"Officer Xue asked us to pick you up!"

Lin Fan nodded without saying anything, and took Xiaoying into the car.

The car set off.

Besides the driver, there was also a tall man sitting in the co-pilot seat.

Apparently, they weren't police officers.

"How is the situation now?"

Lin Fan asked the man sitting in the passenger seat.

The man looked solemn, took out a map, and explained.

"We besieged that group of mercenaries on a hill near the sea!"

"They have hostages, so our people dare not attack rashly!"

"Now, we can only delay the time temporarily!"

The man told Lin Fan everything about the situation.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment and said.

"I want to see the topography of that mountain!"

"no problem!"

The man pulls out a tablet.

Through the screen, you can also see some of the situation on the scene.

That was the picture sent back by the drone.

Eight foreign mercenaries occupied an abandoned villa on the top of the mountain, and the hostages were also inside.

Moreover, that group of mercenaries were very experienced and sent people to watch the main road up the mountain.

This also means that it is impossible for them to attack by force.

Otherwise, those people would definitely harm the hostages.

Lin Fan took the tablet and observed the surrounding terrain.

"Can you bring the drone closer!"

Lin Fan wanted to see what was going on in the villa.

The man shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work!"

"If you get closer, those people will definitely be alarmed!"

"If they are provoked, the safety of the hostages will not be guaranteed!"

Lin Fan nodded.

It seems that they can only rush over first.

After nearly twenty minutes passed, Lin Fan also rushed to the beach.

And Xue Qingzhu has been waiting for a long time.

"Lin Fan, you are finally here!"

Xue Qingzhu was a little excited.

Beside Xue Qingzhu, there were still a few men standing.

It seems that their identities are not simple.

And when they saw Lin Fan bringing a little girl over, the men all looked at each other suspiciously.

They have not seen Lin's strength with their own eyes.

I just learned from Xue Qingzhu that Lin Fan is very powerful and has a robot bodyguard by his side.

If Lin Fan hadn't given them a robot for research some time ago, they would not have believed that there would be such a powerful robot in this world.

Lin Fan nodded and looked towards a hill near the sea.

Standing here, you can vaguely see the abandoned villa on the mountainside.

"Are those mercenaries still up there?"

Xue Qingzhu looked solemn, "It's still there!"

"But our negotiations didn't have much effect!"

"Just now, that group of mercenaries has wounded a hostage!"

"If it continues like this, there is no way!"

At this time, a man next to him spoke.

"Those people above have spoken, if they are not allowed to leave!"

"From now on, every three minutes, they will kill a hostage!"

They also have no choice.

Xue Qingzhu stared at Lin Fan intently, wanting to hear Lin Fan's opinion.

Xue Qingzhu knew that Lin Fan should have a solution.

This man can even get rid of the Temple of Death, and it shouldn't be a big problem to take down the eight mercenaries on the mountain.

Lin Fan pondered for a while again and said.

"If you can trust me, then this matter...leave it to me!"

On the way here, Lin Fan had already thought of a way.

Xue Qingzhu knew Lin Fan's ability and said.

"no problem!"

As for the others, they were a little hesitant.

This matter is very important to the higher authorities. If something goes wrong, the impact will be great.

"Okay, that's it for this matter!"

"What happened, I will take responsibility!"

Xue Qingzhu knew that this matter could not be dragged on any longer.

If even Lin Fan can't solve this matter, then there is really no other way.

"All right!"

"Mr. Lin, tell me about your plan!"

"We will fully cooperate with you!"

Everyone looked at Lin Fan expectantly.

Lin Fan said, "Just leave this matter to me and Xiaoying!"

"You don't need to participate!"

In this operation, the more people involved, the better.

It is enough to have him and Xiaoying.

As long as they enter the villa, they can get rid of the group of mercenaries from inside.

"you sure?"

One of the men was still a little worried.

Next, Lin Fan also revealed his plan.

Hearing that, Xue Qingzhu nodded in approval.

"It's the only way to do it now!"

"Mr. Lin, the safety of the hostages is up to you!"

"At the same time, you must pay attention to safety!"

Xue Qingzhu looked at Xiaoying again.

Although Xiaoying looks like a girl, Xue Qingzhu knows that this is a very powerful robot.

"Okay, then proceed as planned!"

"You retreat a distance back first!"

Doing this is to let the group of mercenaries on the mountain relax their vigilance.

At the same time, avoid irritating them.

Only in this way can Lin Fan have the opportunity to go up the mountain quietly.

Xue Qingzhu nodded and contacted the other party by radio.

"We agree to your conditions and agree to let you go!"

"However, you better not hurt the hostages!"

"After leaving, immediately release the hostages!"

At the same time, Xue Qingzhu notified the people at the foot of the mountain to retreat.

At this time, in the villa halfway up the mountain.

Hearing that Xue Qingzhu agreed to let them go, the mercenaries were dubious.

Originally, they were already prepared to die.

Unexpectedly, the people at the foot of the mountain retreated on their own initiative.

"Just now they wanted to tell us to put down our weapons!"

"Why did you change your mind now!"

"Is there any fraud in this?"

The group of mercenaries were very puzzled.

The leading foreign man frowned, pondered for a long time, and then said.

"It looks like they are scared!"

"After all, we have hostages here!"

"Since that's the case, it's easy to handle!"

"However, we still have to be careful, we can't fall into their tricks!"

The leading foreign man is very vigilant.

"Now the negotiators sent by the other party have come up, let's see what they say!"

said one of them.

The negotiator this time is not someone else.

It was the baby.

In fact, Lin Fan wanted to take this opportunity to let Xiao Ying enter the villa.

"Who did the other side send up the mountain this time?"

"It seems like a very ordinary girl!"


The leading man frowned again and asked.

"Did the Huaxia police really retreat?"

Regarding this point, the man was skeptical.

The police apparently agreed to retreat, fearing that they would attack suddenly.

"It is indeed retreating, we arranged for people outside to see it with their own eyes!"

The leading man thought for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"It seems that the police in Huaxia are also afraid of angering us!"

"That's why I sent a girl to negotiate!"