Zhong Wenliang was stunned, and instinctively wanted to resist.

However, Xue Qingzhu had already firmly held him down.

Zhong Wenliang frowned deeply and said angrily.

"Why did you arrest me?"

"I haven't broken any law!"

Xue Qingzhu showed his police officer ID and at the same time, took out an arrest warrant.

"Zhong Wenliang, you are under arrest!"

"Go back with me obediently and accept the investigation!"

Xue Qingzhu's voice was cold.

Zhong Wenliang was still not convinced, and sneered.


"I want to know, what law am I breaking?"

"Did that Lin Fan call the police?"

"I tell you, that Lin Fan wronged me!"

Xue Qingzhu said with a blank face.

"No one called the police, Zhong Wenliang, don't you know what crime you committed before?"

"Now that the evidence is conclusive, you just wait to be punished by the law!"

Hearing what Xue Qingzhu said, Zhong Wenliang felt an ominous premonition.

Yes, before he immigrated, he did a lot of bad things.

But not right.

He has always been impeccable in everything he does.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the police to collect evidence.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to immigrate smoothly before.

Zhong Wenliang said angrily, "I want to hire a lawyer, and I want to sue you for defamation!"

Zhong Wen couldn't be more angry.

Xue Qingzhu said, "Yes, it is your right to hire a lawyer!"

Zhong Wenliang gritted his teeth and said, "You better let me go!"

"I'm an American now, so it's not your turn to catch me!"

Xue Qingzhu said coldly, "Zhong Wenliang, you are wrong!"

"This is the land of Huaxia. The crimes you committed in China must be punished by our Huaxia law!"

This is all thanks to Lin Fan, otherwise, Zhong Wenliang might have been at large for the rest of his life.

"I protest!"

Zhong Wenliang blushed.

At the same time, he felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

If the Huaxia police really got hold of his criminal evidence, then he might really have to sit in jail.

"Protest is invalid!"

Xue Qingzhu ignored Zhong Wenliang's dissatisfaction, and escorted him into the police car.

In the courtyard, Lin Fan knew the news of Zhong Wenliang's arrest immediately.

As far as Zhong Wenliang is concerned, he doesn't know what to do.

It's not good to provoke anyone, but it happened to provoke him, Lin Fan.

Is he, Lin Fan, easy to bully?

How many people have met a tragic end because of provoking Lin Fan before.

Unfortunately, Zhong Wenliang didn't know.

He just wanted to use his own method to get Lin Fan to save him, but in the end he made himself feel bored.

Of course, Zhong Wenliang has not many days left.

Because Lin Fan could tell that Zhong Wenliang was seriously injured.

He will not live long.

But these are not what Lin Fan cares about.

What Lin Fan was more concerned about was how his documents for going abroad were doing.

"By the way, Officer Xue, where is my ID?"

"Didn't you say today that you can send it to me soon?"

"But don't forget!"

Now Lin Fan can't wait to go to Baji Island.

He didn't want to wait any longer.

In short, we must get rid of the power of the Temple of Death.

Xue Qingzhu said helplessly, "The documents have been processed!"

"And, I've already sent someone to send it to you!"

"It should be delivered to you soon!"

Xue Qingzhu was speechless.

Why is Lin Fan so anxious to go to Baji Island?

Even if you want to deal with the Temple of Death, don't be so anxious.


Lin Fan didn't say anything more.

Sure enough, not long after, the housekeeper Xu Wenqian found Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin, there is a person outside who says he is Xue Qingzhu's friend!"

"I'm here to bring you the certificate!"

Lin Fan nodded, "Let him in!"

"Okay, Mr. Lin!"

After the housekeeper retreated, Lin Fan also came to the hall.

After a while, the housekeeper Xu Wenqian came in with a man with a square face.

"Mr. Lin, hello!"

The man greeted Lin Fan with respect.

"This is the ID Officer Xue asked me to bring!"

"Check it out!"

The man handed the two documents to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan opened it and took a look.

One of the certificates belonged to Lin Fan, and the other belonged to Xiaoying.

This time when going to Baji Island, Lin Fan only needs to bring Xiaoying with him.

Bringing too many people will arouse the vigilance of the Temple of Death.

As for the twenty robots produced by Kexing Group, Lin Fan planned to send them by sea.

There is no need to apply for fake documents.

Same as last time, Lin Fan used a false identity.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Lin Fan would have to be taken away by other countries as soon as he left Huaxia.

Who made the current Lin Fan to be a famous man, and he also has a lot of business secrets.

No one will miss such a good opportunity.

Therefore, it is safest for Lin Fan to hide his identity and go to Baji Island.

"Okay, help me thank Officer Xue!"

Lin Fan put away the documents.

With the documents, he can go to Baji Island tomorrow.

However, Lin Fan had to go back to the magic capital to say goodbye to Su Ya.

The man said, "Mr. Lin, if there is nothing else, then I will go back first!"

Lin Fan nodded.

The housekeeper Xu Wenqian sent the man away.

Lin Fan successfully received the certificate and returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Song Xueer took a look at Lin Fan.

"It looks like you are very happy, did something good happen to you?"

Lin Fan said with a smile, "Of course I am happy to see you!"

Song Xueer snorted softly, "I don't believe it!"

Lin Fan looked at Song Xueer with a smile and said.

"It's late now, should we rest?"

Song Xueer gave Lin Fan a white look, "You haven't taken a shower yet, go quickly!"

Lin Fan kissed Song Xueer's forehead lightly, "Wait for me..."

Lin Fan rushed into the bathroom and finished the shower as quickly as possible.

Just when Lin Fan was about to turn off the lights for a rest, he received a message on his mobile phone.

And seeing that message, Lin Fan's eyes instantly showed a murderous look.

It turned out that the message was from the robot bodyguard guarding Lin Fan's parents.

Just now, someone was secretly following Lin Fan's parents.

But it was discovered by the robot bodyguard.

The robot bodyguard successfully took down the follower.

According to information, the person following Lin Fan's parents is still a killer.

As for the identity, the investigation by the police is still pending.

The robot bodyguard did not tell Lin Fan's parents about this, so as not to cause Lin Fan's parents to panic.

"Lin Fan, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Lin Fan's expression was not quite right, Song Xueer asked.


Lin Fan shook his head.

There is no need to guess, it must be the killer of the Temple of Death who is trying to trick Lin Fan's parents.

This made Lin Fan more determined to get rid of the Temple of Death.

The **** Temple of Death dared to play against his parents.

It's really courting death.

"You have something to hide from me!" Song Xueer said.

Lin Fan smiled, "Don't talk about those unpleasant things!"