Olena could feel her heart beating wildly.

Before she could react, Lin Fan pushed her body onto the seat.

Just at this moment, the bullet has arrived.

The bullet pierced the car glass, and there was a shattering sound.

The sniper rifle was very powerful. After breaking through the glass, the side door was also penetrated.

Fortunately, no one in the car was hit.

The shooter wasn't aiming at Olena.

It was Lin Fan.

After all, it was still useful to keep Olina.

As for the others, there is no need to keep them just now.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!"

The bodyguard driving the car had an ugly expression on his face.

Lin Fan reminded, "Don't stop, get out of here first!"

The surrounding terrain is complex and full of forests.

If you don't leave here, you will definitely fall into a tight siege.

At that point, it will be very difficult to leave.


The man nodded and stepped on the gas pedal.

At this time, the car in front is also accelerating.

Although the road is bumpy, it doesn't matter that much.

If you want to survive, you can only escape from here.

Only in this way can there be a glimmer of life.

Olina came back to her senses and adjusted her posture.

"Mr. Lin, you saved my life again!"

Lin Fan shook his head, "That shot just now was not aimed at you!"

"It's me!"

Just now, Lin Fan was afraid that Olina would be hurt by glass shards.

Although Lin Fan said so, Olina was still very grateful.

Olina looked in the direction of the bullet, with a nervous expression on her face.

At this time, gunshots rang out again.

This time, there were two consecutive gunshots.

Judging from the sound, it was still the same type of sniper rifle.

The first shot, the bullet hit the tire of the car ahead.

That car was going fast, and after the tire was hit, it blew out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the car lost control and crashed into the nearby woods.

The second shot hit the captain of the bodyguard who was driving.

The bullet hit the arm of the captain of the bodyguard, bleeding profusely.

The captain of the bodyguard let out a scream and gripped the steering wheel with one hand.

Seeing this scene, Olina turned pale with fright.

It was the first time she had seen such a scene.

I guess I'll have nightmares tonight.


The captain of the bodyguard resisted the pain.

Choose to drive the car into the forest.

He has no way to continue driving.

Moreover, the enemy's marksmanship is extremely accurate. If they don't find a place to hide, they will be killed soon.

"Princess Olina, I'm really sorry, I can't continue to protect you!"

The car hit a big tree and stopped.

The captain of the bodyguard said to Olina with regret on his face.

Lin Fan glanced at the captain of the bodyguard, knowing that they were still in danger, and said.

"Get out of the car first!"

"Find a place to hide!"

Lin Fan reminded.

Olina nodded, opened the car door, followed Lin Fan out of the car.

Lin Fan opened the driver's door and pulled the injured bodyguard out of the car.

As for the unconscious Upton, Lin Fan didn't pay attention to it.

At this time, the gunfire continued.

The dense branches and leaves blocked the sight of the snipers, and they dared not shoot at the cars behind them.

It would be bad if Olina was beaten to death.

The higher-ups issued a death order, and Olina could not be harmed, saying that she could only be captured alive.

Therefore, they shot very cautiously.

However, the bodyguard in the front car was not so lucky.

Soon, two more bodyguards died under gunshots.

Lin Fan hid behind the tree with the injured bodyguard, and glanced at Olina who was still in shock.

Not far away, Xiaoying also hid.

Lin Fan glanced at Xiaoying and asked.

"Can you determine how many people there are on the other side?"

Right now, if you want to leave here, you can only choose to kill the people nearby.

Xiaoying looked around and said, "There are two snipers, at nine o'clock!"

"They have good marksmanship!"

"In addition, there are eight people at three o'clock!"

"They have guns on their bodies, and their strength is average!"

Through the powerful electronic system, Xiaoying immediately detected the enemy's situation nearby.

This is at a distance.

Like just now, there is no way for the baby to be accurately identified.

Lin Fan made a decisive decision and said.

"Xiaoying, go and get rid of those two snipers!"

"Give me the rest!"

Xiaoying is a robot, running faster than Lin Fan.

Let her deal with the two most threatening snipers, Lin Fan can rest assured.

As for the remaining eight enemies, they were nothing to Lin Fan.

Right now, there is another difficulty.

That is, Lin Fan was not sure whether the car that hit the tree could still be driven.

If you can't, you're in big trouble.

Because if you want to leave here, you can't do it without a car.


Xiaoying nodded and rushed in the direction of the two snipers.

"Mr. Lin, it's dangerous ahead!"

Olina was a little worried.

Lin Fan said, "She will be fine!"

For the baby, Lin Fan was very relieved.

Beside Lin Fan, the bodyguard captain's face became paler and paler.

If you let the blood continue to flow, I'm afraid your life will be lost.

"hold onto!"

Lin Fan returned to the car and found an emergency medical kit.

Started doing a simple bandage for the bodyguard captain.

"Princess Olina, Mr. Lin!"

"Leave me alone!"

The captain of the bodyguard resisted the pain, gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't talk yet!"

Lin Fan continued to bandage.

Beside, Olina wanted to help though.

But powerless.

For the first time, Olina felt that she was so useless.

At this time, there were only two bodyguards left in the front car, and they ran not far from Olina.

"Princess Olina, you go first!"

"We cover you!"

The two bodyguards held guns in their hands and looked determined.

Olina had tears in her eyes.

She didn't know if she could leave here safely today.

Seeing that Olina didn't speak, the captain of the bodyguard looked at Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin, take Princess Olina and leave first!"

"It's too late!"

Lin Fan didn't speak.

Lin Fan didn't say until he helped the bodyguard captain to bandage the wound.

"You stay here, you can't go anywhere!"

"There are still a few enemies rushing here, I will deal with them first!"

The two bodyguards spoke in unison.

"Mr. Lin, we will go with you!"

Lin Fan shook his head, "I'll just go there alone!"

"You stay here to protect Miss Olina!"

After speaking, Lin Fan also stood up.

Now he just wants a quick fix.

Because if it drags on, it will be very detrimental to them.

More and more rebels will come.

The captain of the bodyguard took out his own gun and handed it to Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin, take it!"

Lin Fan didn't go to get it.

Because there are several guns in his system space.

Just like that, Lin Fan stepped into the dense jungle.

Olina looked at the direction Lin Fan left and bit her red lips lightly.