The helicopter departs.

Olina stared blankly at the helicopter flying away until it disappeared, feeling a little bit reluctant.

"Father, where is Mr. Lin going?"

Moulton said, "Pori Town!"

Olina knew that Pori Town was the territory of the rebels, so she asked worriedly.

"What is Mr. Lin doing there?"

Morton shook his head.

"I'm not so sure either!"

"But Olina, don't worry, our counterattack is about to begin!"

"It won't be long, not to mention the town of Pori, even the rebels in the entire Niman country will be wiped out by us!"

"As for Mr. Lin, tomorrow morning, I will send a team to meet him!"

Olina nodded, not knowing what to say.

She prayed for Lin Fan in her heart.

After Lin Fan left the manor, he went to pick up Shen Lingwei and others.

Shen Lingwei and others are ready.

At this time, they were waiting in a square.

Behind Shen Lingwei, there were still seven or eight people standing, some men and some women.

Although they come from different killer organizations, they have a common enemy.

That is the Temple of Death.

This time, they came to Nieman Country to find out the people from the Temple of Death.

When the helicopter landed in the center of the square, Shen Ling smiled slightly and led the crowd to welcome it.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Hi Mr. Lin!"

Everyone greeted Lin Fan.

Except for Shen Lingwei, no one else knew Lin Fan.

However, they have already learned from Shen Lingwei that Lin Fan is a very mysterious figure.

And his skills are also very powerful.

But these are not important, what is important is that the Temple of Death is also Lin Fan's opponent.

In this way, it is equivalent to them joining forces.

Lin Fan sized up Shen Lingwei and the others, and nodded in response.

Among the few people present, only Shen Lingwei knew Lin Fan's true identity.

"Okay, let's go!"

Lin Fan didn't want to waste time.

Now, he just wanted to get to Pori Town as soon as possible.


Everyone followed Lin Fan to the helicopter.

The helicopter lifted off and left Lingman City.

"Mr. Lin, there are still people in the suburbs!"

Shen Lingwei said to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan said, "Then pick it up and go to Pori Town together!"

Half an hour later, there were twenty people around Lin Fan.

At the same time, Lin Fan also received a message from Xiaoying.

It turned out that the baby had already escaped.

After Xiaoying dealt with the people from the Temple of Death, he left in a helicopter.

She and Lin Fan agreed to meet at a certain place.

Because the distance was a bit far, Lin Fan simply closed his eyes and rested on the plane.

"Mr. Lin, are we the only ones who are going to deal with the Temple of Death this time?"

Beside him, a strong man asked Lin Fan.

Lin Fan opened his eyes and nodded.

Except for Shen Lingwei, everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay.

I thought that Lin Fan would bring many people with him in this operation.

In the end, there were only twenty of them.

If this is a direct confrontation with the people of the Temple of Death, it will not take advantage of it at all.

In fact, they all know how powerful those people in the Temple of Death are.

The Temple of Death has that kind of genetic medicine in its hands, which is much more powerful than ordinary people.

"Mr. Lin, isn't this too risky!"

The strong man expressed his doubts.

They really wanted to seek revenge from the people in the Temple of Death, but they didn't want to go directly to death.

"Don't worry, I have a solution!"

"If you don't believe me, you can leave now!"

"I'll have someone send you back!" Lin Fan said.

Everyone hesitated and looked at Shen Lingwei.

Shen Ling said slightly, "Since Mr. Lin said that there is a way, he will definitely not lie to us!"

"We just have to follow him!"

Among the people on the helicopter, only Shen Lingwei knew Lin Fan best.

If even Lin Fan can't do something, then others can't even do it.

Moreover, now Shen Lingwei is also eager for revenge.

She didn't want to wait any longer.

"Since Black Skull has said so!"

"Then let's all act together!"

People choose to believe.

Helicopters fly in the dark.

Another half hour passed.

"Mr. Lin, the enemy-occupied area is ahead!"

The soldier driving the helicopter turned his head and said to Lin Fan.

"You can lower the height a little bit!"

For the sake of safety, Lin Fan decided to be more careful.

If it is detected by the radar of the rebels, it will be bad.

Attracting rebels is still a small matter, what Lin Fan is most afraid of is the people who alarm the Temple of Death.


In this way, the five helicopters flew cautiously.

The routes they flew all chose mountain forests with few people.

On the way, they were not found by the rebels.

Two hours later, the radar on the helicopter detected an anomaly.

"Mr. Lin, there seems to be a rebel helicopter ahead..."

"It's flying towards us!"

"We are very likely to be discovered by the rebels!"

The soldiers flying the plane were a little flustered.

After all, this is the territory of the rebels. Once they are discovered, it will be difficult for them to escape.


"Why don't we get off the plane here!"

Someone looked at Lin Fan and suggested.

At this time, everyone took out their weapons one after another.

If you really encounter the rebels, it will definitely be a fierce battle.

Lin Fan said, "Don't panic, he's my friend!"

"My own people!"

Lin Fan has received a message from Xiaoying.

He knew that the person on the helicopter ahead was Xiaoying.


Feeling helpless for a while, everyone slowly put away their weapons.

Just like that, Lin Fan and Xiaoying joined together.

Xiaoying leads the way in a helicopter.

Six helicopters formed a triangle and headed for the town of Pori.

With the addition of Xiaoying, they no longer have to be cautious.

The electronic system on Xiaoying can interfere with the radar of the rebels, so there is no need to be afraid of being discovered by the rebels.

Finally, six helicopters landed not far from the town of Pori.

If you go further, you may meet people from the Temple of Death.

Therefore, Lin Fan did not take any risks.

Everyone got off the plane and walked to Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin, is this your friend?"

When everyone saw that it was a young girl who just drove the helicopter, they were all surprised.

Shen Lingwei, on the other hand, just smiled lightly.

Before in Australia, Shen Lingwei also saw Xiaoying's strength.

It can be said that Xiaoying's strength is not inferior to that of Lin Fan.

It is not surprising that this girl can fly a helicopter.


"Xiaoying, tell me about the situation in Pori Town first!"

Lin Fan looked at Xiaoying and said.

Xiaoying took out a map and said, "According to the information I found!"

"In the northwest of Pori Town, there is a medicinal material factory!"

"And the people from the Temple of Death are hiding in the basement of the medicinal material factory!"

"At the same time, there are still rebels guarding the town of Pori, so act in a while, everyone be careful!"

Xiaoying told about the situation in Pori Town.

Next, Lin Fan also made some arrangements.