Red Rose said, "Mr. Robert, if you want to cooperate, I welcome it!"

"But we are limited to a cooperative relationship!"

"You give me the money, I will do the work, it's that simple!"

Robert said, "But your attitude makes people doubt your ability to kill the temple!"

Red Rose laughed, "If you think so, Mr. Robert, then I can't help it!"

"Anyway, our Temple of Killing God is also the largest killer organization in the world!"

Robert held back the anger in his heart.

It was precisely because of the strength of the Temple of Killing God that he paid money to ask people from the Temple of Killing God to help him.

It's just that Red Rose's attitude is really unflattering.

"Okay, let's talk business!"

Robert didn't want to continue entangled in this matter.

After all, it is important to deal with Lin Fan.

Red Rose smiled happily, "I don't know what Mr. Robert wants to do with us this time?"

The money delivered to your door should not be in vain.

Last time they cheated Robert 10 billion.

It's a pity that Robert has been kept in the dark.

No, Robert came over to give money again.

Robert said, "Continue to deal with Lin Fan's action!"

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Red Rose froze for a moment and said.

"Mr. Robert, don't you want to play with us?"

"You canceled the mission not long ago, and now you want us to continue it!"

"Do you know how difficult it is for us to sneak into Huaxia?"

Of course, these words were all for Robert. In fact, they didn't send anyone to Huaxia at all.

They didn't take any action, and they cheated Robert ten billion.

Robert said coldly, "I don't want to hear you say this!"

"What I want is the result!"

"No matter how you say it, you also charged me 10 billion!"

Red Rose paused, then smiled, "Alright, if you want us to assassinate Lin Fan now, that's fine too!"

"One yard is one yard, pay the deposit first!"

The corner of Robert's mouth twitched and said angrily.

"Didn't I give you ten billion before?"

"Why is there still a deposit?"

Red Rose said, "That was our previous cooperation!"

"From the moment you cancel the order, the mission is over!"

"Mr. Robert, you are also a businessman, don't you even understand such simple common sense?"

Robert was at a loss for words, "Could you not be more flexible?"

"No matter how you say it, that's 10 billion!"

When he took out the money, Robert was very heartbroken.

Red Rose said with regret, "I'm sorry, Mr. Robert!"

"In order to deal with Lin Fan, we spent a lot of manpower and material resources in the early stage!"

"And the cancellation of the task was also proposed by you. If the deposit is refunded, who will bear our losses?"

Robert was shaking with anger, "That's 10 billion, I really want to know, how did you spend it?"

Red Rose said, "No comment on this point, after all, it involves confidentiality!"

Robert's lungs were about to explode.

But there is no way, after all, he is wrong in this matter.

Robert was thinking, if only the mission hadn't been cancelled.

Maybe Lin Fan has been dealt with long ago.

But there was no other way at that time, after all, it was Gray who gave the order himself.

Robert asked with gloomy and terrifying eyes.

"How much will this operation cost?"

Red Rose said, "15 billion!"

Robert's expression changed, "What?"

"15 billion, are you blackmailing?"

Red Rose's asking price this time was even higher than last time, no wonder Robert was so angry.

Red Rose said, "Mr. Robert, you should know Lin Fan's identity!"

"Besides, this is a special period, Lin Fan must have strengthened his precautions!"

"It's not easy for us to get close to Lin Fan!"

"I'll charge you a deposit of five billion yuan first, and after the matter is completed, you can send the rest of the money!"

Red Rose didn't dare to ask for too much deposit, she was afraid that she would drive Robert away.

Robert gritted his teeth and said.

"I can only give you a deposit of two billion!"

If Lin Fan could really be eliminated, the price of 15 billion would be acceptable.

My worst fear is that like last time, the money will never be returned.

"Two billion?"

Red Rose said, "Mr. Robert, you are looking down on me a bit!"

"It's just a deposit. After it's done, I will never lose you a penny!"

Red Rose said, "No, you have to pay a deposit of five billion first!"

"This is the rule!"

Robert had no choice but to speak.

"I have to think about it first!"

In fact, Robert didn't have that much money in his hands, so he had to ask Gray for instructions.

"no problem!"

After Red Rose finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

She smiled, "Robert, Robert, you alone, how can you beat Mr. Lin!"

After talking on the phone with Red Rose, Robert immediately contacted Gray.

"How about it?"

"What about the Temple of Killing God?"

Gray asked.

Robert said, "Mr. Gray, the fee for killing the gods is a bit high, 15 billion!"

"And you have to pay a deposit of 5 billion first!"

Hearing the price, Gray also frowned.

How does he feel that the people from the Temple of Killing God are playing tricks on them on purpose.

"Didn't you give a deposit before?"

"Why so much more?"

Gray felt a little upset.

Anyway, Robert is also the nominal chairman of the Bismarck Company.

Could it be that the Temple of Killing God doesn't give any face?

Robert said, "The previous order was cancelled, and they said that the money was paid to them as compensation!"

It can be explained in this way.

But Gray was still very angry.

Because this temple of killing the gods is a bit too arrogant.

"Mr. Gray, do you want to change?"

asked Robert.

Gray sneered, "Why change?"

"Isn't it five billion? Just give them!"

Robert said, "But..."

Gray laughed and said, "It would be great if Lin Fan could be eliminated from the Temple of Killing God!"

"If you can't get rid of it, the Temple of Killing God will definitely suffer a lot of vitality!"

"At that time, I will let them spit out their capital and profits!"

Gray decided to solve the Temple of Killing God together.

"I see!"

"It's still Mr. Gray who thinks far-reaching!"

Robert smiled smugly.

In fact, he was already unhappy with the Temple of Killing God.

Gray asked again, "Did the people in the Temple of Killing God say how long it will take to solve Lin Fan?"

Robert said, "Last time they said it would take about a month!"

"It should be the same this time!"

Gray said in a deep voice, "You directly give Ten Billion to the Temple of Killing God, and let them solve Lin Fan within a week!"

Gray didn't want to wait that long.

At that time, no matter what the result is, he will make Lin Fan and the Temple of Killing God disappear from this world.

Those who offend him will not end well.