"Do not kill me!"

Robert's voice trembled.

"You better shut up!"

Red Rose said coldly.

The most important thing now is to leave here. It will be very troublesome when the local police arrive.

"Is it all withdrawn?"

Red Rose sat in the passenger seat and asked the driver.

The man nodded and said.

"They're all withdrawn!"

Red Rose said, "Then evacuate according to the original plan!"

"Get out of here as soon as possible!"


The man started the car and stepped on the accelerator.

The car quickly disappeared into the night.

At this time Robert was sitting in the back seat of the car, his face pale.

He couldn't figure out who would be so bold as to dare to attack him.

But now, it doesn't make any sense to think about it.

The most important thing is to find a way to escape.

"Mr. Robert, accept your fate!"

"You have no chance to escape!"

Seeing that Robert seemed to want to escape, Red Rose immediately sneered.

"Friend, let me go!"

"I'll give you as much money as you want!"

Robert said in a discussing tone.

He didn't know who these people were.

Red Rose laughed, "We paid such a high price to bring you out, how could we let you go back!"

Hearing what Red Rose said, Robert was keenly aware of something.

Make no mistake, these people wanted his life.

Thinking of this, Robert's face became even paler.

"Who the **** sent you here?"

Red Rose said, "You will know soon, Mr. Robert!"

The more Robert listened to Red Rose's voice, the more familiar it became.

Suddenly, he thought of the woman who had contacted the Temple of Killing God.

After all, it is a phone call, so the sound is a bit different.

"You... you are a person from the Temple of Slaughtering God?"

Robert wasn't so sure.

Red Rose glanced at Robert and admitted.

"Yes, you guessed it right!"

"We were talking on the phone just now!"

Robert's expression changed suddenly.

He couldn't figure out why the people from the Temple of Killing God would attack him.

"We are in a cooperative relationship now, why do you want to do it to me?"

"Besides, I have no grievances with your God-killing Temple!"

Red Rose just smiled and didn't speak.

If you want to blame... you can only blame you for offending Lin Fan.

Who is Lin Fan?

He is the true master of the Temple of Killing God.

Robert was a little annoyed and said.

"Your Temple of Killing the Gods received 10 billion from me, and you just do things for me like this?"

Red Rose looked away, but still didn't speak.

Because it's not about money at all.

If Lin Fan hadn't ordered Robert to be taken away first, she would have killed Robert with one shot.

"You guys are really too much!"

Robert was already so angry that he wanted to curse.

"You give me peace!"

The person next to him looked at Robert coldly and reminded him.

Robert was unwilling, but he could only shut up.

Because the other party has a gun.

In fact, Robert still had a little luck in his heart.

Because the people who killed the temple just took him away, but didn't kill him.

Does this mean that the people who killed the temple had another purpose?

However, now that he has fallen into the hands of the people who killed the gods, it is as difficult as heaven to escape.

Is it just waiting to die?

Robert glanced behind the car.

Now we can only hope that the police will catch up.

"Robert, you can't escape!"

The man next to him reminded with a smile.

Robert gritted his teeth and remained silent.

On the road at night, there are fewer passing vehicles.

More than ten minutes passed, and the red rose brought Robert to a building.

In Robert's villa, the police also rushed to the scene.

They were called to reports that Robert had been attacked.

But when they arrived at the scene, Robert had disappeared.

"Who will it be?"

"Dare to do something to Mr. Robert!"

The police officers who rushed to the scene were very puzzled.

"It is very likely that he is Mr. Robert's enemy!"

"Or maybe it was for money, so Mr. Robert was kidnapped!"

Someone guessed.

"Those people must not have gone far, chase after them immediately!"

"Also, get the surveillance video of the villa and see if you can find any useful clues!"

However, when they turned on the computer used for surveillance, they discovered that the surveillance camera had also been interfered with.

"The other party is obviously coming prepared!"

"Ask more people, and we must rescue Mr. Robert!"

Robert is the chairman of the Bismarck Company. If something like this happens, it will definitely attract the attention of the media.

The fact is exactly the same. Not long after Robert's accident, he attracted the attention of the Dutch media.

Once the story was reported, it quickly hit the headlines.

"What happened to Robert?"

"Who dares to cause trouble in the Netherlands?"

You know, even if Robert is placed in the world, he is still a big shot.

But something happened tonight.

Who is so bold?

Dare to offend Robert?

While everyone was still guessing, Gray's housekeeper quickly found Gray.

At this time, Gray was already asleep, and when he heard the knock on the door, Gray was also woken up.

"Mr. Gray!"

The housekeeper's voice came from outside the door.

Gray realizes something big is wrong.

Usually when he was asleep, no one dared to disturb him.

"What's wrong?"

Gray walked to the door in his pajamas and opened it.

"Mr. Gray, something serious happened!"

"Just now, Robert's villa was attacked!"

"Robert's bodyguards are all dead, and Robert's whereabouts are unknown!"

Gray's face changed, "What?"

"How could such a thing happen?"

The housekeeper said, "The news is true!"

"I've already checked!"

"The police are searching the whole city. The person who dealt with Robert should still be in the city!"

Gray's face darkened.

You know, Robert is his spokesperson.

And now something happened.

Who did it?

"How dare you come to Holland to make trouble!"

"Does the police have any clues?"

The housekeeper shook her head, "No!"

"By the time the police arrived on the scene, Robert had disappeared!"

Gray frowned and analyzed.

"Robert is gone, obviously taken away!"

"It's very likely that the other party didn't want Robert's life, but money!"

If it was Robert's enemy, he should have killed Robert in the villa.

But, whose courage is this?

Dare to kidnap the chairman of the Bismarck Company, Robert?

The housekeeper said, "I think so too!"

Gray pondered for a long time before speaking.

"You send more people out, and you must find Robert's whereabouts!"

"Also, tell Robert's family and ask them to prepare money. If those people really came for money, first redeem Robert!"