan now.

"Yes, we are here to deal with Lin Fan!"

Zheng Xiaoqing stopped talking.

From the dialogue between these three people, it can be known that Lin Fan is fine.

But right now, it's her own business.

"Where do you want to take me?"

Zheng Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and asked again.

"You'll find out soon!"

Of course, they couldn't tell such a secret thing.

"Head, this chick can be considered a beauty, not as good as us..."

One of them stared wildly and licked his dry lips.

"Don't think of this woman!"

"We still have to use this woman to deal with Lin Fan!"

"If something bad happens, you will die miserably!"

After being warned, the man didn't dare to speak anymore.

Zheng Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't waste your time, you are not Lin Fan's opponent!"

The three laughed again.

The leading brawny man said, "No, you're wrong!"

"Lin Fan will lose to us sooner or later!"

"If you don't believe me, just watch!"

At this time, on the seabed not far behind the freighter.

A black shadow is fast approaching.

Xiaoying is worthy of being an advanced robot. Although he can't reach the sky and enter the earth, he can swim at high speed in the sea without any problem.

After Xiaoying arrived at the pier, he found that the freighter had already left.

And Zheng Xiaoqing's phone location has also disappeared.

Fortunately, Xiaoying had already locked the freighter ahead of time, so he rushed over as fast as possible.

The baby approached the freighter and climbed up the smooth hull.

There are many containers on the freighter. As for the crew on board, they are not on the deck.

Xiaoying quickly found Zheng Xiaoqing's location through a powerful electronic system.

"over there!"

The little baby rushed over quickly.

In the lounge, the three strong men wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew in from outside the door.

Before one of them could react, Xiaoying punched him heavily in the stomach.

The man's face turned the color of a pig's liver, and the severe pain made him unable to cry out at all.


The other two reacted.

But at this time, Xiaoying made another move.

Another strong man was dealt with by Xiaoying.


Seeing the arrival of the baby, Zheng Xiaoqing was very excited.

Xiaoying appeared here, maybe Lin Fan also came over.

The rest of the strong man also had an ugly face, and quickly took out a pistol from his body.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Xiaoqing shouted hastily.

"Little baby, be careful!"

However, Zheng Xiaoqing's worries were unnecessary.

Because Xiaoying shot like the wind, he also dealt with the rest of the people at once.


Zheng Xiaoqing was dumbfounded seeing Xiaoying easily get rid of those three people.

Before, she only heard Su Ya mention that Xiaoying is a very powerful robot.

But at that time, Zheng Xiaoqing didn't quite believe it.

But now, Zheng Xiaoqing believed it.

If Xiaoying is a human being, then there is a problem.

Has anyone seen such a powerful human girl? .seven

Xiao Ying walked behind Zheng Xiaoqing and tore off the tie that was tied to Zheng Xiaoqing's hands.

"Xiaoying, is Lin Fan here too?"

Zheng Xiaoqing asked excitedly.

Xiaoying shook his head, "Mr. Lin didn't come over!"

"He just asked me to come and rescue you!"

"It seems that there are only three killers here, I will take you back!"