The two sat down at the table and had breakfast.

Gu Qingqing said, "I've booked a plane ticket, and I'll be back at noon!"

She had some hope that she could go back with Lin Fan.

However, the possibility is not great.

Gu Qingqing is well aware of this.

After all, Lin Fan had other things to do.

"It's good to go back!"

"You're a girl wandering around, it's not good to meet bad guys!"

Lin Fan kindly reminded.

Gu Qingqing nodded, lowered her head and continued eating her breakfast.

At this time, the baby walked in.

"Mr. Lin!"

Xiao Ying saluted Lin Fan.

Gu Qingqing turned her head and noticed Xiaoying.

"Is she your friend?"

Gu Qingqing asked.

She felt a little sorry.

Because I only bought two breakfasts.

"Hmm!" Lin Fan didn't explain too much.

"I'm really sorry, I bought less breakfast!" Gu Qingqing stood up and said.

"Well, I'll buy another one!"

Lin Fan said, "No need, she's been losing weight recently!"

Xiaoying is an advanced robot, and does not need to obtain energy from food.

"That's it!"

Gu Qingqing took another look at Xiaoying, sat down, and continued to eat breakfast.

She felt that Xiaoying was a little strange, but she couldn't tell where it was.

While eating breakfast, Lin Fan's cell phone rang.

Lin Fan thought it was Xue Qingzhu who had news.

It's not like that at first glance.

The call was made by Xue Qingzhu's colleague.

Lin Fan pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Lin, something happened!"

The other party made a long story short, telling what happened after Xue Qingzhu participated in the operation.

The police in Switzerland were a little careless, so that the gangsters escaped.

But that's not the worst.

Most seriously, the Swiss police suffered heavy losses.

Xue Qingzhu was also involved.

During the fierce battle, Xue Qingzhu was also injured, and his whereabouts are unknown now.

"How did it happen?"

Lin Fan frowned.

In this operation, the Swiss police took the initiative.

As a result, a good hand was played poorly.

Even Xue Qingzhu is missing.

Lin Fan really didn't know what to say.

"This is the end of the matter, it's useless to say more!"

"Now the police in Ruiguo are doing their best to find Xue Qingzhu's whereabouts!"

"Hopefully some good news will come back!"

Lin Fan remained silent.

I was also worried about Xue Qingzhu in my heart.

With Xue Qingzhu's style of doing things, it is impossible to act alone.

Then the only explanation is that something happened to Xue Qingzhu.

"Mr. Lin, there is another bad news to tell you!"

"Among the gangsters who were killed, there were some who had taken genetic medicine!"

"This is also one of the reasons why the operation failed!"

Lin Fan frowned again.

"Gene medicine?"

After getting rid of the Temple of Death and the Rakshasa organization, Lin Fan also blew up their pharmaceutical base.

But Lin Fan didn't know how much those genetic medicines had leaked out.

If it is said that those people have genetic medicine in their hands, it is not difficult to explain why the operation of the Swiss police failed.

Lin Fan had fought against someone who had taken genetic medicine before, and the opponent's body had been greatly strengthened.

If you are not careful, it is really easy to suffer a big loss.

Lin Fan asked, "Did you find out, which faction did those people come from?"

"not yet!"

"Because during the operation, they didn't catch anyone alive!"

"However, the Swiss police are investigating the identities of those people. I believe it will not take long to find out!"

Lin Fan nodded and said, "I know!"

The voice on the phone reminded, "Mr. Lin, if you meet those people, remember to be careful!"

Lin Fan said, "It's best to meet them, I will kill them with my own hands!"

A strong murderous look flashed in Lin Fan's eyes.

Gu Qingqing, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help shivering.

The look in Lin Fan's eyes just now was terrifying.

"Are you okay?" Gu Qingqing asked timidly.


Lin Fan hung up the phone and continued to eat breakfast.

First Dr. Li was taken away, and now even Xue Qingzhu is missing.

It's really a wave of ups and downs, and another wave.

Gu Qingqing stopped talking.

After breakfast, Gu Qingqing also left the room.

Not long after, Red Rose's call also arrived.

Red Rose didn't take the initiative to contact Lin Fan for so long, counting the time, she should have found some useful clues.

"Mr. Lin, we found it!"

"The robbery of those medical experts was indeed done by the Snow Wolf mercenaries!"

"And I guess, those medical experts should have been brought to the headquarters of the Snow Wolf mercenaries!"

Lin Fan asked, "Are you sure?"

Once it is confirmed, it is time for Lin Fan to act.

In any case, Dr. Li Ziling must be rescued.

Red Rose paused for a moment, and said, "After the incident, the people sent out by the Snow Wolf mercenaries have almost withdrawn!"

"We have found out that the headquarters of the Snow Wolf mercenary has been moving very frequently recently!"

"So, this matter is almost inseparable!"

Lin Fan said, "What I want is 100% certainty!"

"You send someone to investigate immediately!"

"If those medical experts are really brought back to the headquarters by the snow wolf mercenaries, then we will act immediately!"

Red Rose looked a little worried.

"Mr. Lin, I checked, and the snow wolf mercenaries are quite strong!"

"There are more than 2,000 people in the headquarters, and their weapons are also very powerful!"

"Look... can you tell the Swiss police the news and let them take action!"

Although the Temple of Killing God has become the largest organization in the killer world.

But what they are best at is assassination.

If they fight head-on, they will definitely not get any benefits.

Besides, those mercenaries are not vegetarians.

Their weapons are very powerful. In a real fight, even withdrawing safely is a problem.

Lin Fan said, "When the Swiss police take action, the day lily will be cold!"

"Stop talking, I have my own plans!"

"This time, what we have to do is to outwit!"

Lin Fan is not an idiot.

He will not do things he is not sure about.

"Ok, I see!"

"I'll continue to send people to investigate!"

Red Rose is a little curious.

How Lin Fan will defeat the Snow Wolf mercenaries this time.

Lin Fan thought of something and asked.

"I remember you said last time that there is another killer organization cooperating with the Snow Wolf mercenaries?"

"Have you checked it out?"

Lin Fan guessed that Xue Qingzhu and the others should have encountered the killer organization.

Whether you can find Xue Qingzhu, you have to know who those people are from.

Red Rose said, "Check it out!"

"It's a killer organization called vampires!"

"They accepted the benefits of the snow wolf mercenaries, so they agreed to fight together!"

"By the way, not long ago, one of their teams fought against the Swiss police!"

"I don't know why, but they managed to escape!"

Lin Fan sneered, "You also think it's weird, don't you?"