Lin Fan didn't have to worry about Xiaoying's attack.

Su Ya said, "I'll arrange for someone to come over and take Xiaoqing over!"

"Let her live in the manor tonight!"

Su Ya is also not sure if there are any killers from the Temple of Death in the capital city.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the safest to let Zheng Xiaoqing live in the manor.

Lin Fan followed Su Ya into the hall and said.

"You don't need to arrange it!"

"Officer Xue has already led people to rush there!"

There was also a problem with that freighter, so of course Zheng Xiaoqing had to investigate clearly.

"That's good!"

Su Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Fan sat on the sofa, thinking of something, his face became a little more gloomy.

"Lin Fan, what's wrong?"

Su Ya sat beside Lin Fan and asked.

Lin Fan said, "The people from the Temple of Death dare to attack the people around me, I'm a little worried about Xue'er!"

Now Song Xueer is still in Yanjing.

Most importantly, Song Xueer did not have a robot bodyguard with her.

As for his parents, Lin Fan wasn't too worried.

Because Lin Fan kept several robot bodyguards with his parents.

If the people from the Temple of Death dare to attack Lin Fan's parents, it can only be said that they chose the wrong target.

Su Ya said, "I'm going to inform Xue'er right now, and let her pay attention!"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "Let me inform you!"

Lin Fan first sent Xue Qingzhu a message, asking her to arrange someone to protect Song Xueer.

Afterwards, Lin Fan called Song Xueer again.

"Xue'er, are you still in Yanjing?" Lin Fan asked.


"What's the matter, Lin Fan?"

Hearing Lin Fan's question, Song Xueer was puzzled.

Lin Fan said, "It's nothing, I just want to tell you, be careful these few days!"

"Because someone is dealing with me, I'm afraid you will be in danger!"

Song Xueer smiled and said, "Lin Fan, don't worry, Yanjing is safe!"

"It's you yourself, don't run around if you have nothing to do!"

"I'm going back to Shanghai soon, and then you have to play with me!"

Lin Fan smiled wryly, "I don't necessarily have time!"

Lin Fan is already planning to deal with the Temple of Death.

Therefore, he will not stay in Shanghai for too long.

"Lin Fan, you just came back, where do you want to go?"

Song Xueer's tone was helpless.

Lin Fan smiled and said.

"Okay, let's do this first, I still have something to do!"

"I'll talk to you when I have time, be safe!"

Song Xueer said, "Alright!"

Lin Fan hung up the phone, just in time, Su Ya brought out some dishes from the kitchen.

Originally, he planned to go out for dinner, but he didn't get the meal and met a killer.

Now Su Ya is almost starving.

"Su Ya, did you do this?"

Lin Fan looked at the dishes on the table and asked.

"No, it was done by the maid of the manor!"

When this kind of thing happened, how could Su Ya have the time to cook.

Lin Fan was also hungry, so he ate with his chopsticks.

"Those killers are real, they didn't let us have a good meal!"

Su Ya said, "Eat more, there are still some left in the kitchen for Xiaoqing!"

Su Ya guessed that Zheng Xiaoqing must have not eaten either.

Half an hour passed.

Xiaoying came back with Zheng Xiaoqing.

When Zheng Xiaoqing saw Su Ya, she hugged Su Ya and started crying.

"Su Ya, you scared me to death, I thought I would never come back!"

Zheng Xiaoqing burst into tears.

She is usually a strong woman, but now, she is just a weak woman.

"never mind!"

Su Ya didn't know what Zheng Xiaoqing had gone through, so she patted Zheng Xiaoqing's back and comforted her.

Lin Fan just glanced at Zheng Xiaoqing, and then turned his attention to Xiaoying.

"Little baby, what do you gain?"

Xiaoying walked to Lin Fan's side and said.

"There are only three killers on board, and they have been taken away by Xue Qingzhu's men now!"

In fact, the three killers didn't know much.

"Lin Fan, thank you!"

Zheng Xiaoqing wiped the tears from her face and said to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan said, "Thank you, this happened because of me!"

"Everyone is fine!"

Su Ya asked Zheng Xiaoqing to sit down and asked.

"What was the situation?"

"How did you get arrested?"

Zheng Xiaoqing told the ins and outs of the matter.

At that time, she was about to go out for dinner, but she was directly captured by those killers.

After hearing what Zheng Xiaoqing said, Lin Fan also guessed what was going on.

The people in the Temple of Death must have noticed Zheng Xiaoqing early on.

So when she found out that Zheng Xiaoqing wanted to ask Lin Fan out for dinner, she carried out the activities secretly.

They set up the restaurant in the villa and asked people to pretend to be Zheng Xiaoqing, with the purpose of catching Lin Fan alive.

Unfortunately, it ended in failure.

Zheng Xiaoqing looked at Su Ya and asked.

"Su Ya, how did you know that something happened to me?".biqugé

Su Ya told about the restaurant in the villa.

After listening, Zheng Xiaoqing blamed herself.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have asked you to have dinner there!"

If because of this incident, Lin Fan was taken away by the people from the Temple of Death, then Zheng Xiaoqing would have a hard conscience for the rest of her life.

Lin Fan said, "This is none of your business!"

"Even if you don't ask us out for dinner, those people will still find other opportunities to make a move!"

Zheng Xiaoqing wanted to say something else, when Xue Qingzhu walked in.

Su Ya took Zheng Xiaoqing to dinner.

Lin Fan glanced at Xue Qingzhu and asked.

"Have you found any other killers?"

Xue Qingzhu sat down and replied.

"The devil is so big, even if there are still people from the Temple of Death, it is impossible to find them so easily!"

"During this time, don't go out yet!"

Lin Fan laughed and said, "Hiding here and not going out, this is not my Lin Fan style!"

Xue Qingzhu said, "Then what are your plans?"

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "Well, you should have information about those killers in your hand!"

"Send me a copy!"

Lin Fan wanted to investigate it himself.

As long as some technical means are used, it can be found out whether there are other killers in this magic city.

Xue Qingzhu was puzzled, "Those killer's information is all fake, even if you get it, it's useless!"

Lin Fan said, "Don't worry, I have my own way!"

"If there are killers in the capital, I will find them!"

Lin Fan doesn't like to be passive.

In fact, he wasn't worried about himself.

What he worries about is the people around him.

So no matter what, you must remove the hidden dangers around you.

Only in this way can Lin Fan go to Baji Island with peace of mind.

"Okay, I'll get someone to send the information over later!"

Since Lin Fan said so, Xue Qingzhu couldn't refuse.

She was very curious about how Lin Fan could find out the killer hidden in the magic city.

"By the way, I'm going to Baji Island the day after tomorrow!"

"You do the formalities for me!"

Xue Qingzhu frowned and said, "Have you found out?"

"Baji Island is really the lair of the Temple of Death?"

Lin Fan shook his head, "Not sure yet!"

"I plan to check it myself!"