Qin Huaisu held Jiang Changning in his arms with a cold face, even so, Jiang Changning still felt a long sigh of relief from the man behind her.

Knowing that Shen Dong was someone famous, Qin Huaisu’s tone was light but also with unquestionable firmness and warning: “Miss Jiang is with this king, so General Shen shouldn’t bother yourself.”

Jiang Changning ignored the big hands around her waist and faced Shen Dong.

“I would like to thank General Shen for his kindness, but I still have something to discuss with the prince, so General Shen can continue with his work.”

Does she want to drive me away?

Shen Dong evoked an interesting smile, said goodbye to Qin Huaisu without any further complaints, and rode away on the horse.

Seeing Shen Dong leave, Qin Huaisu’s expression softened a lot. He lowered his head and said earnestly: “That man is not upright. If you meet him again in the future, just beat him to death with a stick.”

“Death?” Jiang Changning stretched out her hand and pushed Qin Huaisu’s face away expressionlessly.

“What? Just say that the man was killed by this king’s people.” Qin Huaisu held Jiang Changning’s hand tightly, he got a happy look on his face.

He didn’t know what kind of product she used but how come her hands feel so soft and fragrant?

When Jiang Changning tried to pull back her hand back but failed several times. Her brows were furrowed, and she was about to get angry. Qin Huaisu gave in when he saw the look on her face and quickly let go.

Jiang Changning shamelessly wiped her hand on Qin Huaisu’s brocade robe again and again until the imaginary sticky feeling disappeared.

When Qin Huaisu saw the pair of white and tender hands started to turn red after rubbing against his clothes, he felt his throat tighten and his heart tremble.

There are so many thoughts in his head for a while, that he couldn’t help but felt a little distracted.

“Your Highness is a man of honour, and his status is noble, so he should be self-restraining and respectful. If it is reported that he is being contemptuous because of a woman, it will only make people laugh.” Jiang Changning sat upright, not daring to move in Qin Huaisu’s arms as they rode the horse together.

Qin Huaisu is the type of guy who doesn’t care about etiquette, righteousness or shame, and he can do whatever he likes. It’s okay to be a bad-hearted person, but he still has a bit of conscience and kindness in him.

He was distracted at the moment but snapped out of it when he heard her words. Seeing Jiang Changning advising him with a stern face was as sweet as eating osmanthus candy.

Look, she actually still thinking about this king in her heart, otherwise, why would she care about this king so much?

Jiang Changning looked up, and sure enough, she saw Qin Huaisu’s happy look. Astonished, her face blushed.

She looked away and remained silent. If she talks to this bastard prince again, her name will not be Jiang Changning.

For a moment, only the sound of horseshoes can be heard. With a sharp cry, a black eagle suddenly flew over their heads.

Qin Huaisu came back to his senses, he patted the steed under him: “What do you want to tell me?”

She doesn’t know Jiang Luo’s current plan, so they have no time to be chatting here. Maybe with the help of Qin Huaisu, she might find her faster.

Jiang Changning said seriously: “This girl and the second sister had some misunderstandings just now, and she went into the woods on impulse. The forest is full of dangers, and the second sister is delicate and weak and has no one to take care of her. Although we sisters had a rift before, currently we are away from home. As the eldest sister, this girl naturally has to take good care of her. I wonder if Your Highness can help this girl find the younger sister?”

Jiang Changning’s words were so affectionate that Qin Huaisu didn’t believe a word she said.

The two sisters are acting deeply in love and trying to treat him as a fool.

This king is not a stranger and yet this little girl is acting distant again.

While thinking about this, Qin Huaisu let the horse walk faster.

Riding a running horse will naturally be a bumpy ride, but fortunately, Jiang Changning learnt about protective gear usually worn by soldiers when riding a horse. She changed her clothes for today, so in case like her current situation, she didn’t have to suffer like yesterday.

Jiang Changning held onto Qin Huaisu’s arm tightly. Thinking of Jiang Changning’s pale face from fright yesterday, Qin Huaisu tried to control his speed.

While riding her bumpy ride, Jiang Changning could still look around in case that Jiang Luo was somewhere near.

Meanwhile, Qin Huaisu asked 886 to check where Jiang Luo was.

The two gradually approached the location of the prince.

The current situation of Qin Huaiyuan and his party was not very good.

Jiuyong Mountain was already heavily guarded. As a prince, if he goes hunting in the forest with many guards, he will inevitably be suspected of being weak and afraid of death.

Who doesn’t want the future monarch to be wise, courageous and resourceful?

So now besides Qin Huaiyuan’s chief servant, Ji, there are only five guards in golden armour with swords left.

But in front of them was a thick black bear with rough skin, ferocious and irritated. (t/n: the author wrote brown bear here but since it stated that the bear is black in the previous chapter, im just gonna use black bear)

The black bear’s rough skin and thick flesh moved swiftly, and he tried attacking several times. A couple of guards were more or less hurt by the bear’s incessant attack.

Qin Huaiyuan stopped any guards who wanted to ask for help from any other party.

If he couldn’t even deal with a single bear, then what’s the use of him as a prince?

Father once said that when he was young, he successfully killed a wolf with his bare hands. If he could kill the bear, everyone will be proud of him as his father’s legitimate son.

The black bear landed on all fours, and let out a low growl from its throat. It slowly backed away, as if it understood that the people in front of it were not easy to provoke, and it already had the intention to retreat.

Qin Huaiyuan naturally noticed the abnormality of the black bear.

He noticed that the black bear had been hunched over to protect its abdomen, so he guessed that was the black bear’s weak point. Just as he was about to charge up and slash it with his long sword, the bear let out a roar that shook the sky.

“Roar!!-” The black bear who had just roared, shook its huge bear body and stood up suddenly as if it just experienced great pain.

Everyone present noticed that something is wrong. Unfortunately, before Qin Huaiyuan and his party could react, they saw the black bear rushing towards them furiously, wanting to attack the prince.

“Prince, be careful!” The guard was shocked and hurried towards Qin Huaiyuan.

The black bear’s mouth was wide open, and its bite force was amazing. The moment it pounced, it revealed the belly it had been protecting all this time.

Qin Huaiyuan saw the opening and was about to stab at it when he saw a beautiful shadow rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed to block the black bear essentially blocking the prince’s target attack too.

Prince: …

Jiang Luo seized the opportunity to let the system stop the black bear’s actions, and the black bear stood in front of Jiang Luo in full view.

Its sharp claws even stayed on top of Jiang Luo’s head, but the black bear didn’t move a muscle until she took out the dagger hidden in her cuff and cut its throat.

Warm blood spurted out from the black bear’s throat and splashed on Jiang Luo and the prince.

The prince and his party were in a stalemate for half an hour, but the black bear was killed by a weak woman in just a few breaths.

They had never seen this woman before, but it suddenly dawned on them. She is Jiang Luo, the true daughter of the Hou Mansion who had recently entered the family.

The black bear’s huge body crashed to the ground, dust flying around. The knife wound on its neck kept gushing blood, creating a red pool that gradually flowed out on the ground like a small stream of river.

The stench of blood spread, and everyone recovered from the shocking scene just now.

“This girl, Jiang Luo greets the crown prince. Is the prince still okay?” Jiang Luo put away her dagger and turned to face the prince, saluting him with a smile.

This might be a heroic moment in a regular scenario. It was just that her cheeks were currently splashed with fresh blood, and her smile didn’t look gentle, but gloomy and terrifying.