"Mr. Isaac, can you help persuade Mr. Lin?"

The yellow-haired woman didn't want to give up yet.

If Lin Fan is not invited, then he can only take the most dangerous step.

Isaac made a helpless look.

"Miss Heloise, maybe Mr. Lin is really tired!"

"I see you come back tomorrow!"

The yellow-haired woman said, "If you can persuade Mr. Lin, it will be considered that our Clark family owes you a favor!"

Isaac froze for a moment, feeling a little surprised.

"I will try my best!"

Isaac knew he couldn't persuade Lin Fan.

But he also didn't want to have an antagonism with the Clark family, so that's all he could say.

"Then I'll go back first!"

The blond-haired woman turned around and left without looking back.

Isaac felt that Lin Fan's behavior just now was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell.

After thinking about it, Isaac walked towards Lin Fan's room.

In fact, Isaac didn't want Lin Fan to offend the Clark family again.

Because offending Conrad is enough trouble.

"Mr. Lin, I'm Isaac!"

Isaac knocked on the door again.

Lin Fan opened the door and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Isaac said, "Mr. Lin, I want to tell you that Dick's identity is not simple!"

"It can be said that even that Conrad dare not offend him easily!"

Lin Fan said, "So you mean, I can only agree to treat that Dick?"

Isaac said anxiously, "Mr. Lin, I didn't mean that either!"

"It's just that you have offended Conrad. If you offend Dick now, things will be a little troublesome!"

"So... I think you can promise to treat Dick!"

"If Dick came forward, that Conrad would definitely not dare to mess around!"

Isaac felt that this was Lin Fan's best choice right now.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "What if I told you that Dick had already colluded with Conrad?"

Isaac frowned, "Mr. Lin, you're not kidding me, are you?"

If that's the case, it's a big deal.

This means that it is a problem for Lin Fan to leave the Netherlands.

"It's true!"

Lin Fan has already found out.

Otherwise, he would definitely choose to rescue Dick.

As long as Dick is saved, all problems can be solved.

But things are not as simple as they seem.

Since the enemy is the enemy, Lin Fan has absolutely no reason to rescue him.

Isaac frowned.

Now he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Lin Fan continued, "Once I leave with that woman just now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back!"

Cold sweat broke out on Isaac's forehead.

He underestimated the meanness of that Dick.

If Lin Fan really can't come back, who else can save his father?

Thinking of this, Isaac was also a little panicked.

He didn't know what to do.

If Dick really joined forces with Conrad, with the strength of his family, he would definitely not be able to keep Lin Fan.

Isaac lowered his head and said.

"That said, things are going to be troublesome!"

"Mr. Lin, I suggest you leave the Netherlands immediately!"

Lin Fan looked at Isaac helplessly and said.

"It's not as serious as you think!"

Lin Fan didn't plan to go back until he found the sapphire necklace.

Now let's see what else Conrad and Dick can do.

"Mr. Lin, could it be that you have already thought of a way to deal with it?"

Isaac felt a little excited.


Lin Fan said without too much explanation.

"Go back first!"

"Let your bodyguards in Rose Villa be careful tonight, maybe someone will come and make trouble!"

Isaac nodded solemnly.

If it was just Conrad, then he would definitely not want to rashly make trouble at Rose Hill.

But now that there is an extra Dick, things are different.

"Mr. Lin, then I'm leaving!"

"take a good rest!"

After speaking, Isaac left with a solemn face.

He was also a little worried that Dick's people would come to make trouble, so it was very necessary to arrange more bodyguards on duty.

the other side.

The blond woman had gone back to see Dick, too.

"Mr. Dick, I'm so sorry!"

"I didn't bring that Chinese man back!"

The blond-haired woman lowered her head, waiting for Dick's reprimand.

Before leaving, she made a vow.

As a result, I still couldn't get things done.

Dick frowned, puzzled.

"Is that Chinese man not greedy for money?"

The yellow-haired woman shook her head, "I didn't know until I met Isaac that they gave that Chinese man a billion dollars!"

"I agreed to give that Huaxia person more, but unfortunately...he refused!"

Dick's eyes were a bit gloomy, "Doesn't that Chinese person know my name, Dick?"

"Don't even know the strength of our Clark family in the Netherlands?"

The yellow-haired woman said, "It looks like he should know!"

"Maybe, he already knows about our relationship with Conrad!"

"That's why I was so cautious, and didn't come with me!"

Dick gritted his teeth.

Very disappointed.

First, his subordinates failed to attack Lin Fan, but now, even his most capable assistant failed to complete the task.

From the looks of it, you can only take risks.

The blond-haired woman thought for a while and said, "Mr. Dick, how about I try again tomorrow!"

Dick waved his hand.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

"You inform Dean that the evening plan will continue!"

"This time, I must bring that Huaxia man back to me!"

The blond woman knew that Dick couldn't wait.

Even if Lin Fan lived in Rose Villa, he would not hesitate to take this risk.

But if not, there is no good way.

"Mr. Dick, I'm going to find Dean now!"

Dick reminded with a gloomy face.

"You tell Dean, if you can't complete the task this time!"

"Tell him not to come back to see me!"


The blond-haired woman backed away.

Dick leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and thought.

Time passed quickly, and it was midnight.

Lin Fan stayed in the room, not feeling sleepy.

After collecting for a period of time, he found a lot of black material about the Clark family.

At the same time, he also found a lot of evidence.

It's just that it is still difficult to use these evidences to bring down Dick.

But Lin Fan was not in a hurry.

Because he has plenty of time.

With Lin Fan's hacking skills, finding more information is not a problem.

While Lin Fan was still operating the computer, the sound of fighting came from outside.


"Are you here?"

Lin Fan guessed that Dick would not let it go.

Sure enough, Dick still sent someone over.

Lin Fan turned off the computer, opened the door, and walked out.

Dick's men must have come prepared. If Lin Fan did not act, then Morris's bodyguards would definitely suffer.