Chapter 6043

Bai Yifei, Zhou Xinjun, Yi Zien and others disguised themselves and went to the dark world to investigate Xia Jingzhi's information.

However, the dark world knew very little information about Xia Jingzhi. It only knew that Xia Jingzhi was the core disciple of the Southern Border Insect Valley. He was an orphan in the southern region without father or mother.

Thousands of years ago, Xia Jingzhi betrayed Nanjiang Chonggu and escaped from the southern region, and Nanjiang Chonggu also issued an order to chase and kill the demon world.

Later, Xia Jingzhi appeared in the capital of the Chu Kingdom for a while, but quickly disappeared without a trace.

The dark world has provided a lot of information, almost every hundred years, they can get some information about Xia Jingzhi.

But they didn't know where Xia Jingzhi was.

But in this way, it can be confirmed that Xia Jingzhi is indeed still in the imperial capital, but he just doesn't know where he is hiding?

Bai Yifei, Zhou Xinjun and the others also pondered for a long time, but still had no solution.

Everyone stood outside Lin Bai's courtyard, looked at Lin Bai's courtyard, and sighed softly: "We have nothing to do now, and we only hope that Brother Shengzi can think of something."

They waited for a while outside Lin Bai's house, Qiao Mo knocked on the door several times, but Lin Bai refused to see any visitors.

In a flash, several days passed.

Qiao Mo, Bai Yifei, Zhou Xinjun and others came to Lin Bai's house again.

"Brother Shengzi."

Bai Yifei stepped forward and knocked on the door.

This time, Lin Bai did not close the door to see visitors, but opened the door on his own initiative.

Bai Yifei, Qiao Mo and the others showed joy. After half a month, Lin Bai was finally willing to leave the courtyard.

The door opened, and Bai Yifei, Qiao Mo and others were shocked when they saw Lin Bai.

Lin Bai in front of him had disheveled hair, bloodshot eyes, pale and haggard complexion, and a scrawny body, as if he had gone mad in cultivation.

"Brother Shengzi, you..." Both Bai Yifei and Qiao Mo turned pale with shock.

Only then did Lin Bai notice his situation, and smiled wryly, "I'm fine, I just overdrawn my mind."

When Bai Yifei and Qiao Mo heard the words, their expressions showed helplessness and self-blame.

Lin Bai was worried about Tianshuizong's affairs, but they couldn't do anything.

Qiao Mo said softly, "Senior Brother Shengzi, if you can't think of a good countermeasure, then don't think about it for now."

"Why don't you go out for a walk?"

"Maybe you can still open your mind?"

Bai Yifei also echoed and said: "Yes, Emperor Chu's birthday is approaching, and the imperial capital is getting more and more lively."

Zhou Xinjun said: "Sage Chen Yule, Sage Meng Qinxian and others sent invitation letters many times, inviting you to the banquet, but you didn't go."

Hearing everyone's advice, Lin Bai looked up to the sky and sighed, then smiled, "It's fine to go out for a walk."

"I'm really tired too."

"Later, I'll go wash up."

Hearing that Lin Bai was willing to go out for a walk, Bai Yifei and Qiao Mo were overjoyed and quickly agreed.

After a while, Lin Bai finished washing and dressed neatly, and then a group of Tianshui Sect disciples took to the street.

As the birthday of Emperor Chu got closer, more and more warriors arrived in the imperial capital, and the imperial capital became more and more lively.

In the market, merchants from all over the world set up stalls here, selling rare treasures from other territories.

The dazzling array of treasures is dazzling.

There are also a lot of treasures, which are indeed very interesting.

Lin Bai walked in the middle, Bai Yifei and Qiao Mo followed, besides, Zhou Xinjun, Yi Zien, Li Juenian, Qin Yao, Fang Yuanshu, Ye Guyu and other disciples of Tianshui Sect also accompanied him.

The disciples of Tianshui Sect stopped and walked in the market, watching the excitement.

The gloom in Lin Bai's heart was gradually swept away, and his eyes were full of vitality and enthusiasm again.

"Old man, the word 'storyteller' hangs on your booth. I don't know what book you are talking about? How do you charge for it?"

When Lin Bai and the Tianshui sect were walking forward, a young man asked an old man at a roadside stall not far ahead.

The stall owner was a thin old man in a gray robe with a benevolent look.

At this moment, he was sitting behind the booth with his eyes closed and meditating.

His booth is also very simple, with a table for the Eight Immortals, four benches, and a flag erected beside it, with twelve big characters written on it: "Tell all the heroes in the world, and tell all the mysteries of the ages."

Storytellers are not uncommon in today's martial arts world.

In this world, martial arts are respected, strength is respected, and everyone worships the strong.

There are many storytellers who compile the deeds of the world's proud leaders and unrivaled heroes into books, and they enjoy storytelling in the streets and alleys.

There are many storytelling stalls like this in the imperial capital. Lin Bai didn't want to waste time, so he planned to walk over directly.

But when Lin Bai passed the bookstore, he took a glimpse and saw the twelve big characters written on the banner.

Immediately, Lin Bai took a deep breath and laughed uncontrollably, "Hehe, this storyteller speaks so loudly."

Bai Yifei squinted his eyes, glanced at the banner, and said with a smile, "It's true that you're quite serious. How dare you write such crazy words on the signboard as 'talk about the heroes of the world, tell the mysteries of all ages'."

Yi Zien said: "The devil world is vast, and heroes are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are countless of them. How can he be the one who can speak cleanly with a fleshy mouth?"

Li Juenian said coldly: "The years of the devil world are boundless, how can he know the mysteries of the ages?"

Not only Lin Bai felt that the storyteller's tone was a bit loud, but also other disciples of Tianshuizong.

Talk about all the heroes in the world, and tell all the mysteries of the ages.

This tone is a bit outrageous.

Lin Bai smiled, although he thought the storyteller's tone was too loud, but he didn't want to delay his business, let alone smash his brand.

He wanted to go straight ahead and ignore it.

But just as Lin Bai left, he heard the voice of the storyteller, "This old man's storytelling is different from others, and he only tells it to those who are destined to hear it."

The young man standing in front of the booth frowned and asked, "How can you be considered destined?"

The storyteller said: "The old man says there is a destiny, then it is destined, if the old man says there is no destiny, then it is not destined."

The young man was obviously a little angry, and asked: "You old man, you are really rude. Your signboard reads 'Talk about the heroes of the world, and tell the mysteries of the ages'. You are not afraid of biting your tongue with such a loud tone?"

The storyteller said, "You haven't even heard my storytelling, so how do you know I'm talking big?"

"You don't need to listen, I know it." The young man grinned, "The devil world has been going on for so long, how can you be the one who can tell the truth?"

"There are countless heroes in the world, how can you be the one who can explain clearly in a few words?"

The storyteller was not angry, but chuckled lightly and said, "Is the age in the devil world very long? In my opinion, it's only nine inches."

"Are there many heroes in the devil world? In my opinion, there are only seven of them!"

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