Chapter 5227

Chengzhu mansion, study!

"Lord, it's late at night, madam. Let you go to bed."

A servant said outside the study.

"OK." The man sitting by the window in the study finally put down his book and walked out of the room.

Follow the servant to the lady's room.

But at the moment when he walked out of the study, Luo Cong suddenly frowned and seemed to feel something wrong.

Luo Cong's eyes gradually looked into the bamboo forest outside the study yard. He looked gloomy and went in.

On the dark ground, Luo Cong saw a pair of footprints.

"Here they are..."

Luo Cong whispered, "it doesn't seem to be the means of the Zhao criminal division. If it's the martial artist of the Zhao criminal division, how can it not hide his feet?"

The servant came to Luo Cong, saw the footprints in front of Luo Cong, and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter, Lord?"

Luo Cong straightened up and said in a cold voice, "give orders. There are assassins in the house. The whole house is blocked and searched with all your strength!"


"The legitimate daughter of the Chen family, the imperial capital, didn't expect to end up in such a situation. It's really sad."

A gust of wind blew, and Lin Bai appeared in the yard like a ghost.

Hearing the sound, the woman in the room immediately became vigilant and drank softly, "who!"

The woman's voice has a little vigilance, a trace of uneasiness and a trace of joy.

Then, holding a World War I oil lamp in her hand, she walked out of the dark inner room and looked at Lin Bai standing in the yard.

The woman looked up and down at Lin Bai, with a trace of indifference in her tone, and said, "you can sneak into places such as the Lord's house of Fengling city easily. It seems that you are not an ordinary person."

"Lin Bai, the three unique disciples of Tianshui sect, has seen the elder." Lin Bai gave a gentle boxing salute.

"It turned out to be a disciple of Tianshui sect. No wonder he has such great skills." The woman looked suddenly and nodded.

Although the woman was imprisoned in the small courtyard here, and her cultivation and meridians were exhausted, there was already a sense of pride of the superior in her speech.

Perhaps this is because she grew up in the imperial capital Chen's house for the first half of her life, which naturally formed a rebellious gas.

Lin Bai asked, "why did you get into such a situation, elder?"

Hearing this question, the woman's pale lips lifted a bitter smile, left a line of clear tears in her eyes, looked up to the sky and sighed, but she didn't say a word.

"Why are you here?"

Instead of answering Lin Bai's question, she asked about Lin Bai's origin.

Lin Bai arched his hand and said, "I said I was walking casually. Do you believe it?"

"Although my cultivation has been abolished, I'm not stupid." The woman smiled lightly and said, "these days, I heard the servant girls in the house talking about Kezhou. It is said that his highness King Chen came to Kezhou to lead a large army to destroy the blood god religion?"

"Did you come to Fengling city and sneak into the city master's house for this?"

Lin Bai said with a smile, "since the elder knows, the younger generation will ask if Luo Cong, the city master of Fengling City, is connected with the blood god cult?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, looked dull for a moment, and slowly replied, "No. Luo Cong asked a disciple of Tianzong. He was born in a famous and decent school. How can he do such activities as pigs and dogs."

"Ha ha ha." Lin Bai laughed out loud, looked at the woman quite speechless and said, "senior, you are really in love with Luo Cong, but it seems that Luo Cong is like a wolf in the heart and a dog in the lung to you."

"Your Highness King Chen has actually mastered the evidence of Luo Cong's crime. I came here first. Later, your highness King Chen will lead the army."

"Luo Cong, sooner or later, he will die!"

The woman sneered: "little doll, where are you going to deceive me? I just said that although my cultivation was abolished, I'm not stupid."

"If his highness King Chen really dared to move Luo Cong lightly, he wouldn't send you to Fengling city."

"I know better than you how deep the water is in Kezhou. The city leaders of the major cities in Kezhou are all the disciples and old officials of the dignitaries in the dynasty. It's more difficult to kill them than to ascend to heaven. If his highness King Chen is a little careless, he will make enemies on all sides. This is not the situation that his highness King Chen wants to see!"

Lin Bai's face was slightly heavy and his heart was cold. He didn't expect this woman to have such insight.

Immediately, Lin Bai changed his mind and asked, "if Luo Cong did this to you, do you want to cover him up?"

The woman was silent and tears fell in her eyes: "he was just... Deceived by a traitor!"

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Lin Bai had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Lin Bai wanted to get something about Luo Cong from the woman's mouth.

After all, the identity and origin of this woman is very special. She is the legitimate daughter of the imperial capital Chen family.

As long as she is willing to testify, Luo Cong will die.

But Lin Bai never thought that there were such infatuated women in the world.

Luo Cong is so cruel to her that she still hopes for Luo Cong.

"I won't tell anyone about your coming here."

"Before Luo Cong finds you, leave quickly. Otherwise, once he finds you, I'm afraid your cultivation will not be his opponent."

The woman made an eviction order.

Lin Bai asked, "senior, can I tell the Chen family about your situation here?"

"Now several predecessors of the Chen family are in Kezhou, and Chen Yule, the son of the Chen family, is also in Kezhou."

A touch of tenderness appeared in the woman's eyes and whispered, "fish music, that boy has become the son?"

"No!" The woman resolutely rejected Lin Bai and said, "you don't have to take care of my business."

The woman knew very well that if the imperial capital Chen family knew his situation in Fengling City, they would be furious.

The direct daughter of the Chen family is not an ordinary ethnic group.

The legitimate daughter is the lineal lineage and the purest member of the Chen family.

In terms of seniority, even Chen Yule, the contemporary son of the Chen family, had to call her aunt when he saw this woman.

So she knew that once the Chen family knew his situation, Luo Cong would be destroyed!

"No wonder you have been imprisoned in this courtyard for so many years and haven't asked the Chen family for help. It turns out that you still love Luo Cong!"

"Ask the world what love is. It's just a promise of life and death!"

Lin Bai said with emotion.

Just then.

Outside the small courtyard, there was a sudden noise.

"Look over there."

"Block the city Lord's house and don't let a bird go!"

In the distance, the roar of the warriors echoed in the city master's house.

Seeing this, Lin Bai couldn't help but sink his face and immediately said, "senior, come back and visit another day. I'll leave!"

With that, Lin Bai turned and disappeared into the courtyard.

Not long.

When a group of warriors came to the courtyard and saw the pale woman standing on the steps, their eyes could not help but be frightened.

These warriors were still a little humble, bent down and asked, "have you seen your wife?"

The woman asked calmly, "what's the matter?"

The first soldier said, "an assassin has entered the house, and we are chasing him. At the order of the city Lord, I came to visit my wife. Is my wife frightened? Is there the whereabouts of the assassin?"

The woman's eyes were numb, shook her head and said, "No."

The armour's eyes were burning. Her eyes scanned around. The woman saw the armour's eyes and said with a smile: "if you want to come in and search, come and search. Anyway, the house is not very big, and you can finish the search soon."

The first soldier got permission and saluted with a fist: "thank you, madam. We are also under orders."

The woman nodded, "I understand."

"Search!" The first soldier rushed into the house and rummaged through the boxes to find it.

After a search, they didn't find any trace before they turned and left.

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