Dick was also a person who was sentenced to death by the "disease".

Over the years, he tried his best to survive.

But the effect is not ideal.

With Lin Fan's appearance right now, Dick seemed to see a life-saving straw.

He planned to have someone bring Lin Fan here first. If Lin Fan could cure him, then he could save Lin Fan's life for the time being.

The blond-haired woman knew what Dick wanted to do, so she was a little embarrassed to speak.

"That Chinese man is very skilled!"

"Before Conrad asked someone to teach the opponent, but the opponent still won!"

"And now, that Huaxia man is hiding in Rose Villa again, so I'm afraid it's not easy to do it!"

Dick was silent for a while.

Although he is not afraid of Morris, it is indeed a bit difficult to go to Rose Mountain to arrest people.

In case things get serious, it's not easy for him to step down.

At this time, Dick also had a countermeasure.

"That Chinese man can't hide in Rose Villa all the time!"

"It really doesn't work, you can do it from that Kelly!"

The yellow-haired woman reminded, "Kelly is from the David family in Australia!"

Dick said, "Of course I know that, we just don't hurt her!"

"Our purpose is just to lure that Chinese man out!"

"If that Huaxia person is willing to cooperate, that's easy!"

"If he doesn't cooperate, then we will be tough!"

In Holland, Dick was never afraid of anyone.

"I see!"

"I'll go down and deploy right away!"

"Bring that Huaxia man to you as soon as possible!"

Dick did not forget to remind, "Remember, what I want is a living person!"

Dick was full of curiosity about Lin Fan.

It would be great if Lin Fan could really cure his illness.

If not, then it would not be too late to get rid of Lin Fan.

In short, as long as Lin Fan stays in the Netherlands, he cannot escape from his grasp.

At least in Dick's mind, he thought so.


The blond-haired woman took orders and retreated.

Dick sat in the room, muttering to himself.

"One is Lin Dong and the other is Lin Fan?"

"Is this just a coincidence?"

Not long ago, Dick also thought about going to Huaxia to seek treatment from Lin Fan.

But he couldn't get in touch at all.

He also knew that Lin Fan rarely made a move.

And the Chinese young man who came to treat Morris this time was also surnamed Lin.

Don't know if this is related or not.

After a moment of silence, Dick stopped thinking about it.

As long as the Chinese man can be brought back, I believe all the mysteries will be revealed.

At night, Lin Fan and Kelly took a walk in Rose Hill.

Kelly got a call and stepped aside to answer it.

The call came from the film and television company, saying they wanted to invite Kelly out for a talk.

By the way, let’s talk about the shooting.

Kelly was silent for a while, and proposed to terminate the contract.

Now she offended Conrad and stayed here to shoot the movie, fearing that Conrad would come to trouble her.

To Kelly's surprise, the film and television company directly agreed.

And there is no mention of liquidated damages.

This made Kelly feel a little strange.

But she didn't think much about it, because it was a good thing to be able to terminate the contract.

In this way, when Lin Fan heals Morris, they can go back together.

With Kelly's background, he is not short of money. Being an actor is just his hobby.

And the real purpose of her coming to the Netherlands is to meet Lin Fan.

Now the goal has been achieved.

After finishing the phone call, Kelly walked to Lin Fan's side.

Seeing the smile on Kelly's face, Lin Fan didn't ask any further questions.

Kelly said, "Mr. Lin, I want to go out for a while!"

"I just asked the film and television company to terminate the contract, and they agreed!"

"I'm going to sign the termination contract now!"

Lin Fan said, "It's good to terminate the contract!"

In this way, Kelly does not have to stay in the Netherlands for a long time.

After all, it's not very safe here.

"But why go now?"

"Can't tomorrow?"

Lin Fan was afraid that Kelly would be in danger.

Maybe Conrad's people are already watching them.

Kelly explained, "I've already promised the film and television company!"

"I'm afraid it's not good to change the time now!"

Kelly didn't think much of it either.

She also knew that Lin Fan must be afraid that she would be in danger.

Involuntarily, she felt a little happy.

After all, Lin Fan was caring about her.

"Mr. Lin, I'm going out with bodyguards!"

"I'll come back as soon as possible after signing the termination contract!"

Lin Fan thought for a while and said.

"Forget it, I'll go out with you!"

Lin Fan guessed that there must be someone playing tricks behind this.

The purpose is to get Kelly to leave Rose Hill so that she can do something outside.

And that person is probably Conrad.

Anyway, what should come will come sooner or later. If Conrad does something tonight, then Lin Fan doesn't mind making him suffer.

Kelly reminded, "Mr. Lin, it's better for you to stay here!"

Lin Fan said, "It's all right!"

"It won't take long to go out anyway!"

"Let's go!"

Kelly didn't say anything more, and the two walked back to the main villa.

They first found Isaac and told Isaac.

Isaac was also a little worried, and proposed to arrange some bodyguards for Lin Fan.

Now that his father has not passed the safety period, Lin Fan can't have any accidents.

Lin Fan thought about it and agreed.

With his strength, there is actually no need to bring bodyguards.

However, Lin Fan still felt that Conrad was likely to fight, and if there was a fight, he would not care about Kelly.

Therefore, it is better to take a bodyguard with you.

In this way, Lin Fan drove a sports car and left Rose Hill with Kelly.

As for the bodyguards, they drove behind them.

After nearly twenty minutes, they came to a coffee shop.

"It's here!"

Kelly made an appointment with people from the film and television company to meet here.

The two got out of the car.

Lin Fan looked around and found that something was wrong with the parking lot.

Someone is watching them.

Sure enough, Conrad couldn't wait.

"Mr. Lin, let's go in together!" Kelly suggested.

Lin Fan shook his head, "No, I'll wait for you outside!"

Lin Fan turned his head and said to the bodyguards.

"Go in with Miss Kelly!"

Those bodyguards nodded, "Okay, Mr. Lin!"

Kelly was not at ease, "Mr. Lin, do you want to stay outside alone?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, just go about your business!"

Knowing Lin Fan's skill, Kelly thought about it and walked into the coffee shop.

The bodyguards followed closely.

Lin Fan sat back in the car and found that there were several men in suits around him who were about to move.

This is an open-air parking lot, not far from the street.

Lin Fan was afraid that if he did something here, he would cause trouble.

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan started the car and left quickly.

"That Chinese man wants to escape!"

"Get in the car and chase after me!"

Those who monitored Lin Fan did not expect Lin Fan to leave suddenly.