Robert clenched his fist and said in a deep voice.

"Dick killed my son, and I won't let him go!"

Gray sat on the sofa without much expression on his face.

"Dick's condition is quite serious, even if you don't kill him, he won't live long!"

Robert said, "No, dying of illness is considered cheap for him!"

"So, I want to kill him with my own hands!"

Gray's eyes were stern, "So, the reason why you came here to find me..."

Robert said, "Mr. Gray, now that Dick is under police surveillance, I can't get close!"

"So, I want to borrow a few people from you!"

No matter what the price is, Dick must be eliminated.

At the same time, Robert does not intend to let the Clark family go.

Now that Dick has an accident, the Clark family will definitely be affected.

Robert felt that this was a good opportunity to annex the Clark family.

However, his ability is limited, so he can only come to Gray for help.

Even though Robert is the chairman of the Bismarck Company, he has a lot of glory on the surface.

In fact, the real controller of the Bismarck Company was Gray.

So Robert had to act according to Gray's face.

Gray was silent for a while, then said.

"You want to get rid of Dick, I have no problem!"

"But don't think of the Clark family!"

Robert knew that Gray was also eyeing the Clark family.

The Clark family's business is all over the world, so it's no wonder that Gray is not greedy.

But Gray had already spoken, and Robert knew it was hard to say anything.

Gray agreed with him to kill Dick, which was already a good result.

"Mr. Gray, I see!"

"Also, I want you to do me a favor!"

Gray is also a smart guy.

He had already guessed what Robert was going to say.

"You want me to send someone to find that Chinese man?"

Robert nodded.

In front of Gray, he had a feeling of being seen through.

"My son's death is also related to that Chinese man!"

"I'm going to make him pay the price!"

Gray was also very interested in Lin Fan and said.

"Okay, I'll send someone to look for it!"

"As long as that Chinese man is in the Netherlands, he can't escape!"

Gray seemed confident.

With his influence, the confidence to say those words.

"Thank you, Mr. Dick!"

Robert bowed in thanks.

He believed that if Gray made a move, Lin Fan would definitely be doomed.

"Anything else?" Gray asked.

Robert thought for a while and said.

"Mr. Gray, it is so!"

"The company's stock price has fluctuated a lot recently!"

Gray said coldly, "Is it because of that Lin Fan from Huaxia?"

I heard that Huaxia will soon be able to manufacture a 3nm lithography machine.

It is precisely because of this incident that the stock price of Desmarck has also been affected.

Robert said, "Exactly!"

"That Lin Fan in China has created many business miracles, I think this news may be true!"

Robert didn't know that the Chinese he was going to deal with this time was Lin Fan.

If you know, you will definitely be mad.

Because Lin Fan is Robert's old opponent.

There was still not much expression on Gray's face.

"so what?"

"I entrusted you with the management of the company, shouldn't you come up with a response plan?"

The reason why Gray chose to reuse Robert was nothing more than his management skills.

Without Gray's support, Robert would never have achieved what he is today.

Robert said, "We monopolize the global high-end lithography machine market. If Huaxia can also manufacture high-end lithography machines, it will definitely have a great impact on us!"

"However, even if they can manufacture high-end lithography machines, there is no way to mass-produce them in the short term!"

Suddenly, Gray interrupted Robert.

"No, you think too highly of Chinese people!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is just a smoke bomb from Huaxia!"

"Don't worry about it!"

Gray didn't think the Huaxia people had that kind of ability.

He felt that Huaxia must have been sanctioned by their company, so he came up with such a method.

The purpose is to get Bismarck to revoke the ban.

"It's also possible!"

Robert echoed.

Gray gave Robert a thoughtful look.

"I heard that you also found someone from the Temple of God Killing to assassinate that Lin Fan of Huaxia?"

Robert didn't deny it, "There is such a thing!"

"But the Temple of Killing God has not done anything for a long time, and I don't know what the **** is going on!"

At the mention of this matter, Robert felt inexplicably irritable.

He even gave the deposit, but the Temple of Killing God has not acted until now.

Gray asked, "Do you think this Temple of Killing God is reliable?"

Robert thought for a while and said.

"It is said that the Temple of Killing God is now the largest organization in the entire killer world!"

"If even they can't get rid of Lin Fan, it will be so disappointing!"

Robert didn't know what the Temple of Killing God was about.

All he knows is that the Temple of Killing God is quite strong now.

"Mr. Gray, you should know the origin of the Temple of Killing God!"

Robert asked tentatively.

Gray is a big shot.

The world's top richest people.

It is even stronger than the Clark family that Dick belongs to.

So Robert felt Gray should know.

However, Robert really thinks too highly of Gray this time.

Because even Gray is still investigating the Temple of Killing God.

The strength of this killer organization that suddenly appeared cannot be underestimated.

Gray didn't answer Robert's question.

in silence.

But from Robert's point of view, it was obvious that Gray was hiding something on purpose.

There are some things that Robert is not easy to ask.

So he stopped asking.

As such a large killer organization, it is impossible for the Temple of Killing God to take the deposit and not do things.

So what Robert can do is to wait patiently.

"Mr. Gray, I won't bother you now!"

Seeing that Gray didn't speak, Robert took his leave and left.

Next, concentrate on dealing with Dick.

Dick was still lying on the hospital bed.

Since those few recordings leaked, Dick's condition has worsened again.

And Dick knew that this time he was really going to be over.

There are police guards outside the ward, and it is impossible to escape.

If Dick hadn't been seriously ill, he would have been taken back to the police station long ago.

"How is the situation now?"

Dick was lying on the hospital bed, his voice was weak, and he asked Heloise who was standing beside the bed.

Heloise looked serious, "Mr. Dick, I'm in trouble!"

"Now the voice of public opinion is very unfavorable to you!"

"Moreover, the police are still collecting more evidence!"

Dick said angrily, "It's all because of that **** Chinese!"

"Did you find him?"

Dick wished he could tear Lin Fan into pieces.

Heloise shook her head, "Not only are we looking for that Chinese man, but the police are also looking for it!"

"However, that Huaxia man didn't know where he hid, and he couldn't find it until now!"