Ryan is a member of Du Lun, and has followed Du Lun for a long time.

He could be regarded as Du Lun's right-hand man, but now, he was actually killed.

There was a little more anger on Du Lun's old face.

Du Lun's eldest son shook his head, "I don't know too well!"

"Lian's subordinates just called me, and I'll come to you right away!"

Du Lun was dubious, "Could this be fake news?"

Du Lun's eldest son shook his head again, "It's not like that!"

"I have asked them to send me detailed information, and the truth will be known soon!"

Duran was lost in thought.

If this is true, who the **** is so bold.

In Dun City, is there anyone who doesn't know his name, Du Lun?

"Could it be him?"

Du Lun thought of someone, and his face instantly became gloomy.

The eldest son knew who Duran was referring to, said.

"Dad, it shouldn't be him!"

Duran was thoughtful, pacing back and forth in the hall.

After a while, Durham's eldest son also received an e-mail.

"Dad, look quickly!"

"Lian was killed by a man named Chen Kai!"

Du Lun frowned and walked over to have a look.

"Chen Kai?"

The people below did not dare to hide anything, and explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly.

After reading the email, Durham's eldest son was furious.

"Dad, this man named Chen Kai is really desperate!"

"I will give an order immediately to avenge Ryan!"

If you dare to offend the Kent family, you can't let the other party go.

However, the anger on Du Lun's face disappeared at this time.

become very calm.

He realized that the person who killed Ryan was not simple.


"This man named Chen Kai was not cut in the hands of Lai An, and in the end, Lai An was killed instead!"

Durham is suddenly interested in whoever killed Ryan.

Although he has many capable people under his command, he still wants to win them over.

Du Lun's eldest son said, "Dad, the most important thing now is to avenge Ryan!"

"If this matter gets out, it will damage the reputation of our Kent family!"

Du Lun shook his head, "No, since the other party can easily get rid of Ryan, they must have some skills!"

"Wouldn't it be better for such a person to be used by us!"

Du Lun's eldest son worried, "But this person's origin is unknown!"

"just in case…"

Du Lun waved his hand, "Just do what I say and talk to him!"

"If he can do things for our Kent family, that would be the best!"

"However, we need to collect more information about this person!"

Although Du Lun loves talent eagerly, but the necessary precautions are still indispensable.

Du Lun's eldest son thought for a while and said.

"Since that person dared to kill Ryan, he might not take our Kent family seriously!"

"Dad, I think this person is too dangerous!"

Du Lun was silent for a while, then said.

"You find a way to find him first!"

"If it can't be used by us, it won't be too late to get rid of him then!"

Du Lun's eldest son nodded, "Dad, I'll send someone to find him right away!"

After speaking, he left the hall.

Go down and arrange.

Du Lun felt a little irritable with his hands behind his back.

Because so much has happened during this time.

The rise of Lin Fan has seriously threatened their Durham Alliance.

If left alone, their interests will be eroded step by step.

From automobiles to medicine, and from lithography machines to chips, Lin Fan has mastered too many technologies.

This also completely lost the advantage of the Durham Alliance.

If things go on like this, the Durham Alliance will no longer have the influence it had before.

Before, they wanted to send someone to negotiate peace with Lin Fan.

If Lin Fan agreed to join the Durham Alliance, that would be a good result.

Unfortunately, Lin Fan refused.

In this case, the only choice is to get rid of Lin Fan.

However, Lin Fan is in China and is protected by China, which is very troublesome.

At this critical moment of sanctions, Bismarck had a new problem.

A fire broke out in the company and the production line was destroyed.

If Bismarck's three-nanometer lithography machine is delayed, it means that their initiative is gone.

"We must not continue to keep Lin Fan!"

Du Lun made up his mind.

Just when Du Lun was about to take a break, the phone rang.

He picked up his phone and looked at it, only to find that it was Gray calling.

"Mr Durham!"

"There's something wrong with me!"

Gray wants some help from Durham.

Du Lun said, "I've heard about it!"

After a pause, Du Lun said again, "Grey, you are really careless!"

"At such a critical time, there was an accident!"

Gray made a bitter face, "Mr. Durham, I don't want to do this either!"

"The company caught fire, and then even the lithography machine that was built sank into the sea. The company's stock plummeted, and my side suffered heavy losses!"

Du Lun said angrily, "What's the use of telling me this?"

"If you want to blame, I can only blame you for not being careful!"

"I also have shares in Bismarck. Am I not at a loss?"

"The most important thing now is to resume production!"

"Lin Fan's lithography machine has already been manufactured, if this continues, we will be very passive!"

"Also, you have to find a way to stabilize the company's stock price!"

Gray said, "Mr. Durham, I have done what I should do!"

"I guess, all these things are caused by that Lin Fan!"

"I can't think of anyone else except him!"

Gray hated Lin Fan to the core, but there was nothing he could do about Lin Fan.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Du Lun frowned, "So...you called to tell me this?"

Regardless of the strength of the Dulun Alliance, but at this time, there is no way to deal with Lin Fan.

Even sanctions are a way of killing one thousand enemies and harming one thousand.

Gray said, "Mr. Durham, I think our plan can be advanced!"

"This time we must get rid of Lin Fan!"

Du Lun was silent for a while, and said, "The people I sent out have sneaked into China!"

"I will let them do it as soon as possible!"

Gray was overjoyed, "Great!"

"As long as Lin Fan dies, I don't think anyone else would dare to make things difficult for us!"

Du Lun reminded, "Be careful over there, and there must be no more accidents!"

"If we can't beat Lin Fan in the field of lithography machines, then we are not far from failure!"

Gray said, "Don't worry, Mr. Duran, I will resume production as soon as possible!"

"Let's not disturb you now!"

After Du Lun hung up the phone, after thinking about it, he found another number and dialed it.

"Did Kane send any news from Huaxia?"

Du Lun asked directly.

The voice on the mobile phone said, "They said they have arrived in Shanghai, but they haven't found Lin Fan's whereabouts yet!"

Du Lun frowned, "How is that possible!"