Chapter 5325

On the top of the mountain, the emperor sat speechless and crossed his knees, chanting the Buddhist scriptures.

Lin Bai thought a little. Emperor Wuyan appeared here. There are giant animals in the mountain. It is obvious that this giant animal is the prey of emperor Wuyan.

Emperor Wuyan is the No. 1 scholar in the list of Taoist gods in the state of Chu. He can be regarded as the most powerful one among the Seven Saints of the five families in the state of Chu. Lin Bai doesn't want to be hostile to Emperor Wuyan unless he has to.

Moreover, the hunting has just started, and Lin Bai doesn't have to offend the emperor for a giant beast in the mountain.

At this point, Lin Baimo silently turned and left.

Lin Bai expressed his attitude that he would not compete with emperor Wuyan for this giant beast.

But just as Lin Bai turned around, Emperor Wuyan quietly appeared in front of Lin Bai and stopped Lin Bai's way.

"Lin Bai of Tianshui sect, I've seen elder martial brother."

Lin Bai smiled and bowed his hand.

The five families and seven sects of the state of Chu belong to the jurisdiction of the state of Chu.

Therefore, many disciples of the seven sects of the five families call each other "martial brothers".

"Since the giant beasts in the mountain here are the prey of senior brother, I won't bother you." Lin Bai smiled and bowed his hand, and wanted to turn and leave with a flying sword.

At the moment when Lin Bai turned around, Emperor Wuyan appeared in front of Lin Bai again.

He was still expressionless, staring at Lin Bai gently with a pair of eyes that seemed to have suffered all the vicissitudes and suffering.

Emperor Wuyan stopped Lin Bai twice and made Lin Bai frown: "what's the meaning of senior brother? I've already said that I won't compete with senior brother for this giant beast."

"Why did senior brother stop me twice?"

Lin Bai asked suspiciously.

The emperor was silent and just looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai wondered. If he didn't feel any murderous spirit and opportunity from emperor Wuyan, Lin Bai thought emperor Wuyan wanted to target himself?

"Why don't you speak, elder martial brother?"

Lin Bai was stunned and asked again.

The emperor was silent.

Lin Bai said, "since elder martial brother doesn't speak, I'll leave."

Lin Bai turned and left for the third time, but just a few steps away, Emperor wordless appeared in front of Lin Bai again.

Lin Bai took a deep breath and asked impatiently, "elder martial brother, what does this mean? Tianshui sect and Kuzen sect don't seem to have any disputes?"

"Is elder martial brother as unreasonable as Tiandi sect disciples?"

East celestial palace.

Several elders of tiantianmen heard this sentence, clapped the case and angrily scolded: "how dare the Yellow mouth child of Tianshui sect talk nonsense? When was tiantiantianmen unreasonable?"

The roars of these elders echoed in the fairy palace.

Chu emperor smiled coldly and didn't say anything.

Other martial artists reminded me that something was wrong with the elders of Tiandi gate. This is the East heaven fairy palace. How can you lose your demeanor and shout in front of the Chu emperor?

Several elders quickly pleaded guilty and smiled. Then they sat down.

In front of sin dragon mountain.

Emperor Wuyan had no emotional fluctuation on his handsome and beautiful face.

He looked at Lin Bai calmly with his eyes full of vicissitudes.

Facing Lin Bai's question, the emperor was silent and did not answer.

Lin Bai frowned and asked, "elder martial brother, do you want to kill me?"

The Emperor didn't answer.

He didn't just say a word, he didn't even have an expression.

Is it really confusing for Lin Bai?

Lin Bai thought that if emperor Wuyan wanted to kill himself, he wouldn't play charades with himself at all.

"Don't kill me and don't let me go..."

Lin Bai frowned, looked back at the mountain and asked, "elder martial brother, do you want me to help hunt the giant animals in the mountain?"

"Is this monster so strong? Even elder martial brother can't kill him?"

The emperor was silent, calm and did not respond.

A fire rose in Lin Bai's heart.

It's so urgent!

What do you mean by not answering anything, not letting yourself go, and not killing yourself?

"I want to go, but elder martial brother will still stop me, right?"

Lin Bai asked.

Emperor wordless looked at Lin Bai calmly.

Lin Bai seemed to read his meaning from the emperor's wordless eyes.

He will stop Lin Bai again.

Lin Bai asked again, "is there any danger ahead? That's why senior brother stopped me?"

Emperor Wuyan stared at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai read his meaning from his eyes... There is no danger ahead.

Lin Bai asked, "elder martial brother, do you want me to help hunt giant animals?"

Emperor Wuyan's eyes trembled. It seemed that he didn't want to hunt the giant animals in the mountain.

"Don't let me go? Don't kill me?"

"There's no danger ahead, and don't let me help hunt giant beasts?"

"What did the elder martial brother keep me for?"

Lin Bai was puzzled.

Then Lin Bai's eyes flashed and asked, "elder martial brother wants to get the giant beast in the mountain, right?"

A soft light appeared in the emperor's wordless eyes.

Seeing this look, Lin Bai knew he was right.

Emperor wordless stopped Lin Bai from leaving, hoping that Lin Bai could help him.

But not to help him hunt the giant animals in the mountain, but to help him get the giant animals in the mountain.

Lin Bai asked, "elder martial brother, do you want to get the giant beast in the mountain? Do you want to tame him and let him be your spiritual pet?"

The emperor's wordless eyes were depressed. Obviously, it was not the original intention of emperor wordless to recover the giant beast in the mountain as a spiritual pet.

Lin Bai frowned and got the giant beast in the mountain. Doesn't he just want to make him a spiritual pet?

But why did emperor Wuyan have such eyes?

Lin Bai thought again and asked, "elder martial brother doesn't want to recover him as a spiritual pet? Is it that elder martial brother is ashamed of him?"

Emperor Wuyan showed a happy look on his face and a surprise light in his eyes.

Lin Bai knows that he is right.

But to Lin Bai's surprise... How could a giant beast in Dongtian hunting Park intersect with emperor Wuyan?

Lin Bai asked, "so elder martial brother wants me to help you reconcile?"

On the emperor's wordless and expressionless face, a charming smile slowly appeared on the corners of his lips.

Lin Bai guessed right.

Lin Bai scratched his head in distress: "but I don't know what grudges senior brother has with this giant beast. How can I reconcile you with him?"

Emperor Wuyan raised his hand and pointed to a dark cave in the middle of the mountain ahead.

That means, it seems to let Lin Bai in.

Lin Bai asked, "elder martial brother, do you want me to go in and lead him out?"

Emperor wordless nodded, and then shook his head.

Lin Bai clenched his fist secretly. If the man in front of him was not the emperor, Lin Bai really wanted to slap him.

Can you speak clearly? Why do you have to play charades?

I don't understand.

But Lin Bai asked patiently, "didn't you ask me to lead him out?"

"Do you want me to go in and be your lobbyist?"

"Help you deliver the message?"

Emperor wordless smiled and nodded.

At this time, Lin Bai finally understood that emperor wordless stopped himself just to make himself a microphone.

Lin Bai asked, "what message does elder martial brother want me to send?"

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