Dick laughed, "Of course it's true!"

"The Chinese man is in my villa now!"

Conrad was overjoyed, "Great!"

That money was finally worth it.

"Well, don't touch him yet, I'll go over right away!"

Conrad decided to go and see for himself.

He wanted to torture Lin Fan well.

Let Lin Fan know that he, Conrad, can't offend anyone.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the villa!" Dick said.

Conrad reminded, "Look at that guy, don't let him escape!"

After speaking, Conrad hung up the phone and walked out of the house excitedly.

"Mr. Lin, that Conrad has been fooled!"

"He said he'll be here right away!"

Dick put the phone away and said to Lin Fan.

It's really bad to feel threatened by others.

Lin Fan did not speak, but waited patiently.

Dick forced a smile on his face and said.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't mean to be your enemy before!"

"Those misunderstandings in the past, please don't take them to heart!"

Dick deliberately lowered his posture.

He knew that if he wanted to survive, he could only obey Lin Fan's orders.

But the good news is that Lin Fan has no intention of killing him now.

Lin Fan remained silent.

He took a book from the shelf next to him and read it carefully.

He has Dick in his hands, and he is not afraid of Dick's tricks.

Seeing that Lin Fan didn't pay attention to him, Dick looked a little embarrassed.

He scolded Lin Fan countless times in his heart.


Dick was very ill, and coughed violently again.

In this way, half an hour passed.

Finally, Conrad arrived at Dick's villa.

"Mr. Dick, someone wants to see you!"

The voice of Dick's bodyguard came from outside the door.

Those bodyguards didn't know that there was another unexpected guest in the study.

"Is it Conrad?"

"Send him to meet me in the study!" said Dick.

"Yes, Mr. Dick!"

Not long after the bodyguard left, Conrad came to the study of the villa alone.

Lin Fan hid behind the bookshelf.

Conrad didn't notice.

When Conrad saw Dick, his face was full of excitement.

"Uncle Dick, where is that Chinese man?"

Conrad couldn't wait to meet the hapless Lin Fan.

That guy dared to fight against him, he was really tired of work.

"He's under my control!"

"Come on, sit down for a while!"

Dick also hated Conrad very much.

If it wasn't for this guy, then he wouldn't have offended Lin Fan.

"No, I'm going to see him now!"

Conrad couldn't wait.

He wanted to see how embarrassed Lin Fan was kneeling in front of him.

Dick was speechless.

Could it be that this guy wanted to commit suicide so quickly.

"Uncle Dick, are you kidding me?"

Seeing Dick's strange expression, Conrad said displeased.

"Don't worry, you will see that Huaxia man soon!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan who was hiding behind the bookshelf had already walked out slowly.

"Haha, it really is you!"

Seeing Lin Fan, Conrad was extremely happy.

But soon, Conrad realized something was wrong.

Why wasn't this Lin Fan tied up?

"Uncle Dick, this Lin Fan is a dangerous man!"

"Tie him up first!"

Conrad looked at Dick and reminded.

Dick laughed and said nothing.

He wanted to see Conrad in distress.

"Uncle Dick, what are you laughing at?"

Conrad took two steps back, even more confused.

"Conrad, we meet again!"

Lin Fan approached Conrad step by step.

Conrad had a frightened look on his face.

No matter how stupid he is, he can see it.

Dick and Lin Fan have colluded together.


Conrad looked ugly, turned around, and wanted to escape.

However, his movements were not as fast as Lin Fan's.

Lin Fan has taken the first step and blocked Conrad's way.

Conrad's face turned pale, and he was extremely frightened.

"Conrad, today is your death day!"

Lin Fan said coldly.

Conrad threatened, feeling his feet go limp.

"You...you better not mess around!"

"If you dare to touch me, my father will not let you go!"

Lin Fan laughed, "You should tell Dick these words!"

"Because the one who wants to kill you is Dick!"

Conrad looked at Dick with disbelief.

"Uncle Dick, you should know the strength of our Bismarck Company!"

"If something happens to me, how will you explain to my dad?"

Dick looked at Conrad coldly and didn't answer.

At this time, he was also very conflicted.

Don't kill Conrad, then Lin Fan will definitely kill him.

But if Conrad is killed, Conrad's father Robert will definitely find him.

Really a dilemma.

Seeing that Dick was hesitating, Conrad knew that things were turning around.

Why Dick colluded with Lin Fan is no longer important.

The important thing is to make Dick change his mind.

Conrad continued, "Uncle Dick, arrest Lin Fan now!"

"I can pretend nothing happened!"

"And, I can give you another sum of money!"

Conrad promises Dick a favor.

Now it depends on Dick's attitude.

Dick laughed, "I'm sorry, but I still like to work with Mr. Lin!"

It is said to be cooperation, but it is actually coercion.

Conrad became overwhelmed.

"Uncle Dick, what kind of benefits did this Chinese man give you?"

"What he can give you, I can also give!"

Dick shook his head, "No, you can't!"

Seeing that persuading Dick failed, Conrad also regretted it.

He really didn't expect that things would turn out like this in the end.

Shouldn't it be that Huaxia person who regrets it?

Why do you become yourself now?

"Uncle Dick, you took my money!"

"If this matter gets out, who will believe you in the future?"

Dick snorted coldly, thinking to himself.

"I'm almost dead, what else do I have credit for?"

Dick said, "If you want to blame, you can only blame you for offending Mr. Lin!"

"No one can save you today!"

Conrad panicked, turned around and begged Lin Fan for mercy.

"Lin... Mr. Lin, I was wrong!"

"Please let me go!"

Conrad didn't want to die.

Lin Fan laughed, "The one who wants to kill you is Dick!"

"Go and beg him!"

Konrad knelt on the ground, turned around, and faced Dick again.

"Uncle Dick, please!"

"Do not kill me!"

Conrad trembled with fear.

"Mr. Lin, look... this..."

Dick was a little weak.

He wanted to get rid of Conrad himself, but he was powerless.

Lin Fan said, "Just call your people in!"

Conrad nodded and made a phone call.

In less than half a minute, Heloise walked into the study.