Bismarck has monopolized the global high-end lithography machine market for so long.

Gray would never allow anyone to take away his interests.

Gray glanced at his housekeeper and said.

"In addition, you send more people to investigate the Temple of Killing God!"

"I'm afraid Robert can't handle this well!"

Counting it, it has been a while since Gray sent people to investigate the Temple of Killing God.

But didn't find much useful information at all.

This made Gray very puzzled.

Logically speaking, to form such a huge killer organization, the controller behind it should be a big shot.

However, even those in Durham's alliance said they didn't know.

This is very strange, besides the people in the Durham Alliance, who else has such a great ability?

The housekeeper guessed, "Mr. Gray, do you think this temple of killing the gods was created by some Chinese?"

After investigating for so long, the housekeeper always felt that she was looking in the wrong direction.


Gray shook his head, rejecting the housekeeper's guess.

"There is no such powerful person in Huaxia!"

The housekeeper stopped thinking about it, "That's true!"

"Mr. Gray, then I'll go down first!"

The housekeeper turned and left.

Gray lay on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

Lin Fan originally wanted to go back to the manor directly by car, but when he arrived at the place where Yang Linlin lived, he suddenly changed his mind.

He got out of the car, bought some fruit, and went to find Yang Linlin.

Walking to the door, Lin Fan knocked on the door.

Yang Linlin's mother came out to answer the door.

"Mr. Lin!"

The way Yang Linlin's mother looked at Lin Fan was different from before.

Lin Fan also noticed this.

Obviously, Yang Linlin had already told her mother about her pregnancy.

After all, even Su Ya and Song Xueer knew about it.

"Auntie, I bought some fruit!"

"Come in first!"

"Linlin is taking a shower!"

Lin Fan sat down on the sofa.

Not long after, Yang Linlin came out of the shower.

Yang Linlin's cheeks were a little rosy, and her black hair was also wet.

"Lin Fan, why are you here?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Just passing by here, come to see you!"

Seeing her mother busy in the kitchen, Yang Linlin sat down beside Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, I told my mother about the pregnancy!"

Lin Fan held Yang Linlin's hand and said.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, sooner or later!"

"Linlin, don't worry, I will take care of you!"

Seeing that the smile on Yang Linlin's face was missing from the past, Lin Fan felt very sorry.

Yang Linlin lowered her head slightly and asked.

"What did Su Ya say to Sister Xue'er?"

Lin Fan said, "Didn't you tell them too?"

"They all accepted you!"

"So don't put too much pressure on yourself in the future!"

"Be a bit happier!"

Yang Linlin didn't speak.

She still felt that the gap between herself and Lin Fan was too great.

If it wasn't for that night, would they be together now?

Yang Linlin was not quite sure.

Lin Fan said, "Linlin, let me take you out for a walk!"

He felt that Yang Linlin still had a knot in her heart that had not been opened.

Yang Linlin said, "How about tomorrow, I just took a shower!"

Lin Fan pulled Yang Linlin up, "It's okay, just go out for a walk!"

"You are pregnant now, you need to move around appropriately!"


Yang Linlin agreed.

She told her mother, then changed into her shoes, and walked out of the house with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan kept holding Yang Linlin's hand and walked towards the river.

"Lin Fan, aren't you afraid of being secretly photographed by others?"

Yang Linlin wanted to struggle away, but was held tightly by Lin Fan.

Anyway, Lin Fan is also a big shot now.

If it was secretly photographed by someone with other intentions, it would probably make headlines.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, I didn't do anything wrong, so what are you afraid of!"

Yang Linlin stopped talking and let Lin Fan hold hands.

Many lovers are walking hand in hand by the river, and some are chatting under the trees.

When the breeze blows on the face, you can feel a little bit of coolness.

Looking at Jiang Jing, Yang Linlin felt much better.

"Linlin, how about I take you to the movies?"

Yang Linlin shook her head, "It's a bit late now, let's try another day!"

"If I go back too late, my mother will worry!"

Lin Fan said, "Then tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow, I will take you to play by the way!"

Yang Linlin looked at Lin Fan's handsome face and asked.

"do you have time right now?"

"I heard that those foreign companies are thinking about how to deal with you!"

Knowing Lin Fan's current situation, Yang Linlin was somewhat worried.

Those foreign technology companies are powerful, maybe Lin Fan will suffer.

"It's not a big problem!"

"They can't do anything to me!"

The two continued to walk along the river.

After walking for a few more minutes, Yang Linlin's face suddenly became a little ugly.

She ran away from the trash can, seemingly wanting to throw up.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Fan followed and patted Yang Linlin's back lightly, feeling a little worried.

After a while, Yang Linlin said.

"I want to vomit, but I can't vomit!"

"It's a bit uncomfortable!"

Lin Fan supported Yang Linlin and said, "Forget it, go back first!"

Yang Linlin said, "Lin Fan, I've been wanting to vomit these days!"

"You are a doctor, why don't you help me look!"

Lin Fan nodded, feeling Yang Linlin's pulse.

"You are pregnant now, this is normal!"

"But pay attention to supplementing nutrition!"

"The daughter born in the future must be as beautiful as you!"

Yang Linlin asked curiously, "How do you know that I am pregnant with a daughter?"

Lin Fan laughed, "I didn't talk about this baby, I meant the future!"

Yang Linlin blushed, "In the future?"

"It's still early!"

"Lin Fan, do you like your daughter very much?"

Lin Fan shook his head, "Whether it's a boy or a girl, I like them all!"

The two chatted for a long time by the river.

Only then did Lin Fan send Yang Linlin back.

Yang Linlin felt very happy staying by Lin Fan's side, and all the troubles in her heart were swept away.

"Rest early, I'll come and find you tomorrow!"

Lin Fan sent Yang Linlin back to the door.

"The same to you!"

It wasn't until Lin Fan walked away that Yang Linlin reluctantly walked into the house.

One night passed.

The next day, Lin Fan drove to Yang Linlin's house.

He wanted to take Yang Linlin out to relax.


In Robert's villa.

It was already late at night, and Robert was alone in the study, drinking mulled wine.

"Lin Fan, you killed my son!"

"I won't let you go!"

Robert's heart was filled with hatred.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Robert said while drinking and drinking.

The female assistant opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that Robert was half drunk, he hurriedly reminded him.

"Mr. Robert, have a drink!"

"not good for health!"

Robert didn't listen to the female assistant and continued drinking.

The female assistant seemed a little helpless.