They don't have many people, and if they have to divide their troops, there will be even fewer people who can be mobilized.

Moreover, there must be many mercenaries guarding the place where the helicopter is placed.

They may not be able to take the helicopter.

Lin Fan smiled, said calmly.

"It's okay, just leave it to Xiaoying!"

Lin Fan pointed to the blueprint, "We'll attack from here, wait for Xiaoying to control the helicopter, and then we'll go into the basement!"

He already had a plan in mind.

The electronic system on the baby is very powerful.

The last time I was in Nimman, I had controlled the helicopters of the rebels.

And not the remote control kind.

So, they just have to get close to where the helicopter is placed.

However, the last time Xiao Bao was controlling a helicopter.

And this time it was five.

I don't know if Xiaoying can do it.

"Baby, is there a problem?"

Lin Fan looked at Xiaoying and asked.

Xiaoying hesitated for the first time and said.

"Mr. Lin, in order to prevent accidents, five robots can be placed on a helicopter, and it will be convenient to leave after the event is completed!"

"After entering the basement, I can act with you!"

The task on Xiaoying's body is relatively heavy, and after a fight, he has to take care of other things.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "That's fine too!"

Lin Fan glanced at the three Red Roses and continued.

"Okay, let me talk about the specific action plan!"

"There are three hundred of us, divided into five batches!"

"One group will respond outside, and the other group will follow us in to save people!"

"The remaining people harassed in the other three directions, causing chaos to the Snow Wolf mercenary camp!"

"After the task is completed, evacuate immediately!"

At the same time, Lin Fan also dispersed the twenty robots among the team.

In this way, the strength of the team can be greatly enhanced.

"We don't have much time, we must withdraw from the battle before the reinforcements from Vita City arrive!"

The three of Hong Meigui looked solemn, and nodded after hearing Lin Fan finish speaking.

"Go down and assign tasks!"

Lin Fan looked at the time, "Five minutes later, the action will begin!"

"Okay, Mr. Lin!"

The three of them turned around and disappeared into the jungle.

They went down to assign tasks.

Lin Fan looked at Xiaoying again, and asked with a smile.

"How long do you think we can save people?"

Xiaoying replied, "If everything goes well, it will only take fifteen minutes!"

As long as the snow wolf mercenary's camp is in chaos, it will be easy for them to save people.

"Okay, let the robot touch it first!"

Lin Fan gave the robots to Xiaoying to control.

They are all robotic and can communicate with each other using electronic signals on their bodies.

As long as the action starts, the robot can attack by force.


Xiaoying did what Lin Fan said.

Under the cover of night, the seven robots quietly entered the camp.

As long as Xiaoying speaks, they can tear a gap.

The night was hazy.

Everything in the snow wolf mercenary camp was as usual.

Those patrolling soldiers didn't realize at all that the enemy had already touched it.

In this way, the three of Red Rose returned to Lin Fan after assigning tasks.

Lin Fan was not in a hurry to act.

Because other personnel are not in place yet.

At night, love is quiet.

Time is passing bit by bit.

Lin Fan counted the time and knew that the personnel in other positions were already in place.


Lin Fan took Red Rose and the other three to the Snow Wolf mercenary camp.

Xiaoying followed Lin Fan.

And behind them, there are many people who killed the temple.

With an explosion, a wall collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, there were intensive gunshots.

Lin Fan's robot hid in the dark and attacked at the same time.

Some patrolling mercenaries were shot in the head before they knew what was going on.

Lin Fan's robot moves swiftly, and its marksmanship is also very accurate.

In less than half a minute, the nearby mercenaries disappeared.

And as the gunshots sounded, the other three directions also fought.

"What happened?"

The mercenaries in the camp had no idea what was going on.

"Not good, we encountered an attack!"

The person in charge of the camp was the first to react.

"Damn it!"

The head of the camp rushed out.

I saw chaos outside.

And the gunshots were getting closer.

The person in charge called his adjutant over and shouted.

"Hurry up and take someone to see what's going on here?"

The adjutant also looked confused, nodded, and led the people away.

At a time like this, it's impossible to say no to panic.

They didn't receive any news, and as a result, they were now attacked.

It seems that there is no enemy for them in the country of Tara.

And hearing the gunshots, there were quite a few people on the other side.


The person in charge ran back to the office and hurriedly called Carlisle.

In such a situation where the enemy's situation is unknown, there is nothing wrong with requesting reinforcements.

In case the camp is lost, he cannot bear the responsibility.

"Mr. Carlisle, something has happened!"

The person in charge said anxiously.

"What happened?"

Carlisle frowned.

He had faintly heard gunshots.

"The headquarters camp has encountered an attack, and the opponent's firepower is fierce!"

As soon as the words fell, a bullet hit the office door.

"Mr. Carlisle, it seems that the other party is rushing to the command post of the camp!"

He finished speaking in one breath.

The reason is that Carlisle sent reinforcements.

"How can this be?"

Carlisle was also dumbfounded.

In the country of Tara, is there any force that can't get along with their snow wolf mercenaries?

"Could it be just a boy enemy?"

Carlisle guessed.

"Mr. Carlyle, no!"

"Listening to the gunshots, the opponent's number is at least five hundred!"

"As for whether there are reinforcements behind, I don't know!"

Carlisle gritted his teeth.

He never imagined that such a thing would happen.

He had just transferred more than a thousand people from the headquarters, only to be attacked so quickly.

This is a bit too coincidental.

"You wait, I'll bring reinforcements there right away!"

"Hold on, don't lose the headquarters!"

The person in charge said, "Mr. Carlisle, I know what to do!"

"As long as I'm here, the headquarters will never be lost!"

Carlisle was about to hang up the phone when suddenly he thought of something.

"Wait, is it the international police?"

Carlisle thought of such a possibility.

Maybe, the other party went for those medical experts.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

As soon as they brought those medical experts back, something went wrong.

If it is really the international police, it will be troublesome.

Although they are a mercenary, if the international organization gets involved, they will die a terrible death.

The person in charge said, "Mr. Carlyle, I don't think so!"

"It is very likely to be our opponent!"

Carlisle thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be true. If the international police had evidence, they would definitely not conduct a raid.

Also, they won't be that fast.