Now their vampire killer organization is ready to hide.

At this time, Bill didn't want any more accidents.

Saving the life of that Chinese woman might be useful at critical times.

Everyone was puzzled.

"Mr. Bill, that woman was shot in the shoulder, and now she has lost a lot of blood!"

"Why did we go to such great lengths to save her?"

"Besides, aren't we going to withdraw tomorrow?"

Bill shook his head and said.

"I don't know who called that call just now!"

"The other party wants me to let that Chinese woman go!"

Everyone is not too cold.

"Who is the other party?"

"What does he say, do we have to do something?"

However, some people felt the difference.

"Mr. Bill, someone can contact you?"

Usually when their vampire killer organization takes orders, there will be special personnel in charge.

And Bill's contact information is top secret.

Even among the people present, many of them did not have Bill's contact information.

Bill looked a little dignified, "Not bad!"

"That's why I said, don't touch that woman first!"

"Keep him, maybe it will be useful!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then fell silent.

After a while, someone suggested.

"Mr. Bill, anyway, that woman is in our hands, we can hit each other hard!"

"Yes, if you want us to release people, you have to pay them!"

Others joined in.

Don't take advantage of the bastard.

Bill sneered, "You think this deal is easy?"

Everyone looked at Bill blankly, feeling puzzled.

Bill continued, "Maybe the other party has already spotted us!"

"And we don't even know who the other party is!"

"And the force that attacked the Snow Wolf mercenaries might attack us too!"

"When the time comes, do you think we can handle it?"

Hearing what Bill said, everyone looked dignified.

In order to escape for their lives, they kidnapped Xue Qingzhu away.

I didn't expect it, so I got into big trouble.

"Mr. Bill, what are you going to do?"

"Cure that woman and let her go?"

"This is not like the style of our vampire killer organization!"

Everyone couldn't figure out what Bill wanted to do.

If he is released directly, how will he be in the killer world in the future?

Bill said, "I don't mean to let people go!"

"I just think it's useful to keep that woman!"

"Let's retire for a while, and after the wind has passed, we will find out who made the call!"

Bill has plans of his own.

Anyway, they have to leave here tomorrow, so it's better to procrastinate for a while.

Once the incident with the Snow Wolf mercenaries is over, they will be free to do so.

No matter who it is, Bill will make the other party pay the price.

He dared to threaten him, Bill, really short-sighted.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"It looks like this is the only way to go!"

Right now, they have nothing to do.

"Okay, let's all retreat!"

"Get ready, leave tomorrow!"

Bill was in a bad mood and told everyone to retreat.

Bill sat on his seat, hesitated for a long time, then pulled out Carlisle's number and dialed it.

Called several times in a row, but didn't get through.

"Damn Carlisle!"

Bill cursed under his breath.

Little did he know, Carlisle was actually dead.

Baji Island.

After Lin Fan finished making the phone call, Shen Lingwei also came over.

"Mr. Lin, everything has been arranged!"

"Look, how the route is arranged!"

Shen Lingwei held the map in his hand and said.

"The headquarters of the vampires is here!"

"This is a small town in the country of Hawa, there is no way for a plane to fly here!"

"If you fly to the nearest airport and then drive to the headquarters of the vampire, it will take more than three hours!"

"And on the way, the vampire slayer organization will definitely have eyeliner!"

"I'm afraid we have already been discovered by the other party before we get there!"

The location of the vampire headquarters is relatively remote, and it is really inconvenient to go there.

This has a lot to do with Bill's prudence.

Although it is a little bit off, it is better than safety.

Lin Fan said, "I have a solution, go to Niman country first!"

"Niman Kingdom?" Shen Lingwei looked a little puzzled.

He couldn't figure out what Lin Fan was doing in Nimman Country.

Lin Fan stood up and explained.

"I borrowed two helicopters from Moulton!"

"When the time comes, we will start directly by helicopter. Although the distance is a bit far away, we can adapt to the situation!"

"Even if those people from the Vampire Slayer want to escape, we can catch up!"

Lin Fan has already planned.

This time, no matter what, Xue Qingzhu must be rescued.

What's more, Lin Fan hacked into Bill's cell phone.

He can follow Bill's every move at any time.

Shen Ling smiled and said, "I almost forgot, you are very familiar with Morton from Nieman Country!"

Lin Fan said, "Before we drove three helicopters from the headquarters of the Snow Wolf mercenary army, unfortunately, those three were armed helicopters!"

"There is no way to use it!"

The civilian helicopter that Lin Fan borrowed from Moulton can fly over as long as he says hello to the neighboring country.


Shen Ling nodded slightly.

"Let's go!"

Lin Fan didn't stay too long.

He hurried to lead people to the headquarters of the vampire.

If Bill really escapes with someone, it will be very troublesome.

Just like that, Lin Fan took Xiaoying and a dozen other members of the Temple of Killing God, and got on the plane to Nimman Country.

It was already late at night when they arrived at Nimman Country.

At this time, Moulton had returned home.

Moulton went to the devil just to see Lin Fan. Who would have thought that Lin Fan had something to leave.

So he can only come back early.

Knowing that Lin Fan was coming to Nieman Country, Moulton came to greet him personally.

"Mr. Lin!"

Just as Lin Fan got off the plane, Moulton walked over.

Although Lin Fan changed his face, Morton could recognize Lin Fan's eyes.

There was a smile on Morton's face. If Lin Fan hadn't been busy, he really wanted to stay with Lin Fan for two days.

"Mr. Moulton, we meet again!"

Lin Fan didn't say much, and went straight to the point.

"Is the helicopter I want ready?"

Moulton said, "It's ready!"

"And I have already informed the neighboring countries that Mr. Lin can drive a helicopter directly to the country of Hawa!"

Morton didn't know what Lin Fan wanted to do.

It was not convenient for him to ask.

"Thank you!"

"We're leaving now!"

Lin Fan didn't want to waste time.

"Mr. Lin, please follow me!"

Moulton made a gesture of invitation and asked Lin Fan to get in the car.

Morton had fewer people around him, because Lin Fan had told him that this matter should be kept secret.

He was also afraid that Lin Fan's event would be ruined.