The flight attendants knew Lin Fan's ability, so they didn't doubt it.

Lin Fan quickly called Moulton.

"Mr. Lin, I heard you went out!"

Morton was a little surprised when he received Lin Fan's call.

He was still in Shanghai, and he got the news that Lin Fan had left from his daughter Olina.

For this reason, Moulton also felt very helpless.

I wanted to come and visit Lin Fan, but I didn't expect that Lin Fan had something to leave after just meeting him.

But there is no way around it, after all, Lin Fan is a big shot, so he must be busy with many things.


Lin Fan said, "I'm on the plane now. I originally wanted to go to Ruiguo, but I decided not to go!"

"Now I want to go to your Nimman country, so I want you to do me a favor and say hello to the airport in Nieman country!"

Lin Fan saved Moulton, and Moulton would definitely not refuse this small request.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I'll notify you right away!"

"In addition, I will arrange the plane to go back to Nimman country. This time, I have to do my best!"

Moulton said with a smile.

Last time, Lin Fan walked too hastily.

So this time, Moulton wanted to treat Lin Fan well.

Then again, Lin Fan has already left Shanghai, and it would be meaningless for him to stay.

Lin Fan explained, "Mr. Moulton, next time!"

"I'm only staying in Niman for a short time, and I'll be leaving soon!"

"And this matter, I hope you will help me keep it a secret!"

"I don't want others to know about my itinerary!"

Moulton laughed, "Mr. Lin, please rest assured!"

"No one will know but me!"

Morton also knew that Lin Fan liked to keep a low profile.

He was responsive to Lin Fan's request.

After the phone call, Moulton went to arrange it right away.

Not long after, Lin Fan also received a message from Moulton.

Next, the plane also changed course.

Time passed bit by bit.

Lin Fan sat on the plane and began to collect information about the Snow Wolf mercenaries.

As for Red Rose, no clues could be found.

Lin Fan did not receive any message from Red Rose until he arrived at Lingman City in Nimman Kingdom.

It seems that the clue on the Red Rose side is broken.

As for Xue Qingzhu, there was no news back.

Counting the time, Xue Qingzhu is about to attack Ruiguo.

After getting off the plane, Lin Fan and Xiaoying left the airport.

After taking a taxi, the two came to a nearby hotel.

Lin Fan planned to stay in Lingman City first, and wait for Red Rose to find out before proceeding to the next step.

Lin Fan's private jet was on standby at the airport.

They can go anytime.

Lin Fan entered the hotel room and put away his luggage.

On the plane, Lin Fan had already changed his appearance.

Now, his identity is Lin Dong.

Su Ya and Song Xueer were worried about Lin Fan, so they sent messages to ask.

Lin Fan replied one by one, telling them not to worry.

It was late at night, and Lin Fan didn't feel sleepy.

He sat in the hotel room and continued to search for information about the Snow Wolf mercenaries.

Red Rose is right. Behind this mercenary, there is indeed the shadow of the American consortium.

Moreover, they participated in many wars.

The strength is not bad.

As for the kidnapping of Dr. Li Ziling, whether it was done by the mercenary, Lin Fan did not find out.

"Oh, I can only wait!"

Lin Fan didn't find anything and felt a little disappointed.

If those who kidnapped Dr. Li Ziling chose to hide Dr. Li Ziling, it would be very difficult to find out.

"Forget it, let's go out and eat something first!"

Lin Fan knew that there was no rush for this matter.

He left the hotel and went out to find a restaurant.

Lin Fan did not call Xiaoying, after all, Xiaoying is a robot.

She doesn't need to eat.

Just leave the baby in the hotel.

It is not easy to find a Chinese restaurant in Lingman City.

After all, this is not Huaxia.

Lin Fan searched around, and finally chose a western restaurant.

It was so late, he didn't bother to look for it.

The Nieman Kingdom has just experienced war, or the citizens are too suffocated at home, so even in the middle of the night, there are many people walking on the streets.

Fewer people eat in restaurants.

Lin Fan chose a corner and ordered some food.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Xue Qingzhu.

"Officer Xue, have you been to Ruiguo yet?"

"What's the situation now?"

However, Xue Qingzhu did not reply.

Lin Fan guessed that Xue Qingzhu was probably busy.

In this case, it is not convenient for Lin Fan to ask again.

Halfway through the meal, suddenly, a woman in a denim skirt came over.

"Mister, hello, are you from Huaxia?"

The woman walked up to Lin Fan and asked in a foreign language.

Perhaps, she was afraid that Lin Fan would not understand.

Lin Fan looked up, and saw a woman in her early twenties, with an oriental face and nine points of good looks.

The smile on his face was a little kind.

The woman was carrying a bag behind her, and she didn't know what it was for.

Seeing that the woman was not malicious, Lin Fan nodded.

"Very good!"

"I really didn't expect that I would meet Chinese people in Niman Kingdom!"

The woman sat down opposite Lin Fan, looking a little excited.

Nieman has just experienced war, and many foreigners have fled.

In addition, Niman Kingdom is only a small country, so it is really difficult to meet a Chinese person here.

"Actually, I'm also from China!"

"My name is Gu Qingqing, and I am from Huaxia Yanjing!"

Gu Qingqing began to introduce herself, and it was in Chinese.

It can be seen that she is the kind of more lively person.

"Meeting is fate, let me treat you this meal!"

"By the way, what's your name?"

Gu Qingqing called the waiter over and ordered some more food.

After Lin Fan changed his appearance, he was ordinary.

The reason why Gu Qingqing came to chat with Lin Fan was because she was also from China and felt a little close in a different place.

"Lin Dong!"

"Just came from the magic capital!"

Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Magic city?"

"It turns out that you are still from Modu!"

Gu Qingqing looked at Lin Fan again, and asked again.

"By the way, what are you doing in Niman Country?"

"I forgot to tell you, it's actually an anchor!"

Gu Qingqing is the kind of anchor who plays around the world.

Because of his sweet appearance and cheerful personality, he has gained many fans on the live broadcast platform.


Lin Fan couldn't help looking at Gu Qingqing.

Gu Qingqing took out her mobile phone and showed her live broadcast account.

"See, I didn't lie to you!"

Lin Fan discovered that this Gu Qingqing actually had more than 1.2 million fans.

It's pretty good.

"Bring someone something!"

"Leave tomorrow!"

Lin Fan randomly found a reason.

"And you?"

Gu Qingqing said, "Me, I was traveling in a nearby country before!"

"I also came here two days ago!"

"I'm playing live while playing!"